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Get Activity Launcher's Shutters In Nova Launcher — Use Gestures To About-face Your Icons Into Widgets

Action Launcher has some absolute appearance that add absolute amount to your all-embracing experience. One such affection is Shutters, and like with best aspects of Android, there's a workaround that will let you adore this functionality on added launchers. Shutters advice save home awning absolute acreage by eliminating widgets after accepting to lose the advice they provide. Instead of abacus the accoutrement to your home screen, widgets can be accessed by annexation the agnate icon. The bash will actuate Shutters, which reveals the accoutrement in a popup aloft the icon. Once you access the advice needed... more

Action Launcher has some absolute appearance that add absolute amount to your all-embracing experience. One such affection is Shutters, and like with best aspects of Android, there's a workaround that will let you adore this functionality on added launchers.

Shutters advice save home awning absolute acreage by eliminating widgets afterwards accepting to lose the advice they provide. Instead of abacus the accoutrement to your home screen, widgets can be accessed by annexation the agnate icon. The bash will actuate Shutters, which reveals the accoutrement in a popup aloft the icon. Once you access the advice needed, you can bash afresh on the figure to adumbrate the widget.

Sadly, no such affection exists for Nova Launcher by default. However, with an app and some tweaks application Nova Launcher's congenital tools, you can altogether carbon this affection afterwards accepting to accord up what we accede to be the best home awning launcher on Android.

Step 1: Download Popup Accoutrement 3

To begin, you charge the abetment of Popup Accoutrement 3, which costs $1.99. While we about adopt to alone acclaim chargeless apps, we were clumsy to acquisition one that offers this affection as finer as Popup Widgets 3.

If it's any solace, the Play Store does let you get an burning acquittance if you appeal one aural two hours of purchase. So if you analysis this out and adjudge it's not absolutely account it, you can get your money back. Additionally, you additionally seek a acquittance from the developers aural 48 hours, but there is no agreement afterwards the aboriginal two hours.

Step 2: Actualize a Shutter

Next, accessible Popup Accoutrement 3 from your app drawer. From there, baddest the amphibian activity button (the additional assurance at the basal of your screen) and accept an app from the list. Alone apps with widgets will arise on this list.

If the app has assorted widgets available, the cardinal of options will arise in the upper-right bend of app's icon. Back selecting such an app, addition folio will arise showcasing all the altered accoutrement options.

On the new folio (entitled Configure Widget), there are a cardinal of options you can collaborate with to acclimatize how the accoutrement appears. For the account of our example, we will avoid these options and leave them at their defaults. However, you're acceptable to boggle with the settings to acclimatize your widget's look. Baddest the aback button to save the new Shutter and to acknowledgment to the capital folio which will now appearance the widget's name.

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Step 3: Add the Shutter to Its Icon

While the app does acquiesce you to actualize an figure with the Shutter feature, it doesn't achieve in the aforementioned address as Activity Launcher's feature. Specifically, the figure will not barrage the app back you tap it normally. This is area Nova Launcher's customization options arise in handy.

If you haven't already, add the figure that corresponds with the Shutter you created in Popup Accoutrement 3 to your home screen. Once affixed, long-press the figure until a sub-menu appears and accept the pencil figure in the upper-right corner.

A pop-up will arise blue-blooded Edit Shortcut. Baddest "None" amid beneath the alignment Swipe action. On the new page, cross to the Shortcuts tab and baddest "Popup Widget." You will acknowledgment the capital folio of the app. Baddest the Shutter which you aloof created, abiding you to the Edit Shortcut popup with the name of the app replacing "None." Accept "Done" to acknowledgment to the home screen.

Step 4: Verify the Shutter Works as Intended

When done correctly, you should be able to bash up on the figure to acknowledge the accoutrement — aloof like it works in Activity Launcher. You can collaborate with the accoutrement as usual, although a accumbent bash will get rid of the widget. Additionally, you can bash in any administration on the figure itself to adumbrate the widget.

Furthermore, like the Activity Launcher feature, by selecting the icon, you will barrage the agnate app.

While we ambition we could acquisition a chargeless app to achieve this feature, Popup Accoutrement 3 is one of the best able methods to access this functionality in Nova Launcher. Not alone does it let you barrage the accoutrement in a popup, it additionally offers a host of customization appearance to adapt the attending of the widget. How are you affection your new popup widget? Let us apperceive in the comments below.


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