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3 Means To Abolish Facebook If It Came Preinstalled On Your Android Phone — No Basis Needed

Despite years of user complaints, OEMs are still preinstalling third-party apps on cast new devices. Even in 21018, you'll still acquisition affluence of phones with Facebook preinstalled. What's worse, it's installed as a arrangement app, so it can't commonly be uninstalled after basis access. However, there are a few workarounds. Especially with the contempo Facebook abstracts scandal, OEMs charge to stop preinstalling these apps which booty up accidental amplitude and resources. Apps should be chosen, not affected aloft you. By authoritative it a arrangement app, abatement is abundant added difficult — but not impossible. How anniversary OEM... more

Despite years of user complaints, OEMs are still preinstalling third-party apps on cast new devices. Alike in 21018, you'll still acquisition affluence of phones with Facebook preinstalled. What's worse, it's installed as a arrangement app, so it can't commonly be uninstalled after basis access. However, there are a few workarounds.

Especially with the contempo Facebook abstracts scandal, OEMs charge to stop preinstalling these apps which booty up accidental amplitude and resources. Apps should be chosen, not affected aloft you. By authoritative it a arrangement app, abatement is abundant added difficult — but not impossible.

How anniversary OEM installed bloatware arrangement apps varies, so we accept three methods to advice you abolish Facebook and added arrangement apps. We listed them in adjustment of adversity from best aboveboard to the best complex. None of these methods will uninstall the app. Instead, they will attenuate it, preventing any accomplishments activities or new updates and removing them from your app drawer. Mainly, the app is laid to blow instead of actuality dead off.

See Also: hack whatsapp

Method 1: Attenuate the App in Settings

By far the easiest adjustment is to attenuate the app aural Settings. To achieve this, accessible the Settings app and baddest "Apps." On newer Android versions, you may charge to tap "See all [x] apps" actuality to aggrandize the list.

From here, accept Facebook (or whatever arrangement app you ambition to remove) to accessible its App Info page. There are two buttons forth the top of the page, "Disable" and "Force Stop." Accept "Disable" and hit "OK" on the popup. If the "Disable" button is grayed out, try one of the methods below.

Method 2: Use a Amalgamation Disabler App

If the aboriginal adjustment isn't accessible or if you appetite to abolish added than aloof Facebook, we acclaim application a amalgamation disabler app. These apps can abolish not alone Facebook, but abounding of the bloatware apps that OEMs include.

Currently, the alone reliable apps are alone accessible for LG and Samsung devices. The LG adaptation costs $1.99 and its believability varies. However, Samsung users should accept no problem, alike if you are application the new Galaxy S9 or S9+. Similar to the LG version, this app isn't free, with a amount tag of $3.49.

Method 3: Use ADB Commands

The best difficult adjustment is application ADB commands, but it's chargeless and will absolutely do the trick. Don't anguish though, ADB commands are added alarming than complicated, as the action to abolish arrangement apps is appealing straightforward.

The aboriginal affair you charge is ADB installed and accessible on your computer. Use the articulation beneath if you don't apperceive how to achieve this.

Next, on your phone, arch to the Play Store and install App Inspector. App Inspector will accommodate you the exact amalgamation name of Facebook and any added arrangement app you ambition to disable.

From here, accessible up App Inspector and baddest "App List," again tap the Facebook app. The amalgamation name is amid beneath the name of the app, starting with "com" or "net" followed by a alternation of words afar by dots.

Now, affix your phone to your PC and accredit USB Debugging. Input the afterward command into the command alert or Terminal, replacing XX with the amalgamation name you aloof located.

adb carapace pm uninstall -k --user o XX


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