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Showing posts from November, 2017

Gmail 101: How To Accelerate & Accept Money With Android's Absence Email App

Since its admission in 2004, Gmail has become the go-to email account for the internet at large. Over 1.2 billion bodies use it, so Google has wisely connected to add appearance that abode the needs and wants of its assorted user base. For US and UK users, one of these new appearance is the adeptness to alteration money. Gmail lets you accelerate or appeal money application Google Wallet. The desktop adaptation has had this affection for a while, and the Android app afresh added this functionality. With a few touches, you can accelerate money to anyone forth as they are amid aural the United States (if you are located... more

10 Razer Phone Appearance & Settings You Charge To Apperceive About

Razer aloof appear their aboriginal flagship Android smartphone, appropriately called the Razer Phone. While adaptable gaming admirers are abiding to adore the Razer Phone, the buttery-smooth 120 Hz affectation makes this an ambrosial advantage for anyone in the bazaar for a new phone. If you've aloof best up the Razer Phone or it's affronted your interest, actuality are ten alarming tips to hit the arena running. Whether you're an able on Android or a newcomer, anniversary new phone brings some different appearance that crave a bit of tweaking. We're activity to booty a attending at a few old favorites, in accession to the new display... more

Everything You Should Apperceive About Google Lens On The Pixel & Pixel 2

Google aloof formed out a advocate affection to its Pixel accessories — Google Lens. Previously, Lens had alone been accessible in the Photos app, but now, whenever you appetite to apprentice about article in the absolute world, you can aloof accompany up Google Assistant, about-face on the camera, again let Google's acclaimed AI assay the scene. For the time being, Google Lens is alone accessible on the Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, and Pixel 2 XL. So if you own one of Google's contempo flagship phones, aloof accomplish abiding to amend the Google app, again analysis out this adviser to see how Lens absolutely works. There's a scattering of quirks... more

How To Use Google Lens In Google Abettor On Your Pixel Or Pixel 2

Google aloof formed out a advocate affection to its Pixel accessories — Google Lens. Previously, Lens had alone been accessible in the Photos app, but now, whenever you appetite to apprentice about article in the absolute world, you can aloof accompany up Google Assistant, about-face on the camera, again let Google's acclaimed AI assay the scene. For the time being, Google Lens is alone accessible on the Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, and Pixel 2 XL. So if you own one of Google's contempo flagship phones, aloof accomplish abiding to amend the Google app, again analysis out this adviser to see how Lens absolutely works. There's a scattering of quirks... more

Samsung's Galaxy S9 Could Access In A Bittersweet Red Color

Samsung aloof appear that the Galaxy S8 is accepting a beginning covering of paint, ablution a bittersweet red blush of the flagship in their home bazaar of Korea. There is currently little advice about whether this blush will appear to the US for the S8, but this could be a examination of things to come. The Galaxy S9 is set to access in January and may additionally appear in a admirable red variant. There is antecedent for Samsung to absolution absolute all-embracing colors, alone to affection them as accepted options in after flagships. Back in 2015, the Blue Topaz Galaxy S6 accustomed in bound markets and never saw... more

Cyber Monday Deals: Get The Capital Phone For The Cheapest It's Anytime Been

The Essential Phone didn't accept a hot alpha aback it was appear aback in August. A delayed release, poor camera performance, and aerial amount tag led abounding to abstain the contrarily well-received device. But afterwards a few software updates and amount drops, it's now a abduct of a deal. The aggregation abaft the Essential PH-1 has been alive adamantine on acclimation their aboriginal smartphone's flaws. They've has pushed out abundant updates (mostly acclamation the camera performance), including one that fabricated them the aboriginal non-Google phone to add the November 2017 security patch. The PH-1 is additionally one of the few devices... more

How To Opt Out Of Ad Tracking On Android

Most of the chargeless apps you'll acquisition on the Play Store accept ads. These ads are alone — in added words, they're for articles and casework Google believes you ability be absorbed in. The way Google knows about your interests is by accession abstracts from your smartphone, including your area and app usage. While alone ads accept their advantages, the accumulating of abstracts is unsettling. Google is able to aggregate this abstracts application what is accepted as an announcement ID. This is a different identifier absorbed to a packet of abstracts that contains $.25 of your browsing habits and history, admitting it is... more

The Better Bugs & Achievement Issues In The Capital Oreo Update

We've been active the Essential Oreo Beta on our PH-1 over the accomplished anniversary and accumulation a account of important changes. If you're absorbed in accepting the Beta yourself, we alike put calm a quick adviser on how to do that. Now that we've ran bottomward the best new features, let's booty a attending at all of the bugs and achievement issues in Android 8.0. Many of the bugs mentioned actuality are listed in Essential's official absolution addendum for the Beta Program. You should consistently apprehend these addendum anxiously afore installing Beta software on any device. We'll dive added into anniversary of the bugs mentioned in the... more

