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Showing posts from April, 2018

You Don't Charge A Gaming Phone To Bold Like A Pro On Android

As manufacturers try to differentiate their smartphones from the sea of Android devices, a new brand of smartphone has emerged: gaming phones. Razer Phone was the aboriginal to accretion traction, but the brand of Xiaomi, Asus, and ZTE accept all appear gaming-first phones advancing soon. Still, you don't absolutely charge to buy a "gaming phone" to comedy amateur like a pro on your smartphone. Unlike computers, there are decidedly beneath options back it comes to genitalia for Android phones. For example, Qualcomm dominates the processor game. This is acceptable in the way that it's easier for OEMs to aces their parts... more

Chrome 101: How To Block Popups & Advancing Ads On Android

Ads can backbite from your adaptable browsing experience, abnormally if they arise out of boilerplate as popups or ample annoying banners that booty up about all of your screen. If those weren't bad enough, some ads arise as acutely loud videos that can alike agitate others about you. In fact, ads accept gotten so abhorrent that alike Google itself was affected to act. The tech titan has developed its own ad acquaintance and broiled it into Chrome for Android. Unlike acceptable methods that attenuate ads outright, Google's ad blocking affection is added of a compromise, and instead blocks advancing ads as... more

How To Sideload Apps On Android 8.0 Oreo Now That 'unknown Sources' Is Gone

Starting with Android 8.0 Oreo, the action of sideloading apps has afflicted dramatically. Google removed the old "Unknown Sources" ambience and replaced it with a permission that you accept to admission to alone apps. It's absolutely an absorbing security feature. In the old canicule (Nougat or lower), you would aloof beat a box, again any app on your phone could install added apps. This had the abeyant for actuality a malware ancestry ground, as a acutely safe app you downloaded from Google Play could again apparently install addition app that wasn't scanned by the Play Store's malware detection... more

How To Sideload Apps On New Android Versions (now That 'unknown Sources' Is Gone)

Starting with Android 8.0 Oreo, the action of sideloading apps has afflicted dramatically. Google removed the old "Unknown Sources" ambience and replaced it with a permission that you accept to admission to alone apps. It's absolutely an absorbing security feature. In the old canicule (Nougat or lower), you would aloof beat a box, again any app on your phone could install added apps. This had the abeyant for actuality a malware ancestry ground, as a acutely safe app you downloaded from Google Play could again apparently install addition app that wasn't scanned by the Play Store's malware detection... more

101 Appearance Android Phones Had Afore Iphones

When it's all said and done, it doesn't absolutely amount who did it aboriginal — the added important catechism is who did it best. Still, it's nice to apperceive who's absolutely amenable for groundbreaking innovations in the smartphone space. I consistently try to break aloof and objective, but while I was researching important contest in smartphone history recently, article stood out: The aboriginal phones to accept a all-inclusive majority of the appearance we apperceive and adulation today were active Android. This has happened time and time again, and I anticipate it's account highlighting. When you're account through the list, you can check... more

Why The Lg G7's New Mlcd+ Affectation Is Absolutely A Game-changer

The LG G7 ThinQ will acceptable be lambasted for its cleft and awkward name, but one affair they assume to accept gotten appropriate is the new display. The G7 will accord abounding a aboriginal attending at a new blazon of console with lots of promise. While it was ahead bound to TVs, from what we know, it should absolutely flash on a abate screen. Unlike aftermost year's reintroduction to POLED, MLCD is added than a business term. This console is altered from acceptable LCDs and it brings a cardinal of allowances that will advice abstracted the G7 ThinQ from the assemblage of flagship devices. While the cleft will apparently be the most... more

12 Important Aloofness & Security Appearance Google Added To Android P

We apperceive Android P will be Android 9.0, but we don't apperceive its codename aloof yet. Some accept speculated Popsicle, Pound Cake, Pecan Pie, and alike Pancake — but from what we've apparent so far, that P could actual able-bodied angle for Privacy. Android P will accompany several changes to accustomed operations. Certain accomplishments will be prevented to ensure protection, and abutment for a few advancements in cybersecurity will be included, authoritative the adaptable OS bigger adequate adjoin new threats. Finally, back it comes to our phones, crisis can additionally appear from nearby, so Android P will acquaint new aloofness protections to... more

3 Means To Get About Google's Uncertified Accessory Ban

Google has started blocking assertive accessories from accessing the Google Play Store and added Google services. This is allotment of an accomplishment to catch bottomward on OEMs that brim its acceptance requirements, but now millions of phones accept been uncertified to download or amend Google apps. Fortunately, there are a few workarounds. To advice ensure a constant user acquaintance on all the assorted Android accessories out there, Google requires that manufacturers canyon its Compatibility Test Suite, or CTS, if they appetite to address accessories with Google apps and casework pre-installed. Most companies accede with these... more

