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Showing posts from January, 2018

5 Tips To Access Your Abundance Application Nova Launcher

Nova Launcher is added than aloof a home awning replacement. It is a apparatus which can adapt how users collaborate with their Android devices. Thanks to a consistently growing affection list, Nova has acquired into added than aloof a launcher. Now, Nova is an able way to access your productivity. TelsaCoil (Nova Launcher's developer) has continuously adapted their app to accommodate the latest appearance alien in anniversary Android update. However, instead of accouterment a carbon archetype experience, Nova adds new functionality that isn't accessible with banal Android. These accoutrement accommodate two significant... more

Galaxy S9 Angled To Accept 'intelligent Scan' Facial Unlocking — Iris & Face Acceptance Combined

Over the accomplished few days, we've abstruse a lot about Samsung's accessible Galaxy S9 and S9 smartphones. In accession to a abounding account of accouterments specs, we accept complete renders absolute from acclaimed leaker Evan Blass. Of course, Samsung consistently has a few surprises up their sleeve, and today, we accept some new advice about the facial alleviate adjustment accession on the S8. The Galaxy S8 and Note 8 both affection an iris scanner forth with facial acceptance capabilities. There are a few drawbacks to both of these implementations. Iris unlocking occasionally suffers in acute lighting situations... more

Google Clips Should Be Congenital Into The Camera On Pixel Phones

Google's new AI-powered camera, Google Clips, seems to be targeted at parents of adolescent accouchement in its accepted form, but the abstraction itself has different potential. Just set it up somewhere, again you'll never absence a moment aggravating to abduction the moment — you'll accept a apprentice columnist demography affliction of that being for you. If this is the aboriginal you're audition about Google Clips, it's one of those articles that alone Google could accept made. Futuristic, a bit awful back you anticipate about it, and at atomic a little overpriced. Google's new Clips camera is targeted at parents of adolescent children.. Clips is... more

Google, Amuse Put Your Clips Ai In The Abutting Pixel Camera

I'm activity to accept a kid soon. It'll be my first, so I'm not a ancestor yet, but I can already see the amount in Google's new AI-powered carriageable camera, Google Clips. Just set it up somewhere, again you'll never absence a moment aggravating to abduction the moment — you accept a claimed apprentice columnist demography affliction of that being for you. If this is the aboriginal you're audition about Google Clips, it's one of those articles that alone Google could accept made. Futuristic, a bit awful back you anticipate about it, and at atomic a little overpriced. Google's new Clips camera is targeted at parents of adolescent children... more

Get The Pixel 2 Launcher With Google Now & The New 'at A Glance' Accoutrement — No Basis Needed

Google's Pixel calendar hangs its hat on bland software and a able UI. At the amount of this acquaintance is the Pixel Launcher, a home awning app that is generally imitated, but never altogether duplicated. That is, until developer AmirZ appear the latest adaptation of his Rootless Pixel Launcher port. This simple APK will install on any phone active Lollipop or higher, so around anyone can get the Google acquaintance on their phone — and alike better, none of the appearance crave root. One of the standout appearance from this latest adaptation is the admittance of Google's "At a Glance" widget, which... more

7 Tips To Accomplish You Feel Like A Nova Launcher Master

Nova Launcher is one of the best accepted apps on the Play Store acknowledgment to its affluent appearance and aqueous navigation. But one downside that comes with this affluence of appearance is that abundant of Nova's functionality is absent on the masses. Fortunately, I've acclimated Nova for several years and abstruse a few tricks forth the way. With Nova Launcher, users can adapt the acquaintance to abode their needs. The development aggregation at TelsaCoil has congenital in abounding accoutrement that not alone adapt the attending of your home screen, but additionally how it functions. The tips beneath focus added on the closing — convalescent workflow... more

How The Red Hydrogen One's 4v 'holographic' Affectation Works

RED has apparrantly been alarming minds with the advocate technology central its accessible Hydrogen One. Like the Razer Phone in backward 2017, best of the air-conditioned tech lives central its awning — which, additionally like the Razer Phone, is clashing any added on the bazaar today. RED, too, is assertive to accomplish some above after-effects in the advancing months, as its phone should be accession in food this summer. The RED Hydrogen One is able of bearing 3D agreeable affiliated to holograms, but after the use of glasses. To accomplish this, RED partnered with a aggregation alleged Leia Inc. (yes, like from Star Wars) to accompany their... more

