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How To Use Blackberry's Redactor To Adumbrate Acute Advice In Screenshots

Sometimes we charge to allotment screenshots, but don't appetite to acknowledge the absolute screen. This usually requires some alteration that isn't about accessible to do on a smartphone. BlackBerry accustomed this affair and created a apparatus alleged Redactor that makes it accessible to adumbrate your abstracts afore sharing. Redactor is chargeless to use and preinstalled on the BlackBerry KEY2 and added BlackBerry accessories powered by Android. However, for added Android devices, you can install it from the Play Store for 99 cents a ages (after a 30-day chargeless trial). Redactor makes it accessible to allotment screenshots no amount what's on the... more

Sometimes we charge to allotment screenshots, but don't appetite to acknowledge the absolute screen. This usually requires some alteration that isn't about accessible to do on a smartphone. BlackBerry accustomed this affair and created a apparatus alleged Redactor that makes it accessible to adumbrate your abstracts afore sharing.

Redactor is chargeless to use and preinstalled on the BlackBerry KEY2 and added BlackBerry accessories powered by Android. However, for added Android devices, you can install it from the Play Store for 99 cents a ages (after a 30-day chargeless trial). Redactor makes it accessible to allotment screenshots no amount what's on the awning by absolution you awning some aspects of the image.

Step 1: Add Redactor to Your Quick Settings for Accessible Access

While this footfall is technically not necessary, it makes things a lot easier. Swipe bottomward alert on the cachet bar to absolutely acknowledge your Quick Settings, again baddest the pencil figure in the bottom-right to access "Edit" mode. Find the "Redactor" tile, again long-press it and annoyance it up amidst your alive Quick Settings tiles. When you're done, columnist the left-facing arrow in the top-left bend to save the change.

See Also: hack viber

Step 2: Adumbrate Acute Data

Redactor works alike afore you booty a screenshot, so no post-editing is needed. When you're accessible to allotment a screenshot of a card that contains acute info, alpha by aperture your Quick Settings console and selecting "Redactor." A acknowledgment bulletin will arise allegorical you that "Redactor approach is on," and a bar with a account of options will arise forth the bottom.

The aboriginal button controls the appearance of the atramentous mark acclimated to adumbrate portions of your screen. When the baby rectangle is chosen, annexation on the awning will actualize a rectangle over that section. The baby amphitheater will anatomy a atramentous circle. However, for the best precision, use the dotted aboveboard icon. This figure creates a added attenuated rectangle that matches the admeasurement of a archetypal argument balloon acclimated in messaging apps.

If you accomplish any mistakes, use the disengage button (the additional figure on the basal bar) to disengage the aftermost action. Once you accept hidden your data, you are accessible to booty a screenshot.

Step 3: Booty and Allotment Your Screenshot

You can booty a screenshot application the accepted commands of aggregate bottomward and the ability button, or the new advantage in Android P's ability menu. Redactor additionally includes the best to both booty and allotment the screenshot application the allotment button (the third figure on the basal bar).

Either way, appearance your screenshot to verify that all your abstracts is hidden from view. Afterwards you abduction the screenshot, avenue Redactor application the rightmost figure on the basal bar to abolish all atramentous bars.

(1) Before, (2) After

Redactor is simple tool, but it's absolutely useful. Now, it's beneath acceptable you will aback allotment the amiss information. Whether administration with ancestors or a friend, you can be abiding your screenshots alone acknowledge what you appetite to appearance and annihilation more.


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