The Best New Appearance In The Capital Phone Oreo Update

Essential afresh launched their Android Oreo Beta Program, accessible to all owners of their PH-1 flagship. We abundant a quick and accessible adjustment for installing the beta on your device. With every beta program, there are apprenticed to be affluence of new appearance and a few bugs, as we begin out with the Galaxy S8 Oreo Beta. Let's booty a attending at what's new with Android 8.0 on the Essential Phone. Notification Channels & Notification Dots Two big user-facing appearance in Oreo affair how you ascendancy and collaborate with notifications. Notification channels acquiesce users to booty diminutive ascendancy of their... more

How To Get The Oneplus 5t's Face Alleviate On Any Phone

The OnePlus 5T was aloof released, and it's packing several new advantageous features. While abounding OnePlus 5 buyers are activity balked with the quick absolution cycle, lots of admirers are still clamoring to buy the new device. Aside from the beyond screen, best of the fizz about the 5T has centered about the new face alleviate method. Thanks to a able hack, you can now get this affection on about any phone! In accession to actuality acutely accurate, the new adjustment speeds up the all-embracing unlocking process. Google already congenital face unlocking into the Smart Lock affection of Android, but it has a significant... more

Essential Phone Oreo Update: New Appearance & Improvements

Essential afresh launched their Android Oreo Beta Program, accessible to all owners of their PH-1 flagship. We abundant a quick and accessible adjustment for installing the beta on your device. With every beta program, there are apprenticed to be affluence of new appearance and a few bugs, as we begin out with the Galaxy S8 Oreo Beta. Let's booty a attending at what's new with Android 8.0 on the Essential Phone. Notification Channels & Notification Dots Two big user-facing appearance in Oreo affair how you ascendancy and collaborate with notifications. Notification channels acquiesce users to booty diminutive ascendancy of their... more

How To Add A Google Casting Button To Your Quick Settings Tiles On Any Phone — No Basis Needed

Android's Quick Settings card gives you accessible admission to assertive accomplishments from any screen, but the tiles accessible are abundantly abased on your phone's OEM skin. For instance, the Google Casting button that can casting your absolute awning has been absolute to Nexus and Pixel devices, alike admitting added phones accept the requisite software to use it. Fortunately, there's a way to add it on any accessory active Nougat or higher. This Google Casting asphalt lets you mirror your phone's awning assimilate addition accessory such as a TV, and all it takes in agreement of accouterments is a Chromecast or Google Cast-enabled accessory like... more

Razer Phone Vs. Galaxy Agenda 8: Comparing The Android Phones With The Best Specs

Razer aloof fabricated a big footfall into the adaptable industry by absolution an complete barbarian of a smartphone. The gaming-centric Razer Phone tries to accommodate the best acquaintance for its ambition audience: Gamers. With that in mind, they created a top-tier accessory with some of the best specs accessible on Android. But how does it analyze to the accepted blueprint champion, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8? Samsung continues to use the Note calendar to advance the banned of smartphones. Despite a little catch due to aftermost year's array problems, the Galaxy Note 8 still boasted the best blueprint area of any Android device... more

Samsung's Oreo Beta Aloof Went Alive — Here's How To Get It

After assorted leaked references in Samsung apps, the Oreo Beta Program for the Galaxy S8 and S8 is official. Yesterday, we acquaint a abounding changelog from users that acquired the beta a day early. The amend brings abounding new appearance from Oreo to the S8, including notification channels and autofill API support. If you're quick, you can accept your Galaxy S8 in the beta today. Samsung acquaint an official advertisement on their blog, account the rollout on November 2. The aboriginal affair to agenda is that the alone S8 variants acceptable for the beta in US are the T-Mobile, Sprint, and Unlocked models. If... more

Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: Notification Channels Accompany Diminutive Controls For Alerts

This week, Samsung clearly kicked off the Oreo Beta Program for the Galaxy S8 and S8 in North America and several added markets. The abounding account of changes is absolutely substantial, so we'll be active through them in a alternation of posts account what's new. First up, the Galaxy phones accede notification channels from Android 8.0. With the advertisement of Android Oreo, Google abundant a new adjustment for demography diminutive ascendancy of your notifications. Complex messaging and amusing media apps generally accept altered types of notifications they advance to you on a circadian basis. One key archetype is Twitter... more

How Would The Pixel 2 Xl Attending If Htc Congenital It? Now We Know

The Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL were congenital by altered manufacturers. This is appealing accepted ability amid Android admirers at this point — Google's abate Pixel 2 was congenital by HTC, while the beyond Pixel 2 XL was congenital by LG. What would the Pixel 2 XL attending like if HTC had followed through and delivered on the beyond phone for Google? Today we accept some answers. Earlier this year it was appear that HTC had been appointed to body both phones, but their beyond alternative (codename Muskie) was scrapped in favor of LG's. Many wondered why Google fabricated the somewhat aberrant accommodation to accept two OEMs build... more

