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Showing posts from May, 2018

5 Means To Advance The Bluetooth Acquaintance On Your Samsung Galaxy

Many of us await on our smartphones for all our media needs. Now added than ever, we're application Bluetooth admission to comedy audio over speakers, headphones, car complete systems — the account goes on. If you own a Samsung smartphone like the Galaxy S9, there are a cardinal of Bluetooth tweaks and hidden tricks that can aerate your audio experience. Most of these Bluetooth enhancements aren't enabled by default, so you'll accept to get into your phone's settings to accredit the features. Fortunately, the settings are almost accessible to admission for the best part. We'll highlight the best ones beneath to help... more

Google Reportedly Curtains Iphone Architect To Body The Pixel 3

We are still months abroad from Google actualization the new Pixel 3 and 3 XL. As rumors abide to crawl in absolute added about what it will attending like and its specs, we've abstruse an important aspect — who is absolutely accomplishment them. Since the Nexus One, Google has consistently larboard the accouterments architecture and accomplishment to an OEM. Since Google is mostly a software company, it is easier and cheaper for them to leave the absolute assembly to their ally who already accept the basement in abode to aftermath phones inexpensively. Therefore, to accept the architecture accent of the hardware... more

How To Apple-pie Up Android's Chaotic Allotment Menu

The allotment card is a basic allotment of Android that lets you accelerate abstracts amid amid apps. Many of your admired apps abutment the feature, including the new Direct Allotment sub-menu, which can advance to a blowzy allotment menu. However, there are a cardinal of accoutrement to apple-pie up this clutter, three of which don't crave root. With an organized allotment menu, you'll calmly be able to accelerate a picture, link, or book from one app to addition after spending time attractive through a list. We organized our account of tips based on both affluence of use and how abundant it alters the allotment menu, with the simplest adjustment at the top... more

The Lg V35 Thinq Will Appear With A Ample Amount Tag

We abstruse during the LG G7 ThinQ advertisement that AT&T would be accustomed a new V alternation device, the V35 ThinQ. In the LG V35 ThinQ's columnist release, LG appear its blueprint but larboard out appraisement and availability. Thanks to Project Fi, we now apperceive its amount tag, and you may not like it. Project Fi, the wireless carrier account created by Google, appear they will be accustomed three new phones: the Moto G6, LG G7 ThinQ, and LG V35 ThinQ. This advertisement accomplished us two things, the aboriginal is Project Fi will be the alone added carrier to advertise the V35 ThinQ. Second, we abstruse the amount of... more

3 Means To Abolish Facebook If It Came Preinstalled On Your Android Phone — No Basis Needed

Despite years of user complaints, OEMs are still preinstalling third-party apps on cast new devices. Even in 21018, you'll still acquisition affluence of phones with Facebook preinstalled. What's worse, it's installed as a arrangement app, so it can't commonly be uninstalled after basis access. However, there are a few workarounds. Especially with the contempo Facebook abstracts scandal, OEMs charge to stop preinstalling these apps which booty up accidental amplitude and resources. Apps should be chosen, not affected aloft you. By authoritative it a arrangement app, abatement is abundant added difficult — but not impossible. How anniversary OEM... more

Ads Demography Over Your Lock Screen? Here's How To Fix It

Android has gotten decidedly bigger at administration advancing ads over the years. Things accept gotten to the point to area these nuisances are abundantly a non-issue for best of us. However, there are still a few ad-laden apps that abatement through the cracks — decidedly the affectionate that assail your lock awning with ads. In an accomplishment to catch bottomward on this coarse practice, Google afresh placed a ban on apps that affection lock awning ads, but alone for apps that weren't accurately marketed as actuality lock awning replacements. This has led to several doubtable apps still littering the Play Store for... more

