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Showing posts from February, 2018

10 New Appearance & Changes Advancing In Android P

Google is accepted to advertise the abutting adaptation of their adaptable operating system, Android P, during their I/O developers appointment on May 8. However, the aboriginal developer examination of Android P will acceptable be appear afore again in March. While we delay for DP1 to arrive, the rumors accept been calamity in on what Android 9.0 absolutely has in abundance for us. Yes, 98.9% of Android users are still cat-and-mouse on Android 8.0 Oreo, but P, which could beggarly annihilation from Pie to Pineapple Cake or Pudding, ability be the aboriginal above software amend to abstain this alarming breach problem. Why? Because Google... more

Lg V30 & G6 Are Accepting Android 8.1 Oreo

Attention LG V30 and G6 owners — Android 8.1 is advancing to a accessory abreast you. While admirers of LG's latest smartphones are still ashore on Nougat actuality in the US, we now accept acceptance that Oreo's aboriginal above amend will acquisition its way here, alike if we aren't abiding when. This amend account bankrupt alongside the beat that the two LG phones will accept Google's "Android Enterprise Recommended" certification, which Google now gives to forward-thinking OEMs that accommodated assertive user and software specifications. It appears this acceptance will be fabricated in bike with an 8.1 amend to the V30 and G6... more

The Snapdragon 845 Will Accommodate 2018 Phones — Here's Why

The latest and greatest in Qualcomm's continued band of adaptable processors, the Snapdragon 845, is now set to blow bottomward forth with the Galaxy S9 and S9 . And as attractive as Samsung's newest flagships are, the processor that admiral them beneath the awning is aloof as awful anticipated. The Snapdragon 835 apparent a celebrated about-face for Qualcomm, as it was the aboriginal SoC to be bogus application 10nm FinFET process. The processor was a huge success, activity on to ability about all the consecutive flagships like the S8 and OnePlus 5T after a hitch. Now that Qualcomm has this accomplishment action bottomward pat... more

The Latest News, Leaks & Rumors On Samsung's Accessible Galaxy Agenda 9

After the recalls that bedeviled the Galaxy Note 7, Samsung delivered a analgesic accessory in the Galaxy Note 8. Now that the Galaxy S9 and S9 are assertive to be appear at Mobile World Congress on February 25, it's time to about-face our absorption to the Galaxy Note 9. The Galaxy Note 8 awash like "hotcakes," affairs over a actor units in South Korea alone. Samsung isn't absolutely agog on actuality outdone (especially by themselves), so apprehend the Galaxy Note 9 to be alike bigger than its predecessors. As with all rumors, you should booty these with a atom of salt. Once we apperceive added about this accessory (and... more

Rumor Roundup: Aggregate We Apperceive About The Moto G6 Plus

Last year, Motorola appear their Moto G5 Plus, a absurd mid-tier apparatus that becoming acclaim from both reviewers and consumers. Starting at $229, it was able-bodied and bargain because aggregate Motorola managed to jam into it. This year, Motorola is attractive to carbon the success of their G alternation with the G6 Plus. In abounding ways, the Moto G6 Plus appears to be a acknowledgment to form: Its midrange specs and amount reflect a approved and accurate blueprint that Motorola affected abysmal in the Lenovo labs. However, this year's abundance abundantly has a few new tricks up its sleeve apropos to its... more

The Snapdragon 845 Will Accommodate 2018 Phones — Here's Why

The latest and greatest in Qualcomm's continued band of adaptable processors, the Snapdragon 845, is now set to blow bottomward forth with the Galaxy S9 and S9 . And as attractive as Samsung's newest flagships are, the processor that admiral them beneath the awning is aloof as awful anticipated. The Snapdragon 835 apparent a celebrated about-face for Qualcomm, as it was the aboriginal SoC to be bogus application 10nm FinFET process. The processor was a huge success, activity on to ability about all the consecutive flagships like the S8 and OnePlus 5T after a hitch. Now that Qualcomm has this accomplishment action bottomward pat... more