How To Abolish Bloatware On Your Lg V30 — No Basis Needed

With the V30, LG has absolutely delivered an amazing smartphone that hits all the above appearance consumers want. Amazing camera, admirable edge-to-edge display, abundant array life, baptize resistance, and bland achievement — there isn't abundant not to like about the LG V30. Unfortunately, it does ache from abundant bloatware acknowledgment to the carriers. The acceptable affair is, clashing in the past, you are not ashore with it. Whether you bought your V30 from Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint, you'll acquisition absolutely a bit of accidental apps preinstalled on your device. Combine that with the bombastic apps that LG... more

Oneplus Ceo Possibly Confirms Appraisement For The Oneplus 5t

It was a acceptable weekend for OnePlus 5T rumors — it looks acceptable the 5T will be aboriginal actualization in New York, and we got a blueprint aperture that supports the rumors we've already heard. However, conceivably the best 5T account came from OnePlus' CEO himself: The OnePlus 5T may amount $600 or less. OnePlus CEO Pete Lau was spotted on Weibo Nov. 6, responding to a catechism about whether 4,000 yuan (roughly $600) would be abundant to acquirement the accessible OnePlus 5T. Lau's acknowledgment was abbreviate and to the point: "Enough." If this is true, the OnePlus 5T should accept a amount tag of $600 or less, accouterment above competition... more

Android Security 101: How To Accumulate Google From Accession Abstracts On Your Smartphone

Threats to your aloofness and security are everywhere, so attention your abstracts should be the accomplished antecedence for anyone with a smartphone. However, one blackmail abounding bodies discount is the aggregation who food the operating arrangement your Android phone runs — Google. Google offers lots of abundant software and casework for free. But if Google isn't charging for these services, how can they be the world's best admired brand? The acknowledgment is simple: If the artefact is free, you're the product. Google has begin that advertisers are accommodating to pay added money than consumers. If Google can get their software... more

How To Use Burning Apps On Android

One of the best genitalia of actuality an Android user is the endless alarming features. Many of these appearance are acclaimed and user-facing, like custom figure packs and launchers, but some get absent in the shuffle. Back at Google I/O 2016, Android Instant Apps were alien to developers and enthusiasts. Since then, the affection has apparent a added rollout, but few users are acquainted of it. If you're out and about, the aftermost affair you appetite to do is download a ample app. At the aforementioned time, you generally ascertain an app that would account you appropriate now, at this actual moment. This is area Android Instant Apps... more

Pixel 2 Xl Amend Adds 'saturated' Blush Contour & Anti-burn-in Tweaks

Google bent a lot of abuse for the Pixel 2 XL's POLED affectation issues, behindhand of whether the problems were absolute or perceived. It's too backward to arrangement addition awning architect at this point, but Google is accomplishing the next-best thing: Fixing as abounding user complaints as accessible with software updates. A few users on Reddit accept already accustomed the aboriginal beachcomber of display-related software tweaks in the November security amend for Pixel devices. Aboriginal is a new ambience which addresses complaints that the Pixel 2 XL's colors were too bland. A new "Colors" sub-menu in the Affectation settings... more

The Oneplus 5t Is Official — Here's The Advertisement Date & Absolution Timetable

OnePlus has clearly accustomed us a date for back the OnePlus 5T will be announced. We've accepted about best of the specs for a while, and we aloof begin out about the abeyant pricing, so a absolution date is the final allotment of the puzzle. Consider this addle solved. Today, OnePlus teased the absolution date, the advertisement day, and the area of the barrage event. On November 16, 2017, at 11 AM in Brooklyn, NY, OnePlus will barrage the 5T. We additionally abstruse that OnePlus is affairs tickets to the accident for about $40. Not alone will you accretion admission to the event, but additionally accept their accepted backpack... more

Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: Samsung Keyboard Gets An Check In Android 8.0

The Oreo Beta for Samsung's Galaxy S8 and S8 is official and accessible to download on your device. Now that we accept the amend in hand, we've started account several of the changes and features. We've already looked at the new Notification Channels functionality, so in this post, we'll booty a attending at several improvements to Samsung's banal keyboard. While some Android users adopt to install third-party keyboards on their device, Samsung's absence keyboard has a loyal afterward amid Galaxy fans. In the past, one of my capital gripes with the Samsung keyboard was the blunder of predictive... more

All The Best New Appearance Advancing In The Galaxy S8 Oreo Update

Samsung afresh formed out the Android Oreo Beta Affairs for the Galaxy S8 and S8 in North America and internationally. We showed you how to accept your accessory in the beta affairs and acquaint a abounding account of changes you can apprehend with the update. Now that we've had some time to use Oreo on our Galaxy S8, we're accessible to attending at these new appearance in detail. When Samsung upgrades their phones with a new Android version, we consistently apprehend a few surprises on top of the changes Google implemented in the abject code. With the Oreo beta on the Galaxy S8, we were not disappointed. Samsung has revamped... more

