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10 Settings You Can Abuse To Accomplish Touchwiz Added Tolerable

Samsung Experience (better accepted as TouchWiz) can booty some time to get acclimated to aback you about-face to a Galaxy from addition Android device. It's a bit heavy-handed with the features, and abounding accede the UI affair to be a little over the top. Thankfully, there are several banal settings that can punch this back. Most phones these canicule run a acidity of Android that isn't too far off from AOSP or "stock Android." If that was the case with your old phone, you'll acquisition that the options categorical beneath can go a continued way appear authoritative your Galaxy's interface added like what you've developed acclimatized to... more

Samsung Experience (better accepted as TouchWiz) can booty some time to get acclimated to aback you about-face to a Galaxy from addition Android device. It's a bit heavy-handed with the features, and abounding accede the UI affair to be a little over the top. Thankfully, there are several banal settings that can bite this back.

Most phones these canicule run a acidity of Android that isn't too far off from AOSP or "stock Android." If that was the case with your old phone, you'll acquisition that the options categorical beneath can go a continued way arise authoritative your Galaxy's interface added like what you've developed acclimatized to. These tips crave no appropriate mods or apps, and should assignment on best Galaxy devices. And while they centermost about Nougat and Oreo, some may assignment on earlier versions as well.

1. Tweak Lock Awning Clock

If you've fabricated the about-face from addition Android phone to a Galaxy device, affairs are, you've gotten acclimated to actuality greeted by the banal Android appearance alarm on the lock screen. Though not absolutely the same, TouchWiz still appearance a lock awning alarm that looks agnate to the one that you've developed acclimatized to.

To change the alarm on your Galaxy's lock screen, accessible the settings app and baddest "Lock Screen." From there, tap on "Clock and FaceWidgets," again baddest "Clock Style" on the afterward page.

Tap on the "Lock Screen" tab aural the "Clock Style" page, and baddest the additional alarm from the left. Tap "Apply" already you've fabricated your selection, and you'll now be greeted by a simple accumbent alarm that's easier to apprehend from the lock screen. This additionally changes the Always On Affectation alarm if your phone supports this feature.

2. Tweak Aeronautics Bar

To accomplish way for a beyond screen, Galaxy accessories from the S8 advanced now accept basic buttons instead of the old concrete and capacitive keys. These new basic buttons now accept the added account of actuality absolutely customizable. So if you're new to TouchWiz, this is abiding to advice you acclimate to your new Galaxy aback switching from addition Android device, which apparently had a altered button layout.

To change your aeronautics bar layout, go to the Settings menu, baddest "Display," and accept "Navigation bar" on the afterward screen. From there, tap on "Button layout," again accept either Back-Home-Recents or Recents-Home-Back, depending on which you're acclimatized to. You can alike toggle the home button's deathwatch affection on or off to bigger clothing your preference.

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3. Lock the Aeronautics Bars

As abundant as Samsung's Infinity Displays are for examination content, abounding may acquisition the charge to consistently bash up to admission the aeronautics confined a little off-putting. If your accessory is active on Oreo, however, you can lock the aeronautics confined in abode on your Galaxy flagship. Artlessly bifold tap the tiny button on the left-hand ancillary aural the aeronautics bar itself.

From there, if you appetite to accumulate your aeronautics bar bound in abode for good, you can attenuate the lock button all calm and abate clutter. To do so, arch over to your phone's settings, baddest "Display," and tap on "Navigation Bar" on the afterward page. From there, tap on "Show and adumbrate button" to toggle the affection off.

4. About-face Off Edge Screen

The Edge Awning affection begin on Galaxy accessories featuring a arced affectation gives you the adeptness to add your admired apps, contacts, and added accoutrement to a drawer for quick access. If you're acclimated to application an AOSP-based UI, however, you'll apparently acquisition the affection redundant, not to acknowledgment that cruddy tab that protrudes from the ancillary of the display.

Fortunately, Edge Awning is appealing accessible to about-face off if you appetite to abridge your home awning — aloof tap on "Display" aural your phone's settings, again baddest "Edge screen" on the afterward page. From there, tap on the toggle abutting to "Edge panels" to attenuate the quick admission affection and abolish the Edge Awning tab from your display.

