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How To Install Android P On Your Pixel Application A Mac

While installing the new Android P Developer Preview is adequately accessible if you're application a Windows machine, it's a little trickier if you appetite to use macOS instead. To advice you get the latest Android OS on your Google Pixel phone, we'll breach bottomward the accomplished action so application your Mac can be as simple as Windows. This isn't a absolutely foolproof adjustment of installing the Android P branch angel from Google assimilate your Pixel, but there are some troubleshooting tips at the end of this commodity should you run into any accepted problems. If you acquaintance annihilation not listed here, let us apperceive in the comments... more

While installing the new Android P Developer Preview is adequately accessible if you're appliance a Windows machine, it's a little trickier if you appetite to use macOS instead. To advice you get the latest Android OS on your Google Pixel phone, we'll breach bottomward the accomplished action so appliance your Mac can be as simple as Windows.

This isn't a absolutely foolproof adjustment of installing the Android P branch angel from Google assimilate your Pixel, but there are some troubleshooting tips at the end of this commodity should you run into any accepted problems. If you acquaintance annihilation not listed here, let us apperceive in the comments, and we'll try to advice you out!

Step 1: Download the Android P File

To get the latest Android P adaptation on your Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, or Pixel 2 XL, arch to Google's Android P Developer Preview aflame page, afresh download the adapted book for your Pixel device. Once downloaded, go to your "Downloads" folder, and achieve it if it didn't do it automatically.

Step 2: Set Up Fastboot on Your Mac

In adjustment to alleviate the bootloader afterwards and beam the arrangement image, we'll charge Fastboot installed, which can be begin in the SDK Platform-Tools from Google. You can download the latest adaptation beeline from Google. That articulation will consistently be the best abreast version, so use it whenever you appetite to accomplish abiding you accept the latest one available.

Once downloaded, achieve the in your "Downloads" binder if it didn't achieve already. I like to move the consistent "platform-tools" binder over to my "Applications," but you can leave it in "Downloads" if you want.

  • More Info: How to Install ADB & Fastboot on Mac, Linux & Windows

Step 3: Move Android P Files to Platform-Tools

To accomplish this cool accessible later, annoyance all of the files begin in the Android P Developer Preview angel binder that you abashed in Footfall 1 over to the "platform-tools" folder, wherever you put that. You could additionally aloof archetype and adhesive them if you don't appetite to annoyance and drop.

Step 4: Alleviate Developer Options (If Not Already Done)

On your Pixel, you'll charge to accredit "OEM unlocking." This advantage can alone be begin in a abstruse developers-only binder which anyone can unlock.

Open up your Settings as you commonly would, afresh baddest "System." From there, tap "About phone," afresh tap the "Build number" at the basal at atomic 7 times in accelerated assumption until you see "You are now a developer" arise (you may charge to admission your PIN aboriginal afore you see the bulletin appear).

  • More Info: How to Accredit Developer Options on Your Phone or Tablet

Step 5: Accredit OEM Unlocking

Now that the "Developer options" accept been unlocked, go aback to the "System" card in Settings, and tap on the now apparent option. Scroll bottomward and acquisition "OEM unlocking," afresh accomplish abiding it's toggled on. If it's grayed out and already toggled on, there's a acceptable adventitious your bootloader is already unlocked.

  • More Info: The Complete Adviser to Aflame Branch Images Appliance Fastboot

Step 6: Affix Pixel to Mac in Bootloader Mode

In adjustment to run Fastboot commands, your Pixel will charge to be in bootloader mode, so ability off your Pixel. Back the awning is black, columnist and authority the ability and aggregate bottomward buttons calm for about 10 seconds, until Android's bootloader ancestor up. There will be a account of an Android apprentice with an admission console opened on it, forth with "Start" up top, and some accessory advice in the basal left. Back you're there, affix your Pixel to your Mac appliance an adapted USB cable.

If your bootloader is already unlocked, you can skip bottomward to Footfall 8 now.

Step 7: Alleviate Your Bootloader

If you haven't already apart your bootloader, you should do so now. How do you apperceive if you are apart or not? If you aloof came from Footfall 6, it will additionally say "locked" or "unlocked" at the basal of the screen. Alternatively, whenever you restart your Pixel, if you see an apart lock figure at the basal of the Google burst page, you're unlocked. If there's annihilation there, you're not, and you'll charge to do this footfall afore continuing on.

Also agenda that unlocking your bootloader will apple-pie your Pixel clean, so if you accept photos or music you appetite to save or accompany to the cloud, do so now.

  • More Info: How to Alleviate the Bootloader on Your Google Pixel Phone

Open up the Terminal appliance in macOS, afresh affair the afterward command to cd (change directories) into the "platform-tools" binder with all the goodies. If you afflicted the area of this binder from "Downloads," aloof acting Downloads in the command with the appropriate location.

cd /Downloads/platform-tools

Now we appetite to accomplish abiding our accessory is communicating with our Mac, so use the afterward command. If this allotment a alternation of belletrist and numbers, afresh you're acceptable to go. Otherwise, accredit aback to the adviser in Footfall 2 to analysis your Fastboot installation.

./fastboot devices

Note: Depending on how you installed the SDK Platform-Tools from Google, you ability not charge to add a aeon and a carve (./) to your Fastboot commands. It should assignment either way, but if the commands bandy an absurdity with the aeon and carve included at the beginning, retry afterwards them.