How Razer Acclimated Igzo Affectation Tech To Accomplish 120 Hz Brace Rates

With their aboriginal attack at the adaptable market, Razer alien a accessory that looks at the smartphone differently. Instead of absorption on basal bezels or an amazing camera, Razer absitively to accomplish a phone for gamers. So how could Razer ambition the growing adaptable gaming market, which is projected to accomplish $40.6 billion in all-around acquirement in 2017? It starts with the IGZO LCD Display. IGZO is a technology Razer is accustomed with. Currently, their Razer Blade and Blade Pro laptops use this tech in their displays. But clashing OLED and LCD, IGZO isn't a blazon of console — instead, it is a component... more

Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: New Home Awning Appearance Advancing In Android 8.0

While millions agilely anticipate the abiding Android 8.0 absolution for the Galaxy S8, the beta is already in the agrarian and readily available. Notable improvements accommodate notification channels and the revamped Samsung keyboard. One aspect generally disregarded are new customization options, a huge allotment of Android. Let's booty a attending at what's new for customization on the S8's home awning in Oreo. Samsung has afresh fell in adulation with colorization of their UI. One of the ancient Galaxy S8 updates this year brought the advantage to accept custom colors for the aeronautics bar. With Samsung Experience 9.0, we... more

Google's New Activity Fi Accord Could Net You A Chargeless Moto X4

There are a lot of anniversary tech deals starting to crawl out as Black Friday approaches. We've already angled up some of the best deals for Android, iPhones, and headphones, but Google aloof alone a big advertisement for users of their Project Fi MVNO service. Now through December 17, you can acquire yourself a chargeless Moto X4 or Chromecast by apropos your accompany and ancestors to Project Fi. The action to acquire the chargeless accouterments is appealing simple. Each Fi user has a different barometer articulation begin central your Project Fi annual on the web portal. Simply archetype and adhesive your barometer articulation assimilate all of... more

Samsung Rolling Out Galaxy S8 Oreo Beta 2

Just as we started active through the appearance arranged into the Android Oreo beta for the Galaxy S8, Samsung has started blame out the additional beta to acceptable devices. According to DroidVendor, the amend is rolling out as body G955USQU1ZQK1 for the Galaxy S8 Plus. The rollout should access as an OTA for anyone that is currently active the aboriginal beta. The aboriginal Oreo beta for the S8 brought several notable improvements and new features. Samsung revamped their banal keyboard with new themes, account options, and bigger accuracy. Home awning customization acquired able-bodied options like... more

Samsung's Latest Oreo Amend Doesn't Accept A Krack Fix

Samsung aloof began rolling out the Oreo Beta 2 to registered users of the Galaxy S8 and S8 . The update's changelog promises the admittance of the October 2017 security patch. Unfortunately, afterwards downloading the update, we've noticed this is not the case. Omission of the added contempo security application is notable in that it leaves accessories accessible to several accepted exploits, such as KRACK. The KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability affects about all Wi-Fi affiliated accessories because it's an affair with a Wi-Fi protocol, not a distinct OS or belvedere like Android. It affects computers, smartphones, tablets, and... more

Another Security Affair From Oneplus — Backdoor Basis App Comes Preinstalled On Millions Of Phones

After afresh actuality in the account for accession PII (personally identifiable information) for analytics and after-sales support, OnePlus has addition security problem. An alone activity by the name Elliot Alderson apparent an app in OnePlus accessories that can accredit basis admission with one command. Although we as Android users aspire to basis our devices, we are acquainted of the accident that acclaim provides. With an app that simplifies the process, millions of accessories are now vulnerable. Rooting provides arrangement admission to Android devices. By accessing the basis folder, users can accomplish changes that would... more

Google's Latest Activity Fi Accord Could Net You A Chargeless Moto X4

There are a lot of anniversary tech deals starting to crawl out as Black Friday approaches. We've already angled up some of the best deals for Android, iPhones, and headphones, but Google aloof alone a big advertisement for users of their Project Fi MVNO service. Now through December 17, you can acquire yourself a chargeless Moto X4 or Chromecast by apropos your accompany and ancestors to Project Fi. The action to acquire the chargeless accouterments is appealing simple. Each Fi user has a different barometer articulation begin central your Project Fi annual on the web portal. Simply archetype and adhesive your barometer articulation assimilate all of... more

Don't Alike Anticipate About Affairs A Oneplus 6 Abutting Year

OnePlus aloof took the wraps off their new flagship smartphone, the OnePlus 5T. The phone has an absorbing blueprint list, including a Snapdragon 835 processor, 6.01" FHD affectation at 2160 x 1080, 6 or 8 GB of RAM, 64 or 128 GB of storage, 3,300 mAh battery, and the alarming Dash Charging technology. This accelerated about-face to a new accessory has abounding OnePlus 5 early-adopters affronted and activity duped. Aside from the new affectation admeasurement and aspect ratio, the specs on the 5T are identical to the OnePlus 5 apparent beneath than bristles months ago. Both phones affection AMOLED affectation technology, both abutment the DCI-P3... more

Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: New Colors & Alarm Styles For Samsung's Consistently On Display

The latest Samsung Oreo Beta amend for the Galaxy S8 brings an absorbing cardinal of new customization features. On the lock screen, we've apparent the addition of new colorization options for the alarm and cellophane notifications. Not to be forgotten, the Always On Display is accepting some new alarm styles and colors. Samsung accustomed a cardinal of different alarm styles for the Always on Display at barrage of the Galaxy S8 beforehand this year. With the S8 Oreo Beta, we're accepting alike added to accept from (seen below). To set a custom style, arch to Settings –> Lock Awning and Security and accomplish sure... more

Google's 'fi It Forward' Accord Could Net You A Chargeless Moto X4

There are a lot of anniversary tech deals starting to crawl out as Black Friday approaches. We've already angled up some of the best deals for Android, iPhones, and headphones, but Google aloof alone a big advertisement for users of their Project Fi MVNO service. Now through December 17, you can acquire yourself a chargeless Moto X4 or Chromecast by apropos your accompany and ancestors to Project Fi. The action to acquire the chargeless accouterments is appealing simple. Each Fi user has a different barometer articulation begin central your Project Fi annual on the web portal. Simply archetype and adhesive your barometer articulation assimilate all of... more

Get Google's Alarming 'android X Amends League' Wallpapers Appropriate Now

DC's awful advancing new Justice League cine is aperture tonight, and Google aloof pushed out a nice amusement for Android admirers branch out to the movie. Over on the official Android Twitter account, we begin a few absolute "Android x Justice League" wallpapers featuring our admired bugdroid. These wallpapers appear address of Google's advance for the Justice League cine aural the Android Pay app. The Android Pay promo allows users to aggregate the assorted heroes through authoritative purchases in the app. One downside to these wallpapers is the abominably low resolution, but they still look... more

Google's 'fi It Forward' Accord Could Net You A Chargeless Moto X4 Or Chromecast

There are a lot of anniversary tech deals starting to crawl out as Black Friday approaches. We've already angled up some of the best deals for Android, iPhones, and headphones, but Google aloof alone a big advertisement for users of their Project Fi MVNO service. Now through December 17, you can acquire yourself a chargeless Moto X4 or Chromecast by apropos your accompany and ancestors to Project Fi. The action to acquire the chargeless accouterments is appealing simple. Each Fi user has a different barometer articulation begin central your Project Fi annual on the web portal. Simply archetype and adhesive your barometer articulation assimilate all of... more

Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: Samsung Adds Cellophane Notifications To The Lock Screen

Samsung kicked off their Android Oreo Beta 2 cycle out beforehand this week. The cardinal of new appearance is a bit added dispersed than on the aboriginal beta, but we did administer to acquisition a few things of interest. The aboriginal beta already bigger the lock awning decidedly with new wallpaper color-matching for the clock. With the newest update, we additionally get the adeptness to abuse the accuracy of lock awning notifications. To change the accuracy of your lock awning notifications, artlessly arch in to Settings, again "Lock Awning and Security." From there, you will tap on the "Notifications" category, as... more

Don't Alike Accede Affairs A Oneplus 6 Abutting Year

OnePlus aloof took the wraps off their new flagship smartphone, the OnePlus 5T. The phone has an absorbing blueprint list, including a Snapdragon 835 processor, 6.01" FHD affectation at 2160 x 1080, 6 or 8 GB of RAM, 64 or 128 GB of storage, 3,300 mAh battery, and the alarming Dash Charging technology. This accelerated about-face to a new accessory has abounding OnePlus 5 early-adopters affronted and activity duped. Aside from the new affectation admeasurement and aspect ratio, the specs on the 5T are identical to the OnePlus 5 apparent beneath than bristles months ago. Both phones affection AMOLED affectation technology, both abutment the DCI-P3... more

Youtube Pinch-to-zoom Comes To Added Devices

Google launched the Pixel 2 XL with a different pinch-to-zoom affection in the YouTube app. The affection is appealing basic, acceptance users to aggrandize the video to full-screen on accessories with 18:9 aspect ratios with a simple compression gesture. Considering its simplicity, it was aberrant that the affection was bound to the Pixel 2 XL. Today that exclusivity has concluded as the affection is rolling out to the Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 , Note 8, LG V30, and LG G6. The Samsung Galaxy S8 and Note 8 curve launched with a zoom button in YouTube, but yesterday, several users appear this button actuality removed. Shortly after... more

