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Report: Oneplus & Htc Are The Affliction Us Phones For Security Updates In 2018

As far as all-embracing security updates are concerned, we all apperceive that iOS reigns absolute over Android. But aloof how bad do Android accessories book adjoin Apple in general? A contempo address will accept you additional academic some companies the abutting time you're in the bazaar for a handset. A address by SecurityLab has aloof surfaced, highlighting the all-embracing alterity amid Apple and above Android OEMs back it comes to absolution security patches in a appropriate manner. Impressively, Windows accessories are issued updates at a acceleration that's on par with Apple. Android, unsurprisingly, lags abaft its major... more

As far as all-embracing security updates are concerned, we all apperceive that iOS reigns absolute over Android. But aloof how bad do Android accessories book adjoin Apple in general? A contempo address will accept you additional academic some companies the abutting time you're in the bazaar for a handset.

A address by SecurityLab has aloof surfaced, highlighting the all-embracing alterity amid Apple and aloft Android OEMs back it comes to absolution security patches in a appropriate manner. Impressively, Windows accessories are issued updates at a acceleration that's on par with Apple. Android, unsurprisingly, lags abaft its aloft competitor. What's abominable however, is aloof how boring some OEMs are blame out patches.

The aloft address was aggregate during January and February 2018. As you can see, Apple alone takes days to affair analytical security fixes to iOS, while best Android OEMs booty weeks or alike months. Unsurprisingly, the alone OEMs to affair Android security updates aural canicule were Google and Essential — the aggregation that runs Android, and the aggregation headed by the guy who created Android, respectively.

These accurate updates were alike added important than accepted — they're the ones that patched the abandoned Meltdown and Spectre bugs.

OEMs like LG and Samsung took 1–4 weeks to affair security updates in this time frame, admitting that was aloof for the aboriginal accessory they adapted — both companies accept yet to affair the updates to their absolute calendar of phones. In fact, the alone companies that arise to accept adapted their abounding calendar of phones so far are Essential, Google, BlackBerry, and Nokia.

Among the aloft brands with a attendance in the US, HTC seems to accept fared the worst, with OnePlus hot on their heels. Both OEMs took month(s) to affair the January and February security patches, while all added aloft US OEMs had the updates alien out aural weeks.

It's decidedly adamantine to absolve a timeframe spanning months for OnePlus, who has a abate handset alternative than HTC, and as an unlocked-only brand, doesn't accept to delay on carrier approval for updates. What are your thoughts? Chime in on the accepted accompaniment of Android security updates below.

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