Cut Off Your Phone Addiction With Android P's 'wind Down' Approach On Any Device

Acknowledgment in ample allotment to our phones, abounding of us don't get the recommended eight hours of sleep. In Android P, Google alien a affection alleged "Wind Down" that aims to advice action this. However, acknowledgment to a artistic app developer, we don't charge to delay for Android P to adore this feature. Combined with addition affection alleged "Shush," Wind Down is like Do Not Disturb 2.0. Shush handles notifications to stop beheld distraction, but Wind Down offers the best avant-garde affection — it puts your awning in grayscale approach at bedtime. First affected by tech ethicist Tristan Harris, the abstraction is that... more

Flagship Achievement At Midrange Prices — Qualcomm Announces The Snapdragon 710

There's consistently been a bright bisect amid flagship and midrange phones. Flagships will run you at atomic $700, while midrange about avalanche amid $250 and $550. The capital aberration is the processor, with midrange phones antic a 600-series Snapdragon and flagships agitation the 800-series. Now, Qualcomm may accept aloof created addition smartphone bank with their newly-unveiled 700-series chip. The Snapdragon 710 is the aboriginal 700-series chipset. While best of Qualcomm's columnist absolution focuses on how it's added able than the latest 600-series chip, afterwards reviewing its specifications, this... more

Essential Phone 2 Reportedly Canceled, Rubin Attractive To Sell

The Essential Phone was assuredly one of the best underrated phones of 2018. It launched with buggy software and camera problems, but the aggregation formed agilely to advance out updates. Many Android enthusiasts were anxiously cat-and-mouse for the Essential 2 absolution after this summer. Unfortunately, account today from Bloomberg indicates that Essential will not absolution a phone in 2018. According to reports, Essential has assassin Credit Suisse Group AG to admonish them on the activity of affairs the company. There are break that at atomic one affair is absorbed in purchasing the smartphone startup... more

The Agreement Is Over — Huawei Will No Best Advice Users Alleviate Their Bootloaders

While Huawei smartphones haven't consistently been the best best back it comes to custom ROMs, one affair that has consistently been attainable is the adeptness to alleviate the bootloader. An apart bootloader is the aboriginal footfall into the bewitched apple of rooting, but afterwards May 24, Huawei will stop alms this service. Huawei accessories are one of the simplest accessories back it comes to unlocking bootloaders. By visiting their official website, creating an account, and inputting your phone information, Huawei will accommodate an alleviate cipher for your device. With the OEM alleviate code, you could alleviate your... more

How To Get Oneplus' Minimalist Arcade App On Any Phone

Soon, you'll be able to buy your OnePlus 6, but you can acquaintance some of its apps today acknowledgment to XDA user erayrafet, who ripped a few OxygenOS apps like Weather and this Gallery app. While Google Photos is a abundant service, this Gallery app should be your go-to app for locally-stored photos. The capital advantage of OnePlus' Gallery app is that it's lightweight. It's accessible to use, and it avalanche appropriate in band with the affair of OnePlus's software in general: simplicity. It doesn't seek to reinvent the wheel, but what it does do, it does effectively. If you're not acclimated to sideloading apps, you may... more

How To Adumbrate Contacts That Don't Accept Phone Numbers On Android

Android lets you accompany your contacts beyond devices. The OS will use not alone contacts adored on your phone, but additionally your Gmail. This best can advance to a contacts account busy with entries that don't accept a phone number, which can bound add up. To abate this problem, there are a few methods. Previous versions of Android acclimated to accommodate an advantage in the Google-developed Contacts app to alone appearance contacts with phone numbers, but this was removed in Android 5.0 Lollipop. Because of this decision, you'll charge a workaround to achieve this now. Fortunately, our aboriginal adjustment is simple to... more

10 Settings You Can Abuse To Accomplish Touchwiz Added Tolerable

Samsung Experience (better accepted as TouchWiz) can booty some time to get acclimated to aback you about-face to a Galaxy from addition Android device. It's a bit heavy-handed with the features, and abounding accede the UI affair to be a little over the top. Thankfully, there are several banal settings that can punch this back. Most phones these canicule run a acidity of Android that isn't too far off from AOSP or "stock Android." If that was the case with your old phone, you'll acquisition that the options categorical beneath can go a continued way appear authoritative your Galaxy's interface added like what you've developed acclimatized to... more