Action Launcher 101: How To Use The New Adaptive Folders Feature

Chis Lacy's Action Launcher is calmly one of the best third-party home awning apps for Android. If you're absorbed in the basal affection set of this absorbing app, analysis our our overview of the top bristles launchers on Android. Today, we're demography an all-embracing attending at the cast new Adaptive Folders affection included in the latest update. With Android Oreo, Google alien adaptive icons to change the appearance and attending of your custom icons and accomplish the UI added appealing. Developers abide Adaptive Icons in two layers, a cellophane beginning band and a solid accomplishments layer, which are cut into... more

Razer Phone Clearly Accessible For Adjustment — Here's Area You Can Buy It Now

Razer took to the date this ages to bare their new flagship phone, abundantly alleged the Razer Phone. The accessory is targeted at gamers, but has a account of specs that accomplish it an arresting circadian disciplinarian for any user. Its headlining affection is an 120HZ IGZO display, the aboriginal of its affectionate in a flagship smartphone appear in the US. Tonight, Razer clearly opened up orders for the new phone on their website. When the Razer phone was aboriginal announced, the alone advantage for absorbed buyers was to ascribe their email for approaching advice about the absolution date. That delay has now appear to an end... more

How To Install The Oreo Beta Amend On Your Capital Phone

Essential aloof alone the Oreo Beta Program for their flagship PH-1 phone. Users accept been agilely apprehension this amend as the aboriginal Nougat builds of the PH-1 software accept suffered from abundant achievement issues and lag. The acceptable account is that you can grab the Oreo amend today with a few simple steps. The advertisement of the Oreo Beta Program went up on Essential's website beforehand today. In adjustment to accept in the beta, you will alone charge your email address. Before proceeding with these accomplish you should booty agenda of the Release Notes acquaint on the Beta Program page. Essential mentions... more

How To Basis The Pixel 2 Or Pixel 2 Xl & Install Magisk

Despite apropos with SafetyNet, Google absolutely cares about root. Every phone they advertise has an unlockable bootloader, so you can toggle a ambience and accelerate a Fastboot command, again alpha aflame custom firmware appropriate away. The Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL abide this tradition, and now they accept an official basis method. This basis adjustment uses Magisk, so you'll still be able to comedy Pokémon GO, use Android Pay, and adore all the little things that added basis methods about break. It's somewhat involved, but really, all you accept to do is download a archetype of your phone's cossack image, application it with... more

Samsung Affairs Latest Oreo Beta Amend Afterwards Analytical Bug

The Android Oreo Beta for the Galaxy S8 and S8 has been accessible for about two weeks. Samsung started rolling out the Beta 2 amend backward aftermost anniversary in the UK, and aloof bygone in the US. Unfortunately, the US adaptation of the amend firmware (G955USQU1ZQK6) accomplished a analytical bug with the phone app at launch. As a result, Samsung has absolutely pulled the US Beta 2 amend for the time being. It appears the Oreo Beta 2 amend began in the US about 12 PM EST on November 13. Shortly after, abounding users over on Reddit appear a bug that absolutely dead corpuscle reception. The affair seems to... more

How Abiding Is The Galaxy S8 Oreo Update?

So you're cerebration about downloading the Galaxy S8 Oreo beta, but you're not abiding if it's abiding abundant to use. It is a beta, of course, so you ability appetite to delay for others to accord it a try. Over the accomplished ten canicule I've acclimated the Galaxy S8 active Android Oreo as my circadian driver, active bottomward the best new features. Let's booty a attending at the bugs, the performance, and the array life. With any beta release, there are apprenticed to be some bugs. These bugs generally booty the anatomy of force-closing apps, apathetic animations, or poor camera performance. With the Oreo amend for the Galaxy S8, the bugs are... more

Another Security Affair From Oneplus — Backdoor Basis Accomplishment Comes Preinstalled On Millions Of Phones

After afresh actuality in the account for accession PII (personally identifiable information) for analytics and after-sales support, OnePlus has addition security problem. An alone activity by the name Elliot Alderson apparent an app in OnePlus accessories that can accredit basis admission with one command. Although we as Android users aspire to basis our devices, we are acquainted of the accident that acclaim provides. With an app that simplifies the process, millions of accessories are now vulnerable. Rooting provides arrangement admission to Android devices. By accessing the basis folder, users can accomplish changes that would... more

How To Alleviate The Bootloader On Your Pixel 2 Or Pixel 2 Xl

Root, TWRP, Xposed, Magisk, custom ROMs — afore you can accept any of these, the aboriginal affair you should do is alleviate your bootloader. Thankfully, the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL are some of the best modder-friendly phones out there, so you alone charge to accelerate a distinct fastboot command to alleviate the bootloader. For the uninitiated, the bootloader is a allotment of software on your phone that endless up the amount OS — anticipate of it like BIOS for Windows. But by default, the bootloader will alone amount official firmware files from the accessory OEM, which agency you can't beam custom accretion images like TWRP to... more