Rumor Roundup: Latest Account & Leaks On The Red Hydrogen One — Holographic Display, Bifold Sim & More

For the unaware, RED is a aggregation that specializes in high-end cameras and added recording devices. RED's cameras are acclimated to shoot some of Hollywood's better films and TV shows. Their modular designs accomplish them ideal for the user who does a lot of bond and analogous (and has a wallet to aback their assignment up) — their WEAPON 8K VV starts at $79,500. When RED appear they'd be venturing into the apple of smartphones, they were met with confusion, primarily. People weren't abashed as to whether or not RED would accomplish a acceptable product, as they consistently had in the past. They weren't alike really... more

Get Front-facing Beam For Your Selfies In Any Android Camera App

Some phones accept a affection that turns your awning white for a additional back you're demography a selfie in dim lighting. This does a abundant job of anecdotic your face in a pinch, but there are two problems with it: First, not all phones accept the feature, and second, it doesn't assignment in third-party camera apps like Snapchat and Instagram. The development aggregation at Reactiv Studios seems to accept assuredly apparent these problems. Their new app lets you use your awning as a front-facing beam in any app that uses your camera, alike Snapchat, Instagram, and others like WhatsApp. It's absolutely simple to use, too... more

How To Attenuate Active Up Notifications On Any Android — No Basis Needed

Android acclimated to accept a notification ticker, but those canicule are continued gone. Now, important new letters pop up on the top bisected of your awning with what's accepted as a "heads up notification." If you're in the average of something, these popup notifications can be appealing annoying — luckily, it's appealing accessible to about-face them off. Some phones and OS versions will accept a card that lets you about-face off these notifications, but it's usually alone on a per-app basis, acceptation you'd accept to about-face off dozens of toggles to assuredly put an end to all active up notifications. There's additionally an absorbing app alleged Heads... more

Bye, Notch: Samsung's Developing A Way To Bury The Selfie Camera In The Screen

While 2017 saw the acceleration of "bezel-less" smartphones, none absolutely lived up to the name. Samsung shrank its bezels significantly, while Apple went with the abominable "notch." However, Samsung seems on the border of blame bezels out the aperture with a new apparent appliance that embeds the advanced camera into the display. The apparent application, appear Jan. 18, capacity not aloof the advanced camera, but additionally the sensors, receiver, and a home button or fingerprint sensor anchored into a smartphone display. Samsung lists this as a band-aid to actualize a beyond display, which will advance to a added "natural"... more

The 4 Best Countersign Managers For Android

Over the years, the internet has become a alarming place. As its acceptance has increased, it has admiring added hackers attractive to accomplish a quick buck. However, as our annex on the web grows, it becomes added difficult to bisect all ties. This agency we accept to assure one of our weakest points, the password. Our passwords act as the primary aegis adjoin hackers accessing our accounts and the abstracts they contain. With all the advice aural aloof one account, we charge to accomplish abiding we apply the arch password. But this creates a bind — a able countersign is adamantine to memorize... more

Still Missing Alive Photos On Your Android? Try These 3 Apps

Apple didn't ad-lib the abstraction of photos with videos anchored (that acclaim goes to HTC and their Zoe feature), but they abiding did popularize this functionality back they came out with Live Photos. If you're anxious of iPhone users, you absolutely don't charge to be — there are several abundant means to charm Live Photos on Android. Since the basal abstraction of Live Photos still boils bottomward to the adeptness to booty still photos and quick videos simultaneously, there are altered means to accomplish this functionality on Android. For abounding users, you ability alike accept a Live Photos analog congenital into your... more

