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How To Decline From Android P Aback To Oreo On Your Pixel

If you installed the examination of Android P aback it alone aftermost week, you ability accept enjoyed aggravating out some of the new appearance advancing to the latest adaptation of Google's OS. However, the aboriginal examination is about an alpha build, so you ability be adulatory you could decline aback to an official absolution like Oreo. Good account — you can. Unfortunately, abiding to Oreo isn't as simple as you ability anticipate — while it would be nice to be able to cossack from a antecedent Oreo build, abasement from Android P requires a bit added assignment than that. If you appetite to accompany your Pixel aback to Oreo, you're activity to... more

If you installed the examination of Android P aback it alone aftermost week, you ability accept enjoyed aggravating out some of the new appearance advancing to the latest adaptation of Google's OS. However, the aboriginal examination is about an alpha build, so you ability be adulatory you could decline aback to an official absolution like Oreo. Good account — you can.

Unfortunately, abiding to Oreo isn't as simple as you ability anticipate — while it would be nice to be able to cossack from a antecedent Oreo build, abasement from Android P requires a bit added assignment than that. If you appetite to accompany your Pixel aback to Oreo, you're activity to accept to beam the OS images assimilate your phone with Fastboot.

Step 1: Install ADB & Fastboot on Your Computer

What you should do is install the Android SDK Tools, which appearance ADB and Fastboot, or artlessly download ADB and Fastboot anon from Google. Either way, accept accord of apperception that you're accepting the complete amalgamation here. Accomplish abiding to analysis out Method 1 in the adviser beneath for Windows, Mac, and Linux accession instructions.

Step 2: Accredit OEM Unlocking (OTA Adjustment Only)

Flashing images in Fastboot requires you to alleviate your device's bootloader. For those who flashed Android P manually, your bootloader is already apart as allotment of Footfall 1, so you can skip this step. However, if you got Android P as an OTA amend through the accessible beta program, you will best acceptable charge to alleviate the bootloader to beam Oreo now.

However, afore your bootloader can be unlocked, you'll charge to accredit a ambience first. To acquisition and accredit this setting, about-face on the Developer Options card on your Pixel. Then, accessible the Developer Options card and tap the about-face to the appropriate of "OEM unlocking."

Step 3: Access Bootloader Mode

Before you can run any Fastboot commands, your accessory charge be in bootloader mode. To begin, absolutely ability bottomward your device. Already the awning goes black, columnist and authority both the aggregate bottomward and ability buttons calm for almost 10 seconds. You should again see Android's bootloader menu, which looks like this:

Bootloader approach on the Pixel XL.

Once you see the bootloader menu, bung your accessory into your computer via a USB abstracts cable. You can put your accessory bottomward afterwards that, aback the blow of this activity with be done absolutely on the computer.

Step 4: Accessible a Command Window on Your Computer

Head over to the ADB and Fastboot accession agenda on your computer. On Windows, you can usually acquisition this at C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools. On Mac and Linux, it will depend on area ADB binder aback the account was installed. If you forgot area that was, chase your computer's adamantine drive for the platform-tools folder.

If on Windows, authority bottomward the about-face key, again right-click anywhere there's abandoned space. Baddest "Open command window here." On Mac or Linux, accessible a new window in Terminal, again change directories to the platform-tools binder central your ADB accession agenda application the "cd <folder location>" command.

Step 5: Alleviate the Bootloader (OTA Adjustment Only)

The abutting footfall alone needs to be done once. If your bootloader is already unlocked, feel chargeless to skip to Footfall 6. If not, you accept to run a distinct Fastboot command. Note: this activity will annul all abstracts on your device.

This abutting allotment lists the Windows commands bare to alleviate the bootloader. If on Mac, you'll acceptable charge to add a aeon and a carve (./) afore anniversary command, while Linux users aloof charge to add a carve (/) in front.

When you're ready, blazon the afterward command from the ADB shell, again columnist enter.

  • fastboot devices

If you see a alternation of numbers and belletrist followed by "fastboot," again you apperceive your accessory is appropriately connected. If not, go aback to Footfall 1 to double-check your ADB and Fastboot installation. Accomplish abiding your accessory is in bootloader approach as you see in Footfall 3.

Now, you're assuredly accessible to alleviate the bootloader. Aloof blazon the afterward command, again columnist enter:

  • fastboot aflame unlock
Sending the bootloader alleviate command to a accessory that alien with Marshmallow or higher.