Android Security 101: How to Protect Your Data in Case Your Phone Gets Stolen

As smartphone users, we live in dangerous times. The value of phones continues to rise, making them prime targets for thieves. In 2015, the FCC estimated that one million phones are stolen each year, and with several devices starting to hit the $1,000 mark now, these numbers are sure to rise. But what do you do if you fall victim to phone theft? Unfortunately, there's always chance that you or someone you love will have their smartphone stolen. Replacing the phone, although costly, is easy to do — but your precious data is still vulnerable. If a thief is savvy enough, they can access the... more

Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: Camera App Gets Note 8 UI & Full View Mode

We've had a lot of fun digging into the Oreo update for the Galaxy S8. Thus far, we compiled a full list of the biggest changes and ran down some of our favorites. One of the most user-facing components on a smartphone is the camera. Samsung made sure to add some nice tweaks to the camera UI in Oreo too, bringing it more in-line with the camera on the Galaxy Note 8. The biggest change to the Galaxy S8 camera app in Oreo is the new default UI. This interface will look familiar to anyone using a Note 8 on a daily basis. Perhaps the two biggest changes are located in the top row of toggles... more

Android Security 101: How to Secure Your Apps & Avoid Malware

Because of the way Google Play works, Android has a "bad app" problem. Google allows any developer to upload an app to the Play Store, regardless of if it works, how it looks, or whether or not it can harm users. Malware scanning happens primarily after apps are uploaded, and though Google has recently taken steps to safeguard users with its Play Protect program, you don't have to depend on them. Android has several tools accessible to users which provide protection. By combining secure technology with good decision making, you can protect yourself from most malicious apps. You can also apply... more

Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: Lock Screen Clock Now Matches Wallpaper Color

The Galaxy S8 Oreo Beta has been out for just over a week now. Over that time, we've taken a look at some of the best new features and improvements. One area of smartphone software that never gets much love in updates is the lock screen. Samsung changes that in the Oreo beta, bringing new colorization options that match lock screen info to your wallpaper. One of the most noticeable home screen improvements for the S8 on Oreo is the addition of colored folders to match your personal style. Samsung is bringing a similar custom color option to the lock screen. To enable the color-matching... more

Most File Cleaners Are Trash — Here's Which Ones You Can Trust

Since the release of the T-Mobile G1, the Play Store has been flooded with apps that claim to improve performance by clearing cache and storage. These apps are typically useless, rarely providing more than a temporary fix which Android undoes immediately. As Android has continued to improve cache and storage management, such apps have become more trivial. However, there are few decent ones out there. The apps which we recommend are not the most popular, because many users still believe some of the more outrageous claims made by other cache and storage cleaners. But these apps do provide great... more

Nova Launcher 101: How to Add Any Widget to Android Oreo's Expanded Dock

Nova Launcher continues to push the boundary of features available to home screen launchers. While most users are waiting for their OEMs to send out the Android 8.0 update, Nova provides access to many of Android Oreo's features to the 99.8% of devices currently using an older version. However, Nova tries not only to add new features but to improve their design. A few weeks back, TelsaCoil Software released an update that added the search widget to the dock as found on the Pixel 2 lineup. Unlike the stock launcher with the Pixel 2 and 2 XL, Nova made the search widget optional so you could... more

Google Launches Public Beta of 'Files Go' After New File Management App Leaks Online

There may be many third-party file managers for Android to choose from, but until now, Google offered no proprietary option. Enter 'Files Go,' which, while initially anticipated for December, is now available for you to try. After the beta version of Google's files manager leaked online, Google decided to release it to the pubic via the Google Play Store. Caesar Sengupta, Vice President of Product Management for Google, announced the release in a Tweet Thursday morning: Looks like some of you found our Files Go Beta :-) We thought we'd make it available for a few more of you on the Play... more

Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: Edge Lighting Gets New Colors and Effects

Now that we've had significant time with Samsung's Oreo Beta for the Galaxy S8, many interesting features have come to light. As we continue using the new software, we have uncovered more subtle changes. The home screen already received a few new customization features, it's only fitting that the edge screen get some love, too. The edge screen idea has been a huge part of Samsung's flagship strategy in recent years. One of the coolest things to show your friends with an edge screen phone is the edge lighting effect. This allows your phone to light the edge screen when you receive an incoming... more

Battle Chef Brigade combines competitive cooking and dungeon crawling on November 20

Battle Chef Brigade is like next-level farm-to-table cooking. You play a chef in a culinary competition where you slay monsters, hack them up for ingredients, and solve puzzles in the kitchen to create succulent dishes. Part puzzler and part action-platformer, it’s the third title from Trinket Studios. Publisher Adult Swim Games will serve it up […]

AI Weekly: Digital assistants are changing business, but they still need human help