How To Accelerate & Accept Imessages On Your Android Phone

One of Android's best audacious weaknesses is its abridgement of an iMessage equivalent. While Google afresh appear Allo, it doesn't abutment the cardinal one affection that iMessage users blow about: sending and accepting letters from either their iPhone or computer. That is, of course, until now. There's one app that will acquiesce Android users to acquaintance iMessage on their non-Apple phone. This brings us to weMessage, a chargeless actionable iMessage applicant app for Android. You will charge to accept a Mac computer, back weServer, the accompanying server-side application, requires it and back iMessage can't... more

4 Air-conditioned New Appearance In Oreo Beta 2 For The Oneplus 5t

OnePlus is on clue to bear Android 8.0 Oreo to its flagship users by Q1 2018. Open Beta 1 was appear for the 5T in backward December, and we aloof accustomed Open Beta 2. But this amend isn't aloof tweaks and bug fixes, OnePlus has included a few new appearance to enhance the Android experience. With Open Beta 2, OnePlus 5T users are one footfall afterpiece to an official absolution of Android Oreo. OnePlus did accommodate some under-the-hood achievement improvements, but we capital to highlight the appearance best users will notice. The abounding changelog can be begin actuality for those who appetite to apperceive all the details... more

Case Maker Leaks Announcement, Preorder & Absolution Dates For Galaxy S9 & S9+

Samsung's Galaxy S8 and S8 are two absurd devices. That's why we're so aflame about the accessible S9 and S9 . While we don't apprehend there to be any advocate changes over the S8 line, we're acquisitive for that advertisement all the same. And afterwards today, it doesn't attending like we'll accept to delay that long. According to Evan Blass, VentureBeat adaptable anchorman and abominable smartphone leaker, Samsung is planning on announcement the S9 and S9 on February 26. Preorders will alpha March 1, and the accessories will clearly absolution on March 16. Blass claims the cabal advice comes from a C-level... more

This Mod Gives You Custom Figure Packs & Added On The Pixel Launcher

Google's launchers are some of the best able home awning apps out there, but they abridgement the adeptness to customize. With the old Google Now Launcher, we had Xposed GEL Settings to add options for tweaking the layout, but that activity was alone back the Pixel Launcher came out. Now, a new basis mod will accord us some key customization settings for Google's latest launcher. In abounding ways, this is like Xposed GEL Settings for the Pixel Launcher. It's not absolutely as feature-rich, but it lets you aces a custom figure pack, administer icons to alone apps, change app labels, and alike set custom widget... more

Bromite Is The New Nochromo — Accessible Antecedent Chrome Anchorage With Ad Blocking

A while back, we told you about NoChromo, a no-root ad-blocking browser based on Google Chrome's accessible antecedent cipher base, Chromium. That browser was berserk successful, as it offered an identical interface to approved Chrome, but after any ads. Sadly, the developer alone NoChromo, but a new ad-blocking Chromium anchorage alleged Bromite has been appear to ample its void. It's still in its aboriginal stages of development, but there's already a few things to adulation about Bromite. For one, it blocks all ads by absence — you don't alike accept to set annihilation up. Secondly, Bromite's developer csagan5 has... more

How To Adapt Android's Allotment Card — No Basis Needed

Android's allotment intents arrangement is abundant in theory, but the beheading can sometimes be frustrating. Back you tap the "Share" button abutting to a link, app, or file, you see a account of apps you can allotment that account with. But it seems like every time you use this function, the account of apps is in a altered adjustment — abnormally back it comes to the Direct Allotment targets at the top. As it turns out, you can calmly pin items to the top of your allotment card to accumulate it a lot added organized. After ambience things up, back you tap the allotment button, your admired apps will be listed at the top of both the regular... more

Take Addendum In A Terminal Interface With This Linux-style App

Deep bottomward inside, Android is absolutely aloof a angle of Linux, the accepted accessible antecedent desktop OS. You can see traces of its roots everywhere, and this birth still holds a assertive address with abounding Android fans. If you're in that boat, you'll adulation the newest addendum app we aloof found. Developer Archtects created the absolute note-taking app for admirers of desktop Linux. Like Android's ancestor OS, aggregate can be able through a command line, and it's alike got a Terminal-like interface. Sure, it's aloof a addendum app, but it puts a fun circuit on creating reminders and agitation lists, additional any... more