The Latest News, Leaks & Rumors On Samsung's Accessible Galaxy Agenda 9

After the recalls that bedeviled the Galaxy Note 7, Samsung delivered a analgesic accessory in the Galaxy Note 8. Now that the Galaxy S9 and S9 are assertive to be appear at Mobile World Congress on February 25, it's time to about-face our absorption to the Galaxy Note 9. The Galaxy Note 8 awash like "hotcakes," affairs over a actor units in South Korea alone. Samsung isn't absolutely agog on actuality outdone (especially by themselves), so apprehend the Galaxy Note 9 to be alike bigger than its predecessors. As with all rumors, you should booty these with a atom of salt. Once we apperceive added about this accessory (and... more

10 New Appearance Advancing In Android 8.1 Oreo For The Capital Phone

After testing a alternation of Android 8.0 builds, Essential hit the displace button and jumped to Android 8.1 Oreo. The aboriginal 8.1 beta is already live, so we installed it on our PH-1 and started to dig in. The appearance from the 8.0 betas are all still there, additional a few aliment specific to the adapted version. We'll highlight the standouts here. Essential's acumen for jumping to 8.1 was that 8.0 had several adherence problems that they believed were addressed with the baby update. So annihilation major, but it's acceptable that Andy Rubin & Co. are accepting their flagship on the latest and greatest Android... more

Oxygenos Amend Assuredly Brings Face Alleviate To All Oneplus 5 Users

One of the best-received appearance of the OnePlus 5T was the almost defended face unlock, which fabricated it quick and accessible to get into the phone. Unfortunately, this affection wasn't included with the hardly earlier OnePlus 5 at first, but now, face unlocking is assuredly out of beta and accessible to anybody with a 2017 OnePlus. Previously, face unlocking had been accessible to the OnePlus 5 by way of the Android Oreo beta program, but it was absent in the aboriginal abiding Oreo body that was pushed out aftermost month. Now, owners of the OnePlus 5 can rejoice, as the accepted affection has clearly fabricated its... more

Essential Phone Drops Three Beauteous New Colors [photos]

The adventure of the Essential Phone isn't one for the aside of heart. The aggregation was founded by Andy Rubin, and their aboriginal phone was declared to accept alone the "essential" qualities. Unfortunately, it lacked a appropriate camera, and still amount as abundant as best flagships. Since that asperous start, however, things accept taken a about-face for the better. Now, Eseential's acceleration bottomward with a new set of colorways for the PH-1. Though Essential has alone awash about 90,000 phones in six months, they're attractive to change their luck with three bound copy colors. This, back accumulated with a cogent price... more

Essential Phone Drops Three Beauteous New Colors

The adventure of the Essential Phone isn't one for the aside of heart. The aggregation was founded by Andy Rubin, and their aboriginal phone was declared to accept alone the "essential" qualities. Unfortunately, it lacked a appropriate camera, and still amount as abundant as best flagships. Since that asperous start, however, things accept taken a about-face for the better. Now, Eseential's acceleration bottomward with a new set of colorways for the PH-1. Though Essential has alone awash about 90,000 phones in six months, they're attractive to change their luck with three bound copy colors. This, back accumulated with a cogent price... more

Axon 7 Oreo Beta Now Accessible To Us Users — Here's How To Get It

In January, ZTE appear they would be administering an Oreo beta affairs for Axon 7 users to analysis Android 8.0 afore the masses. Since then, no added advice was appear — until today, back ZTE assuredly opened up the Oreo beta to US customers. Using the articulation below, US Axon 7 owners can annals for the beta program. If ZTE accepts your registration, you will accept the new Oreo body for Axon 7 as a approved OTA update, and all the consecutive beta updates would appear the aforementioned way as they advance to the abiding adaptation (which is accounted to be appear in April). Sign up for the ZTE... more

How To Get That Banal Android Feel On Samsung, Lg & Added Phones — After Rooting

Recently, abounding manufacturers accept started alms phones with a clean, banal Android UI. Motorola, Essential, Nokia, and OnePlus are apparently the better names that accept listened to user acknowledgment and confused added appear AOSP. But if your phone still has a aggrandized OEM skin, there are a few things you can do about it. In particular, Samsung, LG, Huawei, and Xiaomi use their own custom flavors of Android that are all on the abundant side. The additions they accomplish can advance to a bloatware botheration while acutely abbreviation achievement and array activity — all in the name of appropriate themselves... more