How To Get Google's Pixel Ar Stickers On Your Galaxy S9

Google's ARCore has broadcast its abutment to accommodate the Galaxy S9 and S9 , which agency you get admission to all the air-conditioned new apps that can faculty the apple about them. But one of ARCore's coolest uses so far is still Pixel-exclusive: AR stickers congenital appropriate into the Google Camera app. Thankfully, XDA user lofass33 has an able workaround for application these stickers on your S9. Because of its contempo accession to ARCore's account of accurate devices, the S9 alternation still has some way to go afore afore aggrandized absoluteness aliment like stickers and lenses become absolutely boundless for their native... more

How To Get An Automated Ablaze & Aphotic Affair On Android

Perhaps the best affair about Android is the amaranthine bulk of customization you can add to your device. From figure packs to custom launchers and alike custom ROMs, there's absolutely article for everyone. One of the best accepted options amid Android enthusiasts is abacus a arrangement advanced aphotic theme. The methods to do this vary, but you can now automate this action acknowledgment to Android Oreo. Android 8.1 alien a system-wide aphotic affair that bliss in back you about-face to a aphotic wallpaper. This opens up the accurate achievability of active a ablaze affair in the day time with a aphotic affair at night. The only... more

How To Accomplish An Anthology Of All Your Admired Pictures In Google Photos

Google Photos is a absurd service, giving you absolute accumulator on either your Android or iPhone. With all this chargeless space, some pictures can get absent in the shuffle. Fortunately, Google will now let users "Favorite" pictures — whereupon they're automatically put in their own standalone album. Favoriting pictures is chip at the apparent akin of the app, so Google is acutely aggravating to apparatus a widely-requested affection that bluntly should accept existed in the aboriginal place. The adeptness to Favorite pictures should be rolling out to Google Photos on both iOS and Android aural the coming... more

10 Tips For Application Samsung's Cool Slow-mo Camera Like A Pro

Thanks to its avant-garde cameras, the Galaxy S9 can abduction videos at an amazing 960 frames per additional (fps). To put it in perspective, you now accept you the adeptness to almanac the apple about you in means that ahead appropriate big-ticket able camera equipment. And that's aloof the tip of the iceberg. The S9's Super Slow-mo affection comes with bags of aliment that accomplish it a one-stop-shop for recording, editing, and administration your apathetic motion videos. Because of all these capabilities, dabbling about with this camera action can be a little intimidating. As such, we'll go into its... more

$150 Never Got You So Abundant — Alcatel Announces The 3v For The Us

To adduce MKBHD, bargain phones are accepting good. Each year we are seeing manufacturers alpha to action added for abundant less. This not alone translates to cheaper flagship phones, but bigger account phones. The latest archetype of this is the Alcatel 3V, which is redefining what you can get at $150. At this amount point, the Alcatel 3V is alone $50 added than some Android Go devices. Unlike those offerings, Alcatel is accouterment decidedly added amount with a blueprint area that will abruptness you. They alike managed to accommodate a flagship affection that should be exceptional of at a bald $150. Don't Miss: How... more

This App Gives You Android P's Auto-rotate Button On Earlier Versions

Auto circling is about useful, but it gets annoying back you activate it accidentally. In accomplished Android versions, you could lock circling into account approach as a workaround, but you'd accept to attenuate this every time you capital to put your phone in mural mode. Luckily, Android P has a abundant fix for this. Android P is loaded with changes, but the circling affection is a fan favorite. By default, your phone is bound into account approach — but back you about-face it sideways, you'll see a button that lets you calmly circle into mural mode. About-face it cocked afresh and the button reappears, letting... more

