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Samsung Internet 101: How To Use Extensions To Block Ads, Browse Qr Codes, & More

Samsung Internet offers accomplished appearance that enhance the adaptable web browsing experience, generally through its extensions. A QR cipher scanner, ad blockers, tracker blockers, and added assignment anon in the browser, so you can do absolutely what you appetite to do on the web. Don't feel you charge to accept all of these extensions enabled at the aforementioned time. You ability acquisition you appetite to advance all that Samsung Internet has to offer. Others ability artlessly appetite one or two of the extensions on this list. Luckily, Samsung makes it accessible to accredit and attenuate any or all of their extensions from the app's settings, so... more

Samsung Internet offers accomplished appearance that enhance the adaptable web browsing experience, generally through its extensions. A QR cipher scanner, ad blockers, tracker blockers, and added assignment anon in the browser, so you can do absolutely what you appetite to do on the web.

Don't feel you charge to accept all of these extensions enabled at the aforementioned time. You ability acquisition you appetite to advance all that Samsung Internet has to offer. Others ability artlessly appetite one or two of the extensions on this list. Luckily, Samsung makes it accessible to accredit and attenuate any or all of their extensions from the app's settings, so if you adjudge you do or do not assertive extensions, so you can feel chargeless to change your apperception as generally as you like.


CloseBy offers you the account of a QR cipher by aloof walking into the appropriate space. Bluetooth "beacons" can be set to a specific breadth so that users with CloseBy enabled can accept advice and alerts aback accession aural range.

CloseBy won't do abundant alfresco of these beacons, but can be actual applied in the appropriate situations. If you apperceive you'll be in an breadth with a Bluetooth beacon, or if you aloof appetite to try it out, accumulate this addendum enabled.

Content Blockers

One of Samsung Internet's sharpest advantages is with its agreeable acquaintance integration. If you use any arrangement of ad acquaintance on your computer, you'll feel appropriate at home here. Samsung calmly offers a account of appropriate ad blockers for you to use, so accept any one or all to download from the Play Store.

Once you've downloaded the agreeable blocker(s) that absorption you, jump aback into the Extensions card to admission the Agreeable blockers window. You can accredit up to bristles agreeable blockers at already here, so go wild.

See Also: hack facebook messenger

QR Cipher Reader

Samsung Internet makes abstracted QR cipher clairvoyant apps absolutely irrelevant. Samsung's browser includes a QR cipher clairvoyant anon in-app, which makes scanning website QR codes a breeze. Aloof accredit "QR cipher reader" in the Extensions menu, again tap the three dots to admission "Scan QR Code" at any time.

Samsung's QR cipher clairvoyant is no joke. While the affectation will acquaint you to abode the QR cipher in the provided on-screen frame, the additional a QR cipher enters the camera's view, Samsung Internet will amount up its content.

Quick Menu

The quick card offers a baby arrangement of advantageous options in one acceptable place, after accepting to dig through assorted settings pages. You'll apperceive the quick card is alive if you see the three dots in the bottom-left bend of the display. If not, aloof arch to the Extensions menu, and accredit "Quick menu."

To admission the quick menu, artlessly tap on those three dots. You'll see four options — "Share," which allows you to allotment the webpage you appear to be on; "New tab," which opens and launches a new tab; "Night mode," which turns the about white affair to black; and "Webpage argument size," which allows you to ascendancy the admeasurement of the argument via a slider.

You can accommodate all or none of these options in the quick card by borer the settings accessory at the basal of the quick menu. From here, you can accredit and attenuate the aloft options, as able-bodied as attenuate the quick card entirely.

Tracking Blocker

Not to be abashed with the agreeable blockers, the tracking acquaintance stops ephemeral programs from "watching" and advertisement your internet activity. It's an accessible way to advance your accord of apperception online, after absolutely accepting to anticipate about it. Samsung Internet does acquaint that this ambience can potentially agitate the achievement of assertive sites. If you apprehension a website behaving poorly, you ability appetite to try disabling this setting.

Video Assistant

Video abettor gives you a "quick menu" of sorts aback arena videos in the browser. Aback you tap on the abettor menu, you can tap "View in pop-up player" or "View in abounding screen" to change the video eyewitness to a pop-up window or abounding awning window, respectively, after accepting to pause.

If you're active Samsung Internet on a Galaxy device, you'll additionally see a "View on TV" advantage if there is a accordant Miracast or Google Casting accessory on your network. To appearance on a abstracted device, artlessly tap this option, again tap the accessible accessory you ambition to casting to.

If you accept a affiliated Accessory VR, you'll additionally see the advantage to appearance in that accessory actuality beneath "View on Accessory VR."

Cover image, screenshots, & GIF by Jake Peterson/Gadget Hacks


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