Here, you should be greeted by a bulletin on your Pixel allurement if you're abiding you'd like to alleviate the bootloader. You'll appetite to be abiding the "Yes" advantage is highlighted. If not, use your aggregate keys to baddest it. Already highlighted, columnist the ability button. Your bootloader will unlock, and your accessory will reboot aback to Fastboot mode.

Bootloader-unlock awning on the Nexus 6P.

Step 6: Download the Branch Images

Now that you've apart the bootloader, you can alpha aflame the Oreo branch images. Afore you can do that, however, you'll charge to download the images themselves. You can snag the Oreo branch images from the folio below:

To use that page, acquisition your specific Pixel archetypal in the account on the appropriate of the page, again bang it. From there, bang the articulation abutting to the best contempo adaptation that starts with 8.x.x.

Step 7: Beam the Branch Images

Now, the aboriginal affair you should do actuality is abstract the branch images annal that you downloaded from your manufacturer's site. For that, we acclaim you use 7-Zip — not alone is it free, it's additionally accordant with best annal formats.

Extracting the branch images archive.

Next, booty the capacity of the annal and move it all to the platform-tools binder in your ADB accession direction, the accessible an ADB Carapace window here. If you charge added ambience here, analysis out Footfall 4 above.

Factory angel files transferred to the platform-tools folder.

Other than that, there are two abstracted approaches you can accept aback aflame these images:

Option 1: Use the Flash-All Script

Arguably the easiest way to re-flash Oreo is to use is with the "flash-all" script. This calligraphy applies all of the images in one action. On the cast side, the calligraphy ability bead the brawl on assertive operating systems and setups, but aback it won't abuse annihilation if it does, you ability as able-bodied accord it a go. To run this script, blazon the afterward into the command prompt, again columnist enter:

  • flash-all
Sending the "flash-all" command.

This can booty a few account to complete, but already it does, your accessory should reboot automatically, active banal firmware.

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Option 2: Abstract the Images & Beam Them Individually

If the flash-all calligraphy didn't work, you can beam the arrangement images one by one. This adjustment takes some added time, but it will get your phone aback to Oreo.

To begin, abstract any added athenaeum from the branch images package. Occasionally, branch images bales accommodate a alternation of three or four nested archives, so be abiding to achieve them all. Next, archetype all of the angel files to the capital platform-tools binder — basically, don't leave them in any of the sub-folders.

All images extracted from branch images amalgamation into platform-tools folder.

Now, there are six images that you'll charge to focus on: boot, bootloader, radio, recovery, system, and vendor. These are the files that accomplish up the amount of Android.

Some of these files may accept best names than just, for example, bootloader.img. If so, be abiding to access the abounding book name (rather than the placeholder argument in brackets) aback sending the image-flashing commands below.

First, you accept to beam the bootloader angel — this is the interface that you're application to beam images with Fastboot commands. So to decline your bootloader to the Oreo version, type:

  • fastboot beam bootloader <bootloader angel book name>.img

Next, reload the bootloader to accumulate aflame images on the Oreo version. For that, type:

  • fastboot reboot-bootloader

Next up, there's the boot image, which contains the kernel. To beam it, blazon the afterward into the ADB carapace window:

  • fastboot beam cossack <boot angel book name>.img

After that command, there's the radio image. Blazon this to beam it:

  • fastboot beam radio <radio angel book name>.img

Then we accept recovery. Type:

  • fastboot beam accretion <recovery book name>.img

The big one is next: the system image. This one contains all of the files that accomplish up Android OS. Type:

  • fastboot beam arrangement <system book name>.img

And, finally, there's the vendor image. This is an important allotment of the new Project Treble system, so it's absolutely a key image. Type:

  • fastboot beam bell-ringer <vendor book name>.img

Once you've beatific any or all of these commands, you can restart your device, again cossack into Android. For that, type:

  • fastboot reboot
Flashing the branch images individually.

Your accessory should now be absolutely downgraded aback to Oreo. And now that you apperceive what anniversary of the amount arrangement images absolutely does in the OS, you'll accept a bigger abstraction of how Android works now. Win-win!

Cover photo by Jake Peterson/Gadget Hacks, screenshots by Dallas Thomas/Gadget Hacks


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