Get Activity Launcher's Shutters On Nova Launcher & About-face Your Icons Into Widgets

Action Launcher has some absolute appearance that add absolute amount to your all-embracing experience. One such affection is Shutters, and like with best aspects of Android, there's a workaround that will let you adore this functionality on added launchers. Shutters advice save home awning absolute acreage by eliminating widgets after accepting to lose the advice they provide. Instead of abacus the accoutrement to your home screen, widgets can be accessed by annexation the agnate icon. The bash will actuate Shutters, which reveals the accoutrement in a popup aloft the icon. Once you access the advice needed... more

Get Activity Launcher's Shutters In Nova Launcher — Use Gestures To About-face Your Icons Into Widgets

Action Launcher has some absolute appearance that add absolute amount to your all-embracing experience. One such affection is Shutters, and like with best aspects of Android, there's a workaround that will let you adore this functionality on added launchers. Shutters advice save home awning absolute acreage by eliminating widgets after accepting to lose the advice they provide. Instead of abacus the accoutrement to your home screen, widgets can be accessed by annexation the agnate icon. The bash will actuate Shutters, which reveals the accoutrement in a popup aloft the icon. Once you access the advice needed... more

Steam Ambassador Not Abutting Via Bluetooth? Here's The Fix For Beef Articulation On Android

On May 17 2018, Valve appear the Android beta adaptation of their Steam Link app, which allows you to beck Steam amateur from your computer anon to your phone. You'll apparently additionally appetite to affix your admired ambassador to your phone, but you may run into some issues if you adopt Valve's own Steam Controller. You see, the Steam Ambassador can't absolutely affix to accessories via Bluetooth in its accepted state. To do this, you charge to download and install a firmware amend that Valve pushed on May 16. But there's a catch: alone Steam Beta users accept admission to it appropriate now. Don't anguish though... more

How To Get Oneplus' Attractive Acclimate App On Any Phone

The OnePlus 6 will be accessible to consumers in aboriginal June 2018, forth with its top-of-the-line specs — and yes, a notch. But you can alpha accepting some of their banal apps as aboriginal as today, acknowledgment to XDA user erayrafet, who ported this Weather app anon from the source. The banal OnePlus Weather app is both simple and gorgeous, and application it on your phone will be abiding to about-face a few heads. Still, if you're not accustomed with sideloading apps, this action may be absolutely adopted to you. Even if you're abashed by the thought, apprehend on to apprentice the ins and outs of installing "Unknown" apps... more

Android P's Lock Awning Acclimate Not Working? Try These Tricks

Among its abounding new features, Android P allotment the spirit of lock awning widgets to users by presenting the accepted temperature and acclimate altitude beneath the clock. It isn't flashy, but it's a fun and advantageous accession that, unfortunately, does not consistently work. If your lock awning acclimate isn't assuming up, you ability appetite to try these accomplish to fix it. Seeing as Android P is currently in beta — and alone the additional developer preview, at that — there's apprenticed to be bugs. Testers should consistently accept their builds will not be absolute back opting into beta programs, Android or otherwise... more

How To Get Imdb Ratings In The Netflix App For Android

I don't charge to admonish you that Netflix is a angelic breastwork of both outsourced and aboriginal content. I apparently additionally don't charge to admonish you that Netflix's appraisement arrangement sucks. It suggests agreeable based on how abundant you'd like it, as against to how awful it's rated. After all, Netflix wouldn't accept that some of their own actual isn't good. While it's nice and all that Netflix suggests media based on what I've watched in the past, what I affliction added about is how able-bodied it was accustomed critically. Thankfully, there's an app that injects IMDb ratings seamlessly into your Netflix examination experience... more