Google Chrome 101: How To Alleviate The Actual Architecture 2 User Interface With Annular Icons & Attenuated Cachet Bar

Google's been application their "Material Design" attending in Android for years now, but a change is advancing up with "Material Architecture 2," their adapted adaptation absorption on new colors, icons, and spacing. Whether it'll be alleged "Material Architecture 2" or not charcoal to be seen, but you can try it out appropriate now in Google Chrome on your Android accessory appropriate now. The new user interface architecture is actuality referred to as "Modern Design" appropriate now central Chrome, and it appearance angled corners for assertive elements such as the URL bar and icons, the cachet bar blends in altogether with the accepted webpage's color, and... more

Chrome 101: How To Accredit The Home Folio Button On Any Android Phone

The Android adaptation of Google Chrome alone shows a home button on some devices. Unfortunately, this affection isn't accessible to all Android phones due to several factors. But acknowledgment to a simple workaround, you can now accredit this button and set a home folio behindhand of what accessory you have. A cardinal of Android accessories accommodate a preinstalled APK that enables the home button in Chrome. This ChromeCustomizations.apk additionally gives you the adeptness to set a home folio to go aback to whenever you're done visiting a accurate page. Sadly, ChromeCustomizations has to be installed as a arrangement app, so it's... more

33 Air-conditioned Little Android Appearance You Ability Not Apperceive About

One of Android's bigger strengths is its flexibility. There's usually added than one way to accomplish the aforementioned task, which makes it accessible to acquisition an alternating adjustment that works bigger for you. Android additionally has some hidden appearance that newer users ability not be acquainted of, so we fabricated this account to highlight lesser-known tips and tricks. These are all simple means to advance your experience. None of our tips crave downloading any third-party apps. We focused on the operating arrangement and the apps included back you aboriginal about-face on your phone. This way, best of our tips will assignment on all phones despite... more

Chrome 101: How To Accomplish Sites Stop Allurement To Appearance Notifications

As the go-to browser for millions worldwide, Chrome makes web surfing a breeze with its simple interface and Google integration. But abounding websites are starting to ask if they can accelerate you notifications, and this can arrest your browsing. Thankfully, you can absolutely attenuate these prompts if you prefer. That's not to say these prompts are useless. For instance, you could acquiesce Facebook to accelerate you notifications, again uninstall the Facebook app after accident abundant functionality back the adaptable armpit would acquaint you of new messages. This was abundantly what Google had in apperception back they added... more

Here's How The Iphone X-like Gestures Assignment In Android P

The aboriginal examination body of Android P brought affluence of changes, but one aspect remained the same: As the iPhone X exchanged buttons for gestures, Google was still application the aforementioned three on-screen buttons we're acclimated to. That is, until now. Google appears to be basic action controls for their accessible Android 9.0 release. Rumors of Google's new action controls accept broadcast in contempo weeks, but we had no beheld affidavit of their actuality until the aggregation accidentally showed us in an different blog post. The aggregation after circumscribed the screenshot to adumbrate the new aeronautics bar, but not... more

How To Use Iphone X-like Gestures With Android P

The aboriginal examination body of Android P brought affluence of changes, but one aspect remained the same: As the iPhone X exchanged buttons for gestures, Google was still application the aforementioned three on-screen buttons we're acclimated to. That is, until now. Google appears to be basic action controls for their accessible Android 9.0 release. Rumors of Google's new action controls accept broadcast in contempo weeks, but we had no beheld affidavit of their actuality until the aggregation accidentally showed us in an different blog post. The aggregation after circumscribed the screenshot to adumbrate the new aeronautics bar, but not... more

15 Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts Every Android Pro Should Apperceive About

There are a cardinal of options and hidden airheaded aural Android that accommodate users added ascendancy over their device. With this control, you can bigger administer how your phone operates. We came up with a account of tips and shortcuts that, back used, will boring put you on a aisle to acceptable an Android ability user. With our list, we absitively to abstain the added avant-garde capacity such as ADB and rooting. We additionally focused on software that comes with the OS and abhorred any tips that would crave third-party apps. This way, our account covers a advanced arrangement of devices, as OEM banknote and breach imposes... more

Snapchat 'upgraded' Its Android Camera Affection With 10-year-old Software

You may accept noticed bigger photo affection in the Android Snapchat app in contempo months. Believe it or not, this is because Snapchat alone aloof afresh started application a decade-old camera API that predates every Android phone in existence. The basal apriorism of APIs is simple — they're accoutrement that the operating arrangement provides to let apps accomplish use of accouterments and added arrangement functions. With that in mind, let me explain why Snapchat is demography bigger photos recently, but is still far from actuality a aerial affection camera app for Android. Camera2: The API Most Photo Apps Use Android absolutely has a... more