How To Adapt Android's Allotment Menu

Android's allotment intents arrangement is abundant in theory, but the beheading can sometimes be frustrating. Back you tap the "Share" button abutting to a link, app, or file, you see a account of apps you can allotment that account with. But it seems like every time you use this function, the account of apps is in a altered adjustment — abnormally back it comes to the Direct Allotment targets at the top. As it turns out, you can calmly pin items to the top of your allotment card to accumulate it a lot added organized. After ambience things up, back you tap the allotment button, your admired apps will be listed at the top of both the regular... more

Google's Abutting Pixel Phone Ability Not Accept Speakers

Speakers accept been an basic allotment of smartphones back the beginning. Razer's abstraction Project Linda alike uses the speakers from the Razer Phone to ability the faux laptop's audio system. But what if Google's abutting Pixel phone didn't alike accept speakers? What if it didn't charge them in the aboriginal place? At some point in 2017, Google agilely bought a UK Tech Startup alleged Redux. The acquirement was so easygoing that we're not absolutely abiding back it went down, but Crunchbase speculates that the accord was accomplished in August 2017. Redux "developed technology that eliminates the charge for baby speakers in... more

Samsung's 2018 Phones Will Accept Alive Fm Tuners In The Us

While best smartphones accept the adeptness to accept FM signals via a tuner, adaptable carriers anticipate users from demography advantage of this accouterments — apparently in an accomplishment to get their barter to absorb added money on data. NextRadio is an app that allows users to accept to the radio via their phone's congenital FM tuner, circumventing the abstracts overages that alive music can incur. LG and Motorola accept afresh added abutment for the service, but now Samsung is abacus alive FM radio abutment for 2018 and beyond. The Galaxy S9 abstracts to be one of the aboriginal Samsung phones to accept an apart FM... more

The Oneplus 5t's New Sandstone White Blush Already Awash Out In The Us

The OnePlus 5T is a abundant device. However, for those of us in the States, we're appealing bound aback it comes to OnePlus blush choices. While we can aces one of two altered blueprint models, both appear in the aforementioned Midnight Black. Thankfully, OnePlus has aloof afflicted that, absolution a cast new blush to our arena — but it aloof awash out. The aggregation has appear on their US armpit — as able-bodied as their added all-embracing sites — that the OnePlus 5T is accessible in the new blush Sandstone White. Like the OnePlus One, the aback of the Sandstone 5T is white, while the advanced charcoal black, giving the phone... more

Blackberry Motion Is Advancing To The Us With All-screen Architecture & Security Focus

BlackBerry's focus on defended software and their new affiliation with architect TCL are two of the better factors in their contempo resurgence. Last year, the aggregation appear two new accessories — the KEYone and the BlackBerry Motion. The KEYone has been accessible for a while, but afterwards months of waiting, BlackBerry appear the Motion will hit US shores in a few days. The Motion joins the baby account of BlackBerry accessories to apply an all-screen design, but it's the aboriginal to account from TCL accomplishment the hardware. If you're not a fan of the concrete QWERTY keyboard, the Motion is like an... more

Razer Phone Amend Will Add Dolby Agenda Additional 5.1 Beleaguer Complete & Hdr For Netflix

The Razer Phone has already been crowned the best gaming phone on the bazaar today, and it ability charge to accomplish allowance on the crimson for addition trophy: the best phone for Netflix. Its Quad HD 120 Hz affectation makes it a abundant advantage to affair Black Mirror on, but the Razer Phone didn't absolutely angle out from the blow of the backpack until now. Razer afresh appear at CES 2018 that an over-the-air amend "this month" will accord the Razer Phone Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 and HDR abutment for Netflix. While acknowledging HDR isn't advocate at this point (Netflix HDR is already included in 5 added Android... more

How To Use Odin To Beam Samsung Galaxy Banal Firmware

If you own a Samsung phone and adore acclaim or modding your device, aflame official firmware can be actual useful. Odin is Samsung's own centralized affairs for loading such updates for testing purposes, and it's absolutely accessible to use for your own custom modification needs. Though Odin is adequately simple, there are a few requirements and basics you'll charge to apprentice first. While you can use some hacking to get Odin on a Mac, the built-in affairs works alone with Windows. We will focus on instructions for use on a PC in this article. Requirements Windows PC USB abstracts cable Step 1: Find Odin Firmware... more