Samsung Internet 101: How To Password-protect Your Clandestine Browsing Sessions

Whichever web browser you use, anniversary comes with a way to cream the net "secretly." While annihilation on the internet is absolutely anonymous, clandestine browsing modes can advice accumulate your movements hidden from those who ability accept admission to your data. The "secret mode" for the Samsung Internet app goes a footfall added on Android, by locking your clandestine browsing abaft a different password. Everyone has their affidavit for application abstruse mode, contrarily accepted as clandestine or anonymous modes, but in abounding cases, we don't appetite our clandestine browsing history falling into the amiss hands. Setting a countersign for abstruse mode... more

Watch Jerryrigeverything Scratch, Bake & Angle The New All-glass Oneplus 6

With the change to a bottle back, abounding of us are anxious about the backbone of OnePlus 6. While bottle does action some allowances such as lighter weight, after able reinforcement, it can calmly blast in one drop. Now we accept our our aboriginal attending at its backbone acknowledgment to JerryRigEverything. Zach Nelson (from JerryRigEverything) put the OnePlus 6 through his acclaimed backbone test, free how able the new OnePlus accessory absolutely is. It was placed in a scratch, burn, and angle test, and while t hisdoesn't altogether carbon real-world experience, it does action abundant acumen into how... more

How To Accredit The Iphone X-like Home Button Bash Gestures In Android P

While Android P alien some cogent changes to the amount operating system, the affection best bodies will be talking about is the built-in action controls. By default, these gestures are disabled — but for those of us absent to try to the approaching of Android, here's how to accredit the new controls. Gesture aeronautics is annihilation new for Android. Third-party apps like Nova Launcher let you ascendancy the phone application gestures, and appearance like Pie Controls accept been included in custom ROMs for years. Drawing afflatus from these apps and the new iPhone X, Google has assuredly fabricated gesture... more

How To Access Breach Awning Approach In Android P To Run Two Apps Ancillary By Side

In the new Android P, the multitasking appearance is evocative of webOS days. As a result, enabling breach awning approach no best works as it already did. However, it's still accessible to use, whether or not you're application the new "Swipe up on Home button" action or accept ashore with the old-style aeronautics buttons that accommodate the "Recents" aka "Overview" softkey. In earlier Android versions, breach awning is enabled by long-pressing the "Recents" button, pinning it to the larboard ancillary or top bisected of your screen, again selecting the additional app to ample the added side. Now, in Android P, if you accept the new iPhone... more

How To Use Awning Pinning In Android P To Lock Apps In The Foreground

Awning pinning is a adequately alien affection admitting the actuality that it's been about back 2014. It's a accessible security apparatus that banned admission to your accessory to alone one app — absolute for those times back addition asks to borrow your phone. While antecedent versions kept this affection absolutely the same, Android P's new multitasking UI changes the way it works. Android P alien action navigation. With this change, Google fabricated adjustments to the UI, including a above afterlight to the contempo apps screen. Because of this, Google knew that functions involving the contempo apps awning would charge to... more

How To Install Android P Beta On Your Capital Phone

Earlier this year, we got our aboriginal aftertaste of Android P in the anatomy of Developer Preview 1. As with all accomplished Android previews, DP1 was bound to Google accessories — but at Google I/O 2018, Google appear that Developer Preview 2 would be attainable to added devices, including the Essential PH-1. Essential owners can try the latest firmware from Google appropriate now and get an absolute attending at what's to appear already Android P becomes a abiding release. Android P Beta includes some changes, both beneath the awning and visually, so we animate you to try it out. However, this is a beta, so this shouldn't... more

How To Alleviate & Use The Morse Cipher Keyboard In Gboard On Your Android Phone

At the Google I/O appointment on May 8, Google appear a new affection that adds a Morse cipher keyboard to Gboard so that bodies who cannot talk, type, or bash commonly will still accept a way to acquaint in the agenda age. While it's mainly an accessibility affection for those who absolutely charge it, it's a acceptable way for anyone to apprentice or besom up on their Morse cipher skills. Right now, Morse cipher in Gboard is alone accessible for the US English language, but it's accurate on accessories active Android 5.o and later. Unfortunately, iPhone users won't get to accompany in on the action, at atomic not right... more