Nokia 8 Seems To Be The Aboriginal Non-google Phone To Get Android 8.1

Ever back Microsoft awash Nokia to HMD, they've hit the arena active with a new charter on life. Quick updates accept become their hallmark, with alike their lower-end phones accepting Android Oreo in a appropriate fashion. The aforementioned holds accurate for their accepted flagship, the Nokia 8, which by our calculation is now the aboriginal phone alfresco of Pixel or Nexus accessories to get Android 8.1. The Nokia 8 Oreo 8.1 amend is rolling out appropriate now. According to XDA, it comes with "new battery-saving aeronautics buttons, a revamped ability menu, a redesigned settings menu, array allotment advice for Bluetooth... more

Galaxy S9 Announcement, Preorder & Absolution Dates

Samsung's Galaxy S8 and S8 are two absurd devices. That's why we're so aflame about the accessible S9 and S9 . While we don't apprehend there to be any advocate changes over the S8 line, we're acquisitive for that advertisement all the same, which we now apperceive to be February 25th. Announcement & Absolution Dates First accounted by VentureBeat adaptable anchorman and abominable smartphone leaker Evan Blass, again after accepted by Samsung itself, the aggregation affairs on announcement the S9 and S9 on February 25. According to Blass, preorders will alpha March 1, and the accessories will clearly absolution on March... more

The 4 Best Firefox Adaptable Extensions For Aloofness & Security

One different affection of Firefox Mobile is extensions. Extensions acquiesce users to add in appearance that didn't originally appear with the browser. These add-ons accommodate an arrangement of features, including advance to aloofness and security. There are a cardinal of accomplish you can booty to advance aloofness aural the browser after application extensions. We absolutely did a accomplished commodity account the modifications you can accomplish aural the app's settings to bank up security — see the articulation beneath to analysis it out. However, it is alone with extensions that you absolutely advancement your defenses, and the four we'll highlight... more

14 Air-conditioned New Appearance In Android Oreo For The Oneplus 5t

When OnePlus appear the 5T, abounding were aghast that it wasn't aircraft with Android Oreo. To barrier some of this disappointment, OnePlus bound alien an accessible beta for both the 5 and 5T and promised that anniversary would accept the official adaptation by Q1 2018. Well today, OnePlus has met this affiance and pushed the OTA out for the official abiding adaptation of Android Oreo. With the update, the OnePlus 5T joins the baby but growing account of accessories that accept Android Oreo. Abounding of the new appearance appear from banal Android's Oreo update, but OnePlus has added a scattering of different appearance of... more

Here Are All The New Emojis In The Galaxy S8 Oreo Update

New emojis are advancing with the Android Oreo amend for Galaxy S8 and S8 . Samsung Experience 9.0 has been adapted to Emoji 5.0, abacus 239 cast new emojis back you booty into annual gender and bark accent variants. While there are accessory changes beyond the board, we capital to focus on the anew created emojis so you'll apperceive what's accessible to you. New Emojis With the new update, Samsung's emojis are now afterpiece in band with its competitors. This was accomplished by alteration earlier ones (with one or two above revision) and the all-embracing aesthetics of the new ones. In agreement of facial expressions... more

Zte Axon 9 Specs, Pricing, Absolution Date & Rumors

The ZTE Axon 7 was a well-received phone that offered flagship specs at a midrange price. But at this point, the phone's about two years old and abounding accept been apprehensive back a almsman was coming. This year, ZTE appear they will assuredly absolution the Axon 9, and we now accept a beginning set of leaked specs. ZTE will be absence the Axon 8 and jumping beeline to the 9. Before capacity emerged, abounding in the Android association were already aflame acknowledgment to ZTE's administration of the Axon 7. While the Axon 7 had a asperous start, ZTE listened to its association and addressed abounding of the complaints, including... more

5 Settings To Change In Firefox Adaptable To Advance Aloofness & Security

Unlike abounding browsers, Firefox gives a lot of ascendancy to the user. By default, Firefox does a abundant job of acclimation security and performance. However, aural the app's settings, you can adapt options to about-face this antithesis in one administration or another. For those attractive to about-face it adjoin security, actuality are few suggestions. These suggestions don't crave you to install annihilation added — they're all attainable by absence and can be adapted with aloof a few curtains (with one exception). While tweaking these settings won't accomplish your browser a adherent absorber adjoin the dangers of the web, it will... more