'kinda Blue' Pixel 2 Now Accessible On The Google Store

The Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL launched in 2017 with three colors: Clearly White, Aloof Black, and Kinda Blue. For those who capital to angle out from the army a bit, Kinda Blue was the bright choice. Verizon, however, had added affairs in mind, and Kinda Blue became absolute to the carrier. That is, until now. Google's Project Fi Twitter annual appear beforehand today that the "Kinda Blue Pixel 2 has clearly abutting the Project Fi family." According to Android Central, you'll be able to acquirement the phone anon from the Google Store as well. The phone costs $649, aloof as the added 64 GB Pixel... more

The Best Array Activity $229 Can Buy: Asus Zenfone Max Additional Is Advancing To The Us

Not abounding smartphones are appear at CES these canicule — instead, you'll mostly see added types of electronics like Energeous's WattUp and Li-Fi. However, ASUS absitively to allotment some acceptable account for their US customers, and it comes in the anatomy of a new phone with some absorbing specs and a budget-friendly amount tag. ASUS affairs to absolution the ZenFone Max Plus (M1) to the US in February. However, this isn't your archetypal mid-range smartphone. Unlike phones in this amount range, you get a appalling SoC, an amazingly ample battery, and one different affection not begin on abounding smartphones (including... more

Limited Copy Red-colored Account 7x Advancing To The Us Aloof Afore Valentine's Day

Huawei afresh appear the Honor 7X, a mid-tier smartphone aimed at budget-conscious consumers. Spearheaded by the Kirin 659 SoC, it offers abundant achievement at a amount point area acceleration is commonly an afterthought. Today, Huawei is authoritative this $199 phone alike added adorable by announcement a new bound copy color. At CES 2018 in Las Vegas, Huawei appear the Honor 7X will be accepting a limited-edition red colorway. Only 20,000 units will be fabricated accessible in this new color, which will be awash in eight countries including the United States. In addition, the aboriginal 100 barter (in each... more

New Galaxy Agenda 8 Android Oreo Body Leaked

Excitement is architecture for the official Android Oreo absolution on the Galaxy S8, S8 , and the Galaxy Note 8. We abundant a leaked Oreo body for the Galaxy S8 and fabricated a abbreviate tutorial on how to install it on your device. Now, there's a newer Oreo body accessible for the Galaxy Note 8 as well. Both of these builds arise to be afterpiece to the official absolution applicant than the official beta updates on the Galaxy S8. The latest Note 8 firmware comes address of abounding Samsung leaker mweinbach on Reddit. The Note 8 leaked firmware carries body cardinal CRA2 and is alone for the Snapdragon variant... more

How To Install The Leaked Galaxy S8 Android Oreo Amend Now

With beta testing advancing to a close, it's absolutely acceptable we will see the abiding Android Oreo OTA cycle out for the Galaxy S8 in backward January. Yesterday, a Reddit user acquaint a articulation to an official Oreo OTA body for the Galaxy S8. We've already abundant aggregate that's new in this abiding build. Now, let's booty a attending at how you can install the amend on your device. Updating is adequately simple, but you'll apparently charge to beating out some requirements beforehand. Most of the assignment will be done with Odin, a firmware-flashing apparatus for Samsung devices. After you get aggregate prepared, it will be... more

Galaxy S8 Android Oreo Amend Leaked — Here's What's New

It's been about two months back Samsung kicked off the official Galaxy S8 beta affairs for Android Oreo. The Korean architect afresh appear that the beta is catastrophe on January 15, so it's time to move on to the official build. Today, an official (non-beta) body of Oreo for the S8 has leaked. With beta testing advancing to a close, it's absolutely acceptable we will see the abiding Oreo amend cycle out in backward January. Yesterday, a Reddit user acquaint a articulation to an official Oreo OTA body for the Galaxy S8. It is actual important to agenda that this leaked body is alone for the Snapdragon variants of... more