We're accessible to alleviate the bootloader now. To do so, aloof use the afterward command. Agenda that this will apple-pie your Pixel, so accomplish abiding you aback up aggregate you charge to afore activity any further.

./fastboot aflame unlock

On your Pixel, you should see a alert allurement you to alleviate the bootloader. Use the aggregate up or bottomward button to baddest "Yes," afresh hit the ability button to continue.

Afterward, your Terminal window should say "finished."

To accomplishment things up, we accept to reboot into the bootloader. Use this command:

./fastboot reboot-bootloader

Now, skip bottomward to Footfall 9 to continue. Footfall 8 is aloof for those who already accept their bootloaders unlocked.

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Step 8: Change Directories in Terminal to Platform-Tools

If you already accept your bootloader apart and skipped Footfall 7, accessible up the Terminal appliance in macOS, afresh affair the afterward command to cd (change directories) into the "platform-tools" binder with all the goodies. If you afflicted the area of this binder from "Downloads," aloof acting Downloads in the command with the appropriate location.

cd /Downloads/platform-tools

Now we appetite to accomplish abiding our accessory is communicating with our Mac, so use the afterward command. If this allotment a alternation of belletrist and numbers, afresh you're acceptable to go. Otherwise, accredit aback to the adviser in Footfall 2 to analysis your Fastboot installation.

./fastboot devices

Note: If you're aloof acrimonious aback up from Footfall 6, you should apperceive that you ability not charge to blazon the aeon and carve at the alpha of these Fastboot commands. It won't aching annihilation either way, but if you accept errors afterwards sending the above-listed command, try it afresh afterwards the ./ at the beginning.

Step 9: Beam Android P assimilate Your Pixel

All that larboard now is to beam the branch images of the Android P Developer Preview assimilate your Pixel. To do so, affair the afterward command.


You could additionally use the afterward command instead, area sudo -s launches a carapace acceptance yourself as a superuser afterwards alteration the accepted directory. You will charge to admission your basis countersign afterwards arising this command, so it's bigger to stick to the aboriginal one aloft for simplicity.

sudo -s ./

If aggregate was successful, afterwards 5 or 10 minutes, you should accept Android P on your Pixel. You'll apperceive it's done back you see a new command alert in Terminal afterwards the aftermost "finished" note. For me, it would be "MacBook-Pro:platform-tools wonderhowto$."

After you accepted it's done, use the aggregate buttons on your Pixel to baddest "Start" from the bootloader, afresh hit the ability button to do so. And that's it. Follow the prompts to set up your new Android P operating system.

Troubleshooting: The 'Fastboot Too Old' Error

If you get an absurdity in Terminal adage that "fastboot too old," afresh you'll accept to assignment some quick abracadabra to get rid of that warning. Accessible up the "" book in the "platform-tools" folder. If it opens up in TextEdit, that's fine, but you could additionally use Xcode, TextWrangler, or addition code-editing application. With it open, acquisition the afterward four curve of code, annul them, save the file, afresh exit. Then, try Footfall 9 again.

if ! grep -q dtbo.sig $(which fastboot); then
echo "fastboot too old"
exit 1

Troubleshooting: The 'Partition Table Doesn't Exist' Error

If you get the "FAILED (remote: allotment table doesn't exist)" absurdity at the end of the aflame in Footfall 9, you'll appetite to do a little assignment to anticipate this from happening.

In the "platform-tools" folder, achieve the .zip book that starts with "image." Once that's done, annul the .zip file, accessible the new folder, afresh annul "system_other.img" from the contents. Now, baddest the binder starting with "image," right-click on it, afresh baddest "Compress" to actualize a new .zip file. Annul the binder you were aloof in, befitting the new .zip file, which finer replaces the old .zip book in there. Then, try Footfall 9 again.

If that still didn't assignment for you, instead of accomplishing all of that, achieve that book you aloof created, afresh archetype all the angel files into the platform-tools binder to beam them all individually. Instead of Footfall 9, use the afterward command to beam the new bootloader assimilate your Pixel. Of course, acting the "bootloader" .img book with the one for your specific Pixel that's in the "platform-tools" folder.

./fastboot beam bootloader /Downloads/platform-tools/bootloader-namehere-numbershere.img

After it says "finished," use the afterward command to reboot into the new bootloader to abide aflame the blow of the .img files.

./fastboot reboot-bootloader

When that's done, do the .img in "platform-tools that starts with "radio" appliance the afterward command (swap out your area if it's different, and accomplish abiding the radio book name is the one that appears in your folder).

./fastboot beam radio /Downloads/platform-tools/radio-image-namehere-numbershere.img

After it finishes, now you can do all of the added .img files that you unzipped, one by one. For example, I'll appearance the command for the "boot.img" book below, but the blueprint is the aforementioned for the blow (i.e., ./fastboot beam <image type> <image book location>). Do all of them aloof like this, one by one, until you've flashed at atomic the bootloader, boot, radio, vendor, and arrangement images — but accomplish abiding not to do the "system_other.img," which should not alike be there anymore.

./fastboot beam cossack /Downloads/platform-tools/boot-image-namehere-numbershere.img

Make abiding you beam the "system.img" book last.

./fastboot beam arrangement /Downloads/platform-tools/system-image-namehere-numbershere.img

Cover photo, screenshots, and GIFs by Justin Meyers/Gadget Hacks


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