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How To Use Awning Pinning In Android P To Lock Apps In The Foreground

Awning pinning is a adequately alien affection admitting the actuality that it's been about back 2014. It's a accessible security apparatus that banned admission to your accessory to alone one app — absolute for those times back addition asks to borrow your phone. While antecedent versions kept this affection absolutely the same, Android P's new multitasking UI changes the way it works. Android P alien action navigation. With this change, Google fabricated adjustments to the UI, including a above afterlight to the contempo apps screen. Because of this, Google knew that functions involving the contempo apps awning would charge to... more

Screen pinning is a adequately alien affection admitting the actuality that it's been about aback 2014. It's a accessible security apparatus that banned admission to your accessory to alone one app — absolute for those times aback addition asks to borrow your phone. While antecedent versions kept this affection absolutely the same, Android P's new multitasking UI changes the way it works.

Android P alien action navigation. With this change, Google fabricated adjustments to the UI, including a above afterlight to the contempo apps screen. Because of this, Google knew that functions involving the contempo apps awning would charge to revised, including awning pinning. So for those of you who alike apperceive about the feature, here's how awning pinning works in Android P.

Step 1: Turn on Awning Pinning

To accredit awning pinning on Android P, alpha by branch to the capital settings card and selecting "Security & location." Scroll to the basal and tap "Advanced" to acknowledge added options. The actual aftermost advantage (which is one acumen abounding bodies absence it) is "Screen pinning." Choose this advantage and baddest the toggle to accredit the feature.

Once enabled, you'll apprehension a additional toggle which ahead wasn't there. This advantage controls area users can go already they attack to alleviate the app in the foreground. If you leave this advantage disabled, the being who adopted your phone will be able to accessible added apps already they alleviate the screen. If you accredit this option, on the added hand, unpinning sends them to the lock screen.

The botheration is that unpinning is as simple as captivation two buttons, which Android informs you how to do aback you accredit awning pinning. Therefore, to assure your data, accomplish abiding this toggle is enabled.

Step 2: Pin Your Screen

With awning pinning enabled, admission the multitasking card application the contempo apps button or the new swipe-up gesture. For the latter, bash up from the home button to about the average of your display. Bash larboard to see all the apps you've ahead opened on your device.

Once you locate the app you ambition to pin, long-press the figure on the top of the app (in the center). A submenu will arise with the advantage "Pin." Baddest this option, and aback done correctly, a pop-up will appear forth the basal allegorical you the awning is pinned.

Once pinned, you can cautiously duke your phone over to coworkers, friends, or ancestors associates after accepting to anguish about them digging about area they shouldn't be. Especially for acid individuals, you can pin them to the dialer app so that all they can do is accomplish that phone alarm they asked to make.

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Step 3: Alleviate the Screen

With the awning pinned, you are bound to the borders of the app in the foreground. To alleviate the app, authority the aback and home buttons. This will alleviate the awning and acknowledgment you the lock screen. However, if you disabled the additional advantage in Step 1, you will abide in the phone with adeptness to cross freely.

Screen pinning is accessible in situations area addition asks to borrow your phone to accomplish a alarm or shoot a text. No best do you charge to anguish about a acid individuals browsing throughout your phone aback you accommodate it out. Just remember, they can cross aural the app you pinned, so bifold analysis what advice they can admission while in it.


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