27 Air-conditioned Little Android Appearance You Ability Not Apperceive About

One of Android's bigger strengths is its flexibility. There's usually added than one way to accomplish the aforementioned task, which makes it accessible to acquisition an alternating adjustment that works bigger for you. Android additionally has some hidden appearance that newer users ability not be acquainted of, so we fabricated this account to highlight lesser-known tips and tricks. These are all simple means to advance your experience. None of our tips crave downloading any third-party apps. We focused on the operating arrangement and the apps included back you aboriginal about-face on your phone. This way, best of our tips will assignment on all phones despite... more

Make Apps Use The Absolute Awning On Your Capital Phone — Alike The Notch

In the Android community, there's a lot of altercation about how affectation notches should be used. For some, ambuscade the cleft is added appealing, but others feel that ambuscade it wastes awning absolute estate. Well, Essential aloof provided addition band-aid that should amuse both sides. Previously, the Essential PH-1 dealt with the cleft by ambuscade it while in mural and extending the awning about it in account mode. However, in the best contempo Android 8.1 Oreo build, Essential's new access altogether aligns with one of the founding attempt of the operating arrangement Andy Rubin created: Choices... more

22 Appearance You Apparently Disregarded On Your Samsung Galaxy

TouchWiz ability not be the Android bark of best for hardcore aficionados, but the Galaxy's OS still has a ton of abundant appearance up its sleeve that advice accommodate one of the best agreeable smartphone adventures out there. Many of these are almost hidden and disregarded appearance that you may not be acquainted of. If these appearance leave you abrading your arch apprehensive how you absent them, you're not alone. The acceptable account is that all the tips appear beeline from TouchWiz, AKA Samsung Experience, so they don't crave any appropriate mods or apps. As such, these tips should assignment on a best Galaxy... more

Permanently Stop Any App From Afterlight On The Comedy Abundance — No Computer Needed

App updates accompany new functionality, but they can additionally breach old appearance or acquaint changes no one wants. Unfortunately, if you're captivation assimilate an earlier app adaptation because you don't appetite to acquire the update, it becomes a lot harder to accumulate the blow of your apps updated. Sure, you could accessible the app's Play Store folio and attenuate the "Automatic Updates" setting, but this has ancillary effects. If you anytime go to the My Apps area in the Play Store and hit "Update All," you'll be asked if you appetite to amend the app in question, area it's accessible to accomplish the amiss choice. You'll additionally constantly... more

Samsung Is Still Abominable At Flagship Updates

In the Android community, Samsung's apathetic updates accept continued been the accustomed norm. With the Note 8's contempo Android Oreo update, Samsung completed anniversary adaptation updates to their 2017 flagship lineup. Now is a abundant time to attending aback on how Samsung has fared with updates over the accomplished few years. Hint: It's not pretty. Many users accept absolved the arrangement of delayed updates due to the accomplished accouterments advancing from Samsung on a approved basis. As Android has evolved, the accent of approved security patches and belvedere upgrades has abundantly increased. In 2017, Samsung showed absurd promise... more

Snapchat Calls Itself A Camera App, But Its Abhorrent Accomplishing On Android Begs To Differ

You may accept noticed bigger photo affection in the Android Snapchat app in contempo months. Believe it or not, this is because Snapchat alone aloof afresh started application a decade-old camera API that predates every Android phone in existence. The basal apriorism of APIs is simple — they're accoutrement that the operating arrangement provides to let apps accomplish use of accouterments and added arrangement functions. With that in mind, let me explain why Snapchat is demography bigger photos recently, but is still far from actuality a aerial affection camera app for Android. Camera2: The API Most Photo Apps Use Android absolutely has a... more

Hacking Whatsapp: How To Agenda Letters To Accelerate Automatically

Great account generally bang at accidental times, but messaging accompany and admired ones at an contrary hour not alone risks their wrath, but additionally increases the affairs of your bulletin not actuality paid able absorption to. Thankfully, there's an app that lets you actualize and column WhatsApp letters at the time you ambition for best effect. SKEDit is an Android app that lets you agenda posts on both WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp itself, accouterment a accessible way of relaying letters to accompany and colleagues at the best acceptable times. The app is additionally absolute for greeting bodies on their birthdays... more

Rumor Roundup: Aggregate We Apperceive So Far About Google's Pixel 3

Although apparent by antecedent scandals, abounding attention the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL as some of the best Android accessories money can buy. With that antecedent set, all Android users should be aflame for whatever Google is affable up with its third Pixel device, as their 2017 offerings accept set the bar rather high. As it's still aboriginal in the year, rumors about the Pixel 3 are a bit thin. That actuality said, there's still affluence to bore our teeth into. Whether you appetite to apperceive what chipset the Pixel 3 will be packing, or you appetite to apperceive back you can get your easily on the device, our assembly has all the... more