How To Appropriately Calibrate The Array On Any Android Phone

After Apple's contempo fiasco, it's now accepted ability that smartphone batteries abase over time. But abreast from causing abhorrent array life, a base array can additionally ambush your phone's software into cerebration the accessory has added abstract larboard than it absolutely does. I'll explain aggregate below, but aboriginal I appetite to accord acclaim area it's due. A above Samsung artisan aggregate the able array arrangement achieve on Reddit — achieve Samsung has acclimated internally to advice boldness array issues. So alike admitting there are affluence of anecdotal user-made instructions claiming to achieve this same... more

Amazon Will Assuredly Attenuate Lock Awning Ads On Their Discounted Phones

Amazon has had a abiding affiliation with its consumers apropos appropriate offers. Amazon sells these Prime Exclusive Phones with lock awning ads and Amazon apps in barter for discounts on the phones. You additionally charge to be an Amazon Prime Member, arch us to historically accept that these "special offers" weren't absolutely all that special. That is, until today. Amazon appear that they will be disabling lock awning offers and ads on their Prime Exclusive Android phones today. Fortunately, they will abide to abatement these devices, aloof as they did in the accomplished — admitting a address from... more

How To Cossack Your Oneplus 5 Or 5t Into Accretion & Fastboot Mode

Both the OnePlus 5 and 5T accept two pre-boot airheaded that every buyer should apperceive about: Accretion approach and bootloader mode. The accretion awning lets you clean cache, accomplish a branch reset, or install firmware, which can advice save the phone from a soft-brick. Bootloader mode, on the added hand, lets you accelerate Fastboot commands via PC or Mac to lock or alleviate your bootloader or beam images. Because the OnePlus 5 and 5T are about the aforementioned phone, the methods for entering accretion and bootloader modes are absolutely the same. And acknowledgment to OnePlus' focus on user-friendliness as far as... more

Nova Launcher 101: How To Adapt Your App Drawer With Tab Groups

Over the years, Nova Launcher has widened its audience. No best is it artlessly a apparatus to acknowledgment your home awning to a added banal look. With Nova, you accretion customization tweaks and functionality bare with the banal launcher. One archetype of this is all of the air-conditioned being you can do to adapt your app drawer. Within a few months of owning a device, our app drawers become chaotic acknowledgment to the ample cardinal of apps we install. Like best launchers, Nova offers the adeptness to move apps to the home awning either alone or aural a accumulation application folders. However, clashing its competition... more

How To Unroot & Backslide Your Oneplus 5 Or 5t To 100% Stock

To amuse those of us who adulation to mod and basis our Androids, OnePlus has fabricated both the OnePlus 5 and 5T almost accessible to adapt — so abundant so that the 5T topped our account for the best phones for rooting. Unfortunately, unlocking the bootloader and application basis to adapt the firmware on your OnePlus 5 or 5T makes it adamantine to amend to a new firmware such as Oreo back compared to stock. Reverting your OnePlus 5 or 5T to banal in adjustment to amend it to the latest OxygenOS Android adaptation can end up bricking your phone if done incorrectly. Because of this, we've covered every footfall of the process... more

3 Accessible Accomplish Apple-pie Up Your Home Awning With Nova Launcher

One of the standout appearance of Nova Launcher is its all-inclusive customization options. Not alone does it includes abundant tweaks to adapt the aesthetics of your home screen, but it alike has affluence of appearance that abate clutter. One breadth of our accessory that has a aerial abeyant for ataxia is our home screen. Not every user takes the time to absolutely personalize their home screen, but abounding will admit that a apple-pie home awning is one admirable of praise. While home screens are an able way to bound admission our admired apps, if not controlled, they can become a chaotic blend that offers... more

4 Android Apps That'll Advice Alpha Your Morning Off Right

Starting your morning appropriate is an capital aboriginal footfall to a advantageous day. Whether you're active late, hasty to bolt up on the day's news, or backward abaft with aboriginal emails, little hiccups like these can accept a trickle-down aftereffect and ultimately ruin your day. Like with abounding problems, though, your smartphone can help. Using a aggregate of altered apps, you can be informed, alert, and accessible for the day afore alike abrogation the house. These accoutrement acquiesce you to get the jump on assorted tasks that, back not addressed, can calmly become overwhelming. And that starts with alive up on time... more

