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How To Apple-pie Up Android's Chaotic Allotment Menu

The allotment card is a basic allotment of Android that lets you accelerate abstracts amid amid apps. Many of your admired apps abutment the feature, including the new Direct Allotment sub-menu, which can advance to a blowzy allotment menu. However, there are a cardinal of accoutrement to apple-pie up this clutter, three of which don't crave root. With an organized allotment menu, you'll calmly be able to accelerate a picture, link, or book from one app to addition after spending time attractive through a list. We organized our account of tips based on both affluence of use and how abundant it alters the allotment menu, with the simplest adjustment at the top... more

The allotment card is a basic allotment of Android that lets you accelerate abstracts amid amid apps. Abounding of your admired apps abutment the feature, including the new Direct Share sub-menu, which can advance to a blowzy allotment menu. However, there are a cardinal of accoutrement to apple-pie up this clutter, three of which don't crave root.

With an organized allotment menu, you'll calmly be able to accelerate a picture, link, or book from one app to addition afterwards spending time attractive through a list. We organized our annual of tips based on both affluence of use and how abundant it alters the allotment menu, with the simplest adjustment at the top. Check out anniversary one, and adjudge which adjustment best fits your needs.

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Method 1: Pin Items to the Top

First alien in 6.0 Marshmallow, Android now includes the adeptness to pin the best acclimated items in both your Direct Allotment card and approved allotment card to advice affluence the action of analysis them. To pin an item, long-press it in the allotment card accept the "Pin" option.

Pinned items will be listed alphabetically by app name. While this band-aid is bound in customization options, it is the easiest to assassinate and does abetment in accident the clutter.

  • More Info: How to Pin Items in Your Direct Allotment & Approved Allotment Menu

Method 2: Reorganize the Allotment Card with AppChooser

Another way to adore a added organized allotment card is to adapt it with an app alleged AppChooser. AppChooser changes the attending of the Android's allotment card from rows of apps to a list, which you can edit.

When you install AppChooser, there will not be an advantage to accessible the app on its Play Store page. Instead, to barrage it, you charge to allotment an item. When selecting the allotment button (or option), a alert will arise allurement you if you ambition to use Android System or AppChooser. Accept the closing to accessible the app.

By default, the app will annual every annual in the allotment card in alphabetical order. However, you can adapt this. By selecting "a>z" button amid in the basal larboard bend of the display, you can use the pop-up card to adapt the order.

The annual can alone be sorted from A to Z or Z to A. However, you can adapt the annual to additionally annual for app usage. By selecting "Frequency," the annual will appearance the best acclimated apps on the top. "History" will abode the aftermost acclimated app on the top of the list. With either option, the actual allocation of this annual will be apparent in the defined order, either A to Z or Z to A.

You can continued columnist an annual to adumbrate it from the list. There is a pro version available, which will access the cardinal of apps to three rows.

Unfortunately, abutment concluded in 2012, so don't apprehend any bug fixes or an adapted UI (which uses architecture accent from Android 2.3 Gingerbread).

Method 3: Adapt the Allotment Card with Fliktu (Or Andmade Share)

My admired advantage is Fliktu. Fliktu replaces the allotment card with its own list. However, clashing any of the added methods, Fliktu additionally lets you use gestures to alarm up the allotment card in accordant situations.

Fliktu reworks the UI to a three-item row abaft a cellophane background. Beneath the Menu tab of the app, you can adapt the blueprint of its allotment menu. The top row can be manually set or bent based on abundance of use. You can additionally adumbrate specific apps so they don't arise on the allotment menu.

Fliktu additionally lets you use gestures to accessible this card afterwards selecting a link. Baddest the checkbox for "Enable Fliktu for Links" beneath the Links tab. Then, whenever you baddest a hyperlink, with a flick or agitate of your phone, Fliktu will accessible instead of the browser. Once there, you can bound allotment the articulation with an app.

Similar functionality is continued to affected texts. Afterwards selecting the checkbox beneath the tab Clipboard, whenever you archetype text, you can flick or agitate your phone to accessible Fliktu to allotment the argument with addition app or being easily. With both features, you accept alone a few abnormal to accomplish the gesture.

Similar to AppChooser, this app isn't adapted frequently. While the developer still supports it, it is a "side project" for him. The aftermost amend was in 2015, so like with our antecedent version, don't apprehend any bug fixes, UI changes, or new appearance anytime soon.

Another advantage is Andmade Share which is agnate to Fliktu afterwards the gestures. It includes the adeptness to allotment with assorted apps accompanying and allows for about-face by long-pressing an annual and boring it up and bottomward its list. However, it's not the prettiest UI, and abutment chock-full in 2013. Additionally, it doesn't arise to assignment on Android Oreo.

Method 4: CustomShare Xposed Bore (Root Required)

Finally, there is an Xposed bore alleged CustomShare. As with any Xposed module, you will charge a abiding accessory and the Xposed Framework installed. Head to the articulation beneath for added advice on how to install Xposed on your phone.

Once you accept Xposed installed, chase for CustomShare beneath "Download" and install the latest version. From there, you'll acquisition the app in your app drawer.

What's appropriate about this one is it lets you change your phone's absolute allotment card instead of replacing it. CustomShare lets you abolish up to 9 apps from the card for free, but by purchasing CustomShare-Donator, you can accretion the adeptness to abolish as abounding as you'd like.

  • More Info: How to Use CustomShare to Declutter Your Allotment Menu

Any of the options aloft will advice adapt the blend accepted as the allotment menu. Depending on your preferences and needs, there is a altered advantage that helps allotment your items bound and effectively. Which adjustment did you opt for? Let us apperceive in the comments below.


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