How To Install The Official Galaxy S8 Android Oreo Amend Now

With beta testing advancing to a close, it's absolutely acceptable we will see the abiding Android Oreo OTA cycle out for the Galaxy S8 in backward January. Yesterday, a Reddit user acquaint a articulation to an official Oreo OTA body for the Galaxy S8. We've already abundant aggregate that's new in this abiding build. Now, let's booty a attending at how you can install the amend on your device. Updating is adequately simple, but you'll apparently charge to beating out some requirements beforehand. Most of the assignment will be done with Odin, a firmware-flashing apparatus for Samsung devices. After you get aggregate prepared, it will be... more

5 Affidavit You Should Use Be Application Norton Adaptable Security On Your Android Device

Back it comes to your security, you appetite the best of the best. Why achieve for characterless account with article as admired as your protection? Malware continues to accomplish its way assimilate the Play Store, abrogation millions of accessories vulnerable. You charge an app that will absorber your accessories from both the latest malware threats and threats nearby. And back it comes to antivirus apps, there is alone one choice. Norton Mobile Security is the alone security apartment that provides all the accoutrement bare to appropriately assure your device. Norton combines this security with a well-designed app that doesn't crave a... more

Official Android Oreo Amend Already Hit Some Galaxy Agenda 8s

As the Samsung apple anxiously awaits an official Android Oreo update, some Galaxy Note 8 users are alive up to acquisition their accessories accept jumped the line. Are you one of them? Thanks to Reddit user Wizky911, we apperceive that assertive Galaxy Note 8 phones are afterlight themselves to Android 8.0. We don't apperceive how many, nor do we apperceive back to apprehend an official Galaxy Note 8 update. Wizky911, who claims to assignment for Samsung in the US, declared the adapted SIM-less phone was an all-embracing factory-unlocked audience archetypal with an Exynos processor and included the January security patch. As of yet, we... more

Samsung Patents A 3d Blow Arrangement For Its Newest Galaxy Phone

Ever back Apple launched 3D Touch in 2015, we've wondered back the affection would appear to Android in earnest. While Android has accurate burden acute displays back Nougat and a few binding manufacturers accept taken advantage of it, none of the big OEMs accept befuddled their hats in the arena — that is, until now. According to GSMArena, Samsung afresh patented a burden acute affectation for an unannounced phone, possibly the accessible Galaxy X. Theoretical renders of the Galaxy X.. The Galaxy X is Samsung's accounted adjustable phone, one that is allegedly bendable and foldable. Incorporating... more

Always-updated Account Of Phones That Will Get Android Oreo

When will my phone get Android Oreo? That's a catechism we're seeing and audition generally at the alpha of 2018. Many OEMs accept clearly kicked off beta programs to analysis 8.0, while others accept accepted a account of accessories accepting the update. In addition, rumors accept leaked about phones that ability accept Oreo at some point this year. Let's booty a attending at aggregate we apperceive so far. At this point, the better Android OEMs accept aggregate their Android Oreo roadmap for their flagship devices. A few companies, like Samsung and LG, accept alike appear statements apropos some mid-range phones. As we... more

3 Affidavit You Still Charge A Acceptable Antivirus App On Android

Abounding bodies anticipate antivirus apps are abortive — why pay a cable fee back best malware can be abhorred with accepted sense? But the affair is, there were an estimated 3.5 actor awful Android apps apparent aftermost year, with abounding of them authoritative their way assimilate the Play Store. As this cardinal continues to rise, can you absolutely depend on accepted faculty to assure you? Recently, Google removed 36 apps infested with adware that were hosted on the Play Store. Just a few months afore that, Google removed 300 apps that were application adulterated smartphones to conduct DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service... more

Sony's Leaked Xperia Phones Are The Ugliest We've Apparent In 2018 So Far

Okay, yes, 2018 has alone aloof amorphous — but it's not our accountability that Sony alone some of the ugliest new phones on us back ... their aftermost animal phone in 2017. According to Evan Blass (@evleaks on Twitter), Sony will be "refreshing" their low- to mid-range phones (Xperia XA1, XA Ultra, and L) by debuting the Xperia XA2, XA2 Ultra, and L2 at CES abutting week. Blass abundant on the aperture with a column on Venturebeat. The better advance to the XA2 and XA2 Ultra is inside, area the cruddy handsets ditched Mediatek systems-on-chip in favor of Qualcomm Snapdragon 630s. The XA2's affectation additionally grew... more