24 New Appearance & Changes The Android Oreo Amend Gives Your Lg V30

Its official: On May 8, T-Mobile assuredly appear the Android Oreo amend for the LG V30 and V30 . Now, every above US wireless carrier has pushed the update. For me, this amend is a big deal. Not alone does Android Oreo accompany some new accoutrement and features, but LG has additionally included a few additions as well. Recently, LG appear the LG V30S ThinQ. This accessory was a new alternative of the V30 that added a cardinal of software changes. Specifically, it included a "machine acquirements enhancement," labeled as allotment of the ThinQ branding. And with the Orero update, LG has brought this accessory to the V30... more

How To Install Android P Beta On Your Google Pixel Or Pixel 2 Appropriate Now

Earlier this year, with the Developer Preview, we got a aperitive glimpse of Google's attainable Android P and a accomplished bulk of new appearance that comes forth with it, such as iPhone X-like gestures and bigger security features, to name a few. With its advertisement at Google I/O, Android P aloof got a lot added accessible. Android P Beta is already accessible for baddest devices, which agency that you can calmly try out this latest firmware appropriate now artlessly by signing up for the Android Beta affairs — provided you accept a smartphone that's in the list. While on the beta, you'll accept three to six... more

Nova Launcher Receives Adapted Google Now Page

One of the bigger additions in the banal Android launcher is the Google Now page. Residing to the larboard of the home screen, this folio presents a host of advice based on the user's interests, which Google bases on analyzed data. Recently, the Google Now folio architecture accustomed a makeover which Nova Launcher users can now enjoy. The user interface changes the blueprint from one continued folio to assorted pages adapt by tabs. The absence folio is the feed, which displays accessories that Google believes adjust with the user's absorption based on antecedent searches, YouTube watch history, and added data... more

Lg G7 Thinq Comes Arranged With Notch, Cool Ablaze Display, Absorbing Complete & More

Afterwards dabbling its barrage by four months, LG appear its 2018 access to the flagship bazaar on Wednesday, May 2. Afterwards years of an underperforming adaptable division, the LG G7 ThinQ is the aboriginal artefact aback a shakeup aural the analysis to get things aback on track, and it brings with a cardinal of upgrades over its G6 predecessor. Rumor has it that LG delayed the G7 ThinQ's Adaptable World Congress advertisement afterwards CEO Jo Seong-jin beatific the phone aback to the cartoon board. While LG did action a acknowledgment to this leak, they didn't absolute abnegate it, and the adjournment is still telling. While its... more

Why The Lg G7 Thinq's New Cool Ablaze Affectation Is Absolutely A Game-changer

The LG G7 ThinQ will acceptable be lambasted for its cleft and awkward name, but one affair they assume to accept gotten appropriate is the new display. The G7 ThinQ will accord abounding a aboriginal attending at a new blazon of console with lots of promise. While it was ahead bound to TVs, from what we know, it should absolutely flash on a abate screen. Unlike aftermost year's reintroduction to POLED, Super Bright Affectation is added than a business term. The panel, which was alleged M back acclimated on televisions, was ahead accounted to be alleged MLCD . However, canicule afore the G7 ThinQ release, LG adjudge to acquaint its new... more

Google Chrome 101: How To Save Webpages & Pwas To Your Home Awning For Burning Access

Bookmarks and favorites are accessible options for extenuative absorbing websites you appear beyond while surfing the web on Android but are far from ideal back it comes to burning access. Thankfully, Google Chrome gives you the added adeptness to save webpages and accelerating web apps anon to your home awning for added convenience. Accessing bookmarked sites for any adaptable browser usually consists of a alternation of steps, and every distinct one of them starts with aperture the browser up. Some alike accomplish you dig into their airheaded to locate them. Chrome has a congenital affection that decidedly shortens this... more