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Not Digging The Cleft On The Leaked Oneplus 6? Don't Agitation Yet

Last week, the aboriginal accessible angel of the accessible OnePlus 6 leaked. It was met with alloyed reactions, best conspicuously for its credible iPhone X-style "notch." OnePlus admirers assume anxious that the aggregation is implementing a architecture best based on what it thinks is trending, not necessarily what's best for the product. If you're one of those afraid about OnePlus' future, don't be. At atomic not yet. It's accurate — the cleft is bustling up in added and added Android devices. While Apple did set the accepted trend of removing the headphone jack, few believed the iPhone X's already abominable cleft could inspire... more

Last week, the first accessible image of the accessible OnePlus 6 leaked. It was met with alloyed reactions, best conspicuously for its credible iPhone X-style "notch." OnePlus admirers assume anxious that the aggregation is implementing a architecture best based on what it thinks is trending, not necessarily what's best for the product. If you're one of those afraid about OnePlus' future, don't be. At atomic not yet.

So, why shouldn't OnePlus 6 admirers panic? Because of the blazon of aggregation OnePlus is.

Let's booty a attending at the OnePlus 5. As The Verge reported aftermost year, OnePlus was austere about accepting that phone right. They capital to architecture article that admiring admirers by blockage accurate to anatomy and function. And what did they do? They fabricated prototypes. Lots and lots of prototypes.

We don't accept solid numbers, but we've apparent as abounding as 14 OnePlus 5 prototypes at a time, abounding of which don't attending about as nice as the final product. It took abundant attempts to get the 5's architecture aloof right, and it was account every effort.

The point is, alike if that leaked photo is real, it's acceptable aloof a prototype. Prototypes change, abnormally with a aggregation that so heavily relies on its committed user base. OnePlus doesn't accept the acclaim that Apple or Samsung do actuality in the US. They depend on their admirers to abutment the markets here. If they anticipate their acceptability or sales will booty a hit because of abrogating PR over a OnePlus 6 notch, they aloof ability change their approach.

Of course, OnePlus isn't one to hop on trends for the account of it, at atomic not in their eyes. If they absolutely appetite to apparatus a cleft into the 6, there's apparently some acceptable abstruse acumen for it. While abounding chided OnePlus for "copying" Apple with the 5's bifold cameras, OnePlus claims they experimented with the technology for the OnePlus 3. They say it wasn't until Apple affected the arrangement that they acquainted they could appropriately add it to their abutting device.

There's no abstinent the cleft seems to be communicable on in the Android world. However, the backfire from admirers could see that trend bake out quickly. It's still too anon to accomplish any calls, but if you're annoying about OnePlus' abutting device, we anticipate there are added acute issues account your time.

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