This Is How Abundant The Galaxy S9 Will Amount In The Us

Although accepted to be alone a bashful advancement over the S8, we can't advice but be aflame about the Galaxy S9's actualization backward abutting month. Among the abounding rumors and questions we're attractive to see addressed, one of the better queries we accept is, of course, with the amount tag. We ability not accept to delay a ages for the goods, however, acknowledgment to a new appraisement advertisement out of South Korea. According to the Korean aperture ETnews, a Samsung official accepted the S9 will amount 950,000 and 990,000 South Korean Won. While the commodity is not absolutely clear, we expect, based off GSMArena's reporting, the... more

Galaxy S9 & S9+ Will Abutment T-mobile's New 600 Mhz Lte Bandage — Rural Users Rejoice

In 2017, afterwards purchasing a majority of the 600 MHz frequency, T-Mobile began a massive rollout of the new LTE Bands beyond the US. However, there are currently alone two accessories that abutment the frequency, additionally accepted as LTE Bandage 71. Thanks to a contempo FCC listing, we've abstruse this cardinal will bifold back the Galaxy S9 and S9 admission abutting month. With the S9 and S9 , this would be Samsung's additional and third accessory to accommodate abutment for this bandage (the S8 Active additionally supports LTE Bandage 71). Added importantly, this would be the best accepted accessory to accommodate the affection so far, which should... more

3 Tips To Get To Inbox Aught Faster In Gmail

On average, an appointment artisan receives 121 emails a day. Many of these emails are atomic and don't crave actual attention. While Gmail's automated spam filters bolt affluence of extraneous emails, some still accomplish their way into your inbox. Fortunately, Gmail's accoutrement aren't bound to aloof spam filters. The abstraction of "inbox zero" is a simple one: If you can archive, delete, or artlessly bright abroad all emails, you're at inbox zero. From there, you're added productive, as you can accord with important emails as they appear in rather than arena catch-up all day. But it's adamantine to get to inbox zero... more

Almost A Year Later, Android Oreo Is Still On Beneath Than 1% Of Phones

The aboriginal developer examination body of Android P (Android 9.0) is appropriate about the corner, but beneath than 1% of Android phones are active Oreo. The breach on Android (the cardinal of accessories on altered versions of the operating system) is staggering, and a botheration that has bedeviled the operating arrangement back it aboriginal debuted in 2008 — admitting Google's best efforts to fix it. The Developer Examination arrangement aboriginal came about as a way for developers and OEMs to analysis new versions of Android so they could bound amend their own apps and accessories to abutment the latest version. The Android Oreo... more

4 Iphone Apps That Will Advice Alpha Your Morning Off Right

For some of us, mornings are difficult. But if you can administer to alpha your morning right, you can activate a alternation acknowledgment that leads to a added advantageous day. Fortunately, our phones accept the accoutrement to advice us get off to a acceptable start. Using a aggregate of altered apps, we can be appropriately adequate and bigger abreast afore we leave our homes. When you deathwatch up abounding of activity afterwards a abounding night's sleep, acquisition your account faster, and constrict distractions abroad for later, you ability anon acquisition you're a morning person, afterwards all. 1. Deathwatch Up on Time with the New 'Bedtime' Clock Unlike the added three... more

11 Air-conditioned New Appearance In Android Oreo For The Oneplus 5t

When OnePlus appear the 5T, abounding were aghast that it wasn't aircraft with Android Oreo. To barrier some of this disappointment, OnePlus bound alien an accessible beta for both the 5 and 5T and promised that anniversary would accept the official adaptation by Q1 2018. Well today, OnePlus has met this affiance and pushed the OTA out for the official abiding adaptation of Android Oreo. With the update, the OnePlus 5T joins the baby but growing account of accessories that accept Android Oreo. Abounding of the new appearance appear from banal Android's Oreo update, but OnePlus has added a scattering of different appearance of... more

4 Apps To Advice Accumulate Your Android Accessory Secure

As of 2016, there are about 1.85 billion Android smartphones worldwide. This growing acceptance has led to an accretion cardinal hacks and cyber attacks adjoin the OS. Unfortunately, Android users charge added aegis than what is offered by Google. The acceptable affair is that there are a cardinal of options available. With these third-party apps, users can accommodate their smartphones (and tablets) with aegis able abundant to action best cyber attacks. While not foolproof, they do strengthen your defenses to a point area your accident drops considerably. Put simply, these apps accord your... more