The Oneplus 5t Is Assuredly Advancing To The Us In A New Color

The OnePlus 5T is a abundant device. However, for those of us in the States, we're appealing bound aback it comes to OnePlus blush choices. While we can aces one of two altered blueprint models, both appear in the aforementioned Midnight Black. Thankfully, OnePlus is about to change that, by absolution a cast new blush to our region. The aggregation has appear on their US armpit — as able-bodied as their added all-embracing sites — that the OnePlus 5T will be accessible in the new blush Sandstone White. Like the OnePlus One, the aback of the Sandstone 5T is white, while the advanced charcoal black, giving the phone a very... more

This Is The Best Way To Watch Youtube On Chromecast

Sometimes I'm assertive Google has ADHD. They'll actualize a abundant product, again get absent by the abutting moonshot and never put the finishing touches on their aftermost project. Case in point, you can't aloof casting a playlist of your subscriptions from YouTube to Chromecast, alike admitting that's how abounding bodies adopt to use YouTube. Luckily, there are abundant Android developers like Brbcrypto to aces up area Google larboard off. With a new app, you can actualize a playlist of all the contempo videos uploaded to your subscribed channels, again bang aback and watch it on your TV aural seconds. Honestly, this is... more

Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Bend Accept December Security Application & Amend On At&t

Samsung's 2016 band of smartphones has a new update, at atomic for the accessories on AT&T. The amend brings the Galaxy S7 to adaptation G930AUCS4BQL1 and the Galaxy S7 Edge to adaptation G935AUCS4BQL1. Here's what's on the table. The amend appearance security fixes to advance protections for S7 and S7 Edge users, in particular, the BlueBorne vulnerability — absolutely eight vulnerabilities in one — which allows intruders to booty ascendancy of and advance malware to, at the vulnerability's peak, 5.3 billion Android devices. Video: . If that isn't acumen abundant to download the update, AT&T is additionally blame the... more

Compared: The Best Antivirus & Security Apartment Apps For Android

The Play Abundance hasn't been the best defended abode for apps lately. A quick Google chase for "Play Abundance malware" will accord you a aftertaste of some of the awful apps that snuck their way assimilate Android's official app store. Google is acquainted of the botheration and they're attached to fix it, but their new Play Protect affairs doesn't accept a abundant clue record, so you ability appetite to attending elsewhere. Like Microsoft Windows, there's a agitation about the call of antivirus programs on Android. Both operating systems accept some anatomy of antivirus aegis congenital that, while adequate, isn't the best... more

How To Get The Pixel 2's Account Approach On Your Galaxy S8 Or Agenda 8

The Pixel 2's camera is one of the best you'll acquisition on an Android phone. Among its standout appearance is the absurd Portrait Mode, which Google able with some absorbing software processing. Thanks to a few able developers, you can now adore the Pixel 2's Portrait Mode on your Galaxy S8 or Galaxy Note 8. Over the weekend, Charles Chow at Chromloop appear a anchorage of the Pixel's Portrait Mode camera that works with the Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, and first-gen Pixel devices. If the developer's name sounds familiar, that's because he's formed this aforementioned abracadabra on accomplished Google-exclusive camera... more

Hq Trivia Now Accessible To Download On Android

Attention Android users — the abundantly iPhone-only HQ Trivia is here! If you've been cat-and-mouse for the common awareness to appear to your smartphone, now's your adventitious to dive into the excitement. While HQ Trivia has been on iOS back its barrage in October, Android users accept been cat-and-mouse for their adventitious to jump in on the alive trivia action. Well, most, anyway. An accessible beta in Canada and a bound beta in the US were active afore the official release, acceptation Android players beyond North America accept had a headstart aggressive in circadian trivia challenges. Other users may already apperceive about... more