5. Attenuate Edge Lighting

Edge Lighting is primarily acclimated to agilely active you of notifications while your accessory is lying on its screen. However, the notification lights are cursory and accessible to miss, forth with the actuality that we alone abode our accessories face-down on attenuate occasions, authoritative its all-embracing account ambiguous at best.

So if you appetite to about-face this affection off, go to your phone's settings and hit "Display." Already inside, baddest "Edge screen," again tap on the toggle to the appropriate of "Edge lighting" on the afterward folio to about-face the affection off. Your accessory will no best ablaze up like a disco brawl every time you accept notifications.

6. Attenuate Bixby Home

As affection burdened as Samsung's Bixby abettor may be, it's adamantine for a majority of us to absolve its account — abnormally now that the added automatic Google Abettor is accessible on Galaxy devices. Fortunately, Samsung has accustomed us the adeptness to attenuate Bixby Home in a few accessible steps.

To start, continued columnist on an abandoned breadth aural your home awning to cull up its card screen. Already you're on the card screen, bash alongside to the larboard until you ability the left-most home awning console absolute the toggle for Bixby Home. From there, artlessly tap on the toggle to the appropriate of "Bixby Home" to attenuate the AI.

7. Attenuate Direct Share

The allotment card on TouchWiz appears a little added bizarre aback compared to its AOSP-based counterparts. It contains added options such as "Link sharing" and "Share to device" at the top of the menu, which now takes up about the absolute screen.

While you can't abolish the two above Samsung account in the allotment menu, you can abbreviate it bottomward appreciably by removing the Direct Allotment targets that arise arise the average of the menu.

To attenuate this feature, baddest "Advanced Features" from aural your phone's settings, again tap on the toggle abutting to "Direct Share" on the afterward folio to about-face the affection off. Already done, your allotment card will arise beneath chaotic and will no best appearance contacts anon from assorted messaging and amusing media apps.

8. Ascendancy Media Aggregate by Default

TouchWiz has baffled Android P to the bite and now lets you set your aggregate keys to ascendancy media aggregate by default, so you'll no best accept to delay for a video to bang in to toggle its audio output. Best of all, the affection is absolutely accessible to accredit — artlessly arch to settings and baddest "Sounds & Vibrations." From there, accredit the about-face abutting to the "Use aggregate keys for media" setting, again you're all set!

9. NFC

In general, best Android accessories will let you accredit NFC after communicable your cachet bar with accidental clutter. Though some apart Galaxy models accept afresh bent up with the times, the above can't be said for earlier TouchWiz devices, which still affectation an NFC "N" figure on the top of your awning aback the affection is enabled.

Fortunately, you can bound attenuate the affection by annexation bottomward from the top of the awning to acknowledge your Quick Settings panel, and borer on "NFC" if you're on Nougat on up. This will about-face off NFC, but back best Galaxy phones accept Samsung Pay (which uses MST instead of NFC), it's not abundant of a loss.

If your phone doesn't accept an NFC Quick Settings toggle, you'll charge to go to your device's settings, baddest "Connections," and tap on the toggle abutting to "NFC" on the afterward folio to about-face the affection off.

10. Face Correction

To advice adorn your already attractive selfies, the S9 and S9+ appear accepted with a face alteration affection that automatically enhances the appearance of your face. The affection seems added like a gimmick than anything, however, and generally crop photos that are about duplicate from ones area the auto-correct has been disabled.

So if you appetite to about-face your advanced camera's face alteration affection off, aboriginal accessible your Camera app and tap on the cog figure to admission its settings. Next, annal bottomward until you hit the "Front Camera" section, again tap on "Face appearance correction" to toggle it off.

Of course, there's bags of added TouchWiz appearance out there that will accomplish circadian use a lot added bearable, so analysis out our assembly of accepted TouchWiz tips to apprentice more. How does your new Galaxy analyze to your old Android device? Be abiding to allotment your thoughts in the animadversion area below.


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