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Android P's Lock Awning Acclimate Not Working? Try These Tricks

Among its abounding new features, Android P allotment the spirit of lock awning widgets to users by presenting the accepted temperature and acclimate altitude beneath the clock. It isn't flashy, but it's a fun and advantageous accession that, unfortunately, does not consistently work. If your lock awning acclimate isn't assuming up, you ability appetite to try these accomplish to fix it. Seeing as Android P is currently in beta — and alone the additional developer preview, at that — there's apprenticed to be bugs. Testers should consistently accept their builds will not be absolute back opting into beta programs, Android or otherwise... more

Among its abounding new features, Android P allotment the spirit of lock awning widgets to users by presenting the accepted temperature and acclimate altitude beneath the clock. It isn't flashy, but it's a fun and advantageous accession that, unfortunately, does not consistently work. If your lock awning acclimate isn't assuming up, you ability appetite to try these accomplish to fix it.

Seeing as Android P is currently in beta — and alone the additional developer preview, at that — there's apprenticed to be bugs. Testers should consistently accept their builds will not be absolute aback opting into beta programs, Android or otherwise. However, there are accomplish actuality to booty affliction of this accurate bug. Analysis them out beneath to see if they assignment for you.

Option 1: Make Abiding the Google App Has Area Permission

The lock awning acclimate abstracts is actuality pulled from the Google app, so if Google can't apprehend your location, you're not activity to accept abundant luck accepting bounded acclimate updates. It ability complete obvious, but authoritative abiding the Google app has permission to admission your area can aphorism out a simple hitch.

To check, accessible Settings, afresh tap "Apps & notifications." Next, tap "See all X apps," acquisition "Google," afresh baddest "Permissions." If the slider abutting to "Location" is not blue, tap it to accredit the permission, afresh restart your phone to see if the acclimate shows up on your lock screen.

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Option 2: Bright Accumulation & Abstracts on the Google App

Okay, so Google is accustomed to use your location, but your lock awning still isn't assuming the weather. What's next? Well, allowance the Google app's abstracts and cache, of course.

While it ability be adamantine to accept at times, your phone is not fabricated of abracadabra — aback it comes bottomward to it, your accessory is a computer. Sometimes, the abstracts and/or accumulation accumulated over time can become base and bandy a bend in your phone's performance, i.e., the acclimate function.

Luckily, allowance the abstracts and accumulation is simple. You'll acquisition these options in Settings –> Apps & notifications –> See all X apps –> Google. Already there, alpha by allowance the Google app's accumulation by borer the "Clear cache" button at the top of the scree — this is the beneath advancing of the two options. Restart your phone to see if it worked.

(1) Before, (2) After

If that doesn't work, bright the Google app's data. Arch to the aforementioned card at Settings –> Apps & notifications –> See all X apps –> Google, but this time tap "Clear storage." Next, accept "Clear Google Search data," afresh tap "OK" on the popup. Do not tap "Clear All Data," as this will annul history and preferences on your Google account.

If you use the Pixel Launcher, allowance abstracts on the Google app may displace your home awning layout. Already you're done, though, restart your phone afresh to see if the lock awning acclimate affection has started working.

Option 3: Uninstall Updates to the Google App

If the accumulation and/or abstracts isn't causing the issue, you ability appetite to try uninstalling updates to the Google app. This activity will alter your Google app with the branch version, chargeless of the latest updates, which you can afresh reinstall to aphorism out any bugginess with Google's updates.

To start, accessible the Settings app, afresh arch to "Apps & notifications." If you do not see "Google" appropriate away, tap "See all X apps," afresh baddest "Google."

Tap the three dots in the top-right bend of the display, afresh tap "Uninstall updates." Tap "OK" on the popup admonishing you about uninstalling updates, and your Google app will be adequate to its branch version.

You're not done yet, though. Restart your phone. Then, accessible up the Play Store and arch to the ancillary menu, tap "My apps & games," afresh tap "Update" abutting to "Google." Finally, restart your phone already more, and analysis if the acclimate activity has returned.

Option 4: Nuclear Advantage — Displace the Device

If all abroad fails, if the accomplish aloft do annihilation to restore your lock awning weather, there's one aftermost advantage you can try — branch resetting your device.

We alarm this the nuclear advantage for a acumen — already your branch reset, you can't go back. Any abstracts not backed up will be 100% lost. Make abiding all of the photos, messages, and important agreeable on your phone are backed up afore attempting this final step.

  • More Info: How to Automatically Aback Up Everything on Your Android

You'll acquisition your phone's displace options in Settings –> System –> Displace options –> Erase all abstracts (factory reset). Already you tap "Erase all abstracts (factory reset)," Google will airing you through what this activity will delete, as able-bodied as appearance you the accounts you are currently active into, the company's way of admonishing you what you accept to lose.

Before you tap "Reset phone," you ability appetite to analysis out our adviser on branch resetting your device. With the able steps, you'll accept the best attempt at abating the acclimate activity to your lock screen.

These accomplish accept helped users fix their lock awning weather, especially options 2 and 3. However, they aren't affirmed solutions. Even if these tips do assignment for you, you ability see acclimate abandon again. All we can do until Google issues an amend is to run through the accomplish afresh until article sticks.


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