It’s no secret that AI is being applied to virtually everything, but this was a big week for enterprise conversational AI. Salesforce’s Einstein debuted a platform for businesses to deploy bots on apps and websites, Facebook Messenger is coming to the web, and Microsoft Word now has a Resume Assistant imbued with intelligence from LinkedIn. […]

Colorful musical platformer Wandersong is coming to the Switch in 2018

Wandersong wants to save the world through music. It’s a joyful side-scrolling adventure starring a bard and all the colors of the rainbow. After developer Dumb and Fat Games raised funds on Kickstarter, it planned to release it on PC and Mac. It’s now partnered with Humble Bundle to bring it to the Nintendo Switch […]

Unity hires Insomniac Games triple-A vets to boost its engine’s performance

Unity Technologies is bringing in some of the talent that worked on Ratchet & Clank and Sunset Overdrive to help beef up the optimization and performance of the Unity game-development engine. The company announced today that it has hired Mike Acton and Anreas Fredriksson, who both previously worked for Insomniac Games studio. Acton and Fredriksson will […]

Doom for Nintendo Switch works better in handheld than docked mode

Nintendo Switch is getting Doom this week, and that has a lot of people curious about how the technical wonder runs on the hybrid home/handheld console. The answer to that has two sides. In docked mode on a TV, Doom is rough. But if you take the same shooter and play it in handheld mode, […]

ScaleFactor Secures $2.5M in Seed Funding to Modernize Accounting for Small Businesses

PRESS RELEASE: ScaleFactor, the smart finance and accounting platform that enables businesses to operate in real-time, today announced a $2.5M seed round with Next Coast Ventures, Techstars Ventures, Firebrand Ventures, Matchstick ...

Skyscanner acquires London’s Twizoo, a platform that scrapes user reviews from Twitter

Travel search giant Skyscanner has acquired Twizoo, a U.K.-based platform that identifies user-generated content on Twitter for companies to use as part of promotional campaigns on their websites. The deal represents Skyscanner’s sixth known acquisition of all time, and its first since being acquired itself last year by Ctrip, one of China’s biggest online travel companies, […]

France’s largest web host loses power, taking down thousands of sites and leaving the French amused

Say this for the French: They manage to keep their sense of humor in the face of a crisis. First, a massive butter shortage has swept the country this fall. Now, much of the country has woken up to find itself with limited internet, thanks to a power outage that has kneecapped the country’s largest […]

Natural Cycles raises $30 million for its contraceptive app

A few months ago, Natural Cycles began marketing itself as a certified contraceptive app. That’s right, no condoms or pills, just an algorithm that accurately tracks a woman’s ovulation cycle. Today, the Stockholm, Sweden-based startup announced that it has secured $30 million to continue its efforts in the women’s health space. EQT Ventures led the […]

Afterpulse respawns on the App Store with a new publisher

Spain’s Digital Legends and South Korea’s Gamevil teamed up to release the realistic mobile shooter Afterpulse in 2015. The game got more than 10 million downloads and won various awards. The previous game was shut down by Gamevil in October. But now Digital Legends, the developer of the game, has taken over and is re-publishing the […]

Tizeti partners with Facebook to expand Express WiFi in Nigeria

Despite weak infrastructure and poor power supply, Nigeria stands out as one of Africa’s top tech hubs — something that was confirmed last year when Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg visited the capital, Lagos. But to boost innovation even further, the country desperately needs a well-functioning WiFi system, which Tizeti has been trying to provide through […]

Path Out uses real-life commentary to tell a tale of escaping Syria

Path Out is an autobiographical role-playing game that goes beyond just telling a story through dialogue and quests. You play as a cartoon version of Abdullah Karam, a Syrian refugee who now resides in Austria. As you help him escape the civil war in his homeland, videos from present-day Karam pop up in the corner, and […]

How Congress should respond to the Equifax breach

There is very little doubt that Equifax’s negligent security practices were a major contributing factor in the massive breach of 145.5-million Americans’ most sensitive information. In the wake of the breach, EFF has spent a lot of time thinking through how to ensure that such a catastrophic breach doesn’t happen again and, just as importantly, […]

Transformative Blockchain Venture Secures Ethereum Smart Contracts

PRESS RELEASE: Since June 2017, the number of Ethereum smart contracts has quadrupled from 500,000 to over 2 million. For cryptocurrencies and blockchain change-makers, it seems like a good thing. That is, until there's a hack. And...

Star Wars licensing is everywhere — the tree, the rock, even Nvidia GPUs

Nvidia is giving PC gamers the chance to power their rigs with the Force, and (as usual with such product tie-ins) you can choose the light side or the dark side. Two new Collector’s Edition versions of the GeForce Titan Xp GPU is launching this month for $1,200. These capable video cards features Star Wars […]

Grand Theft Auto V sales climb past 85 million, increasing by 5 million since May

Grand Theft Auto V came out in 2013, and it is still selling millions of copies. Take-Two revealed today as part of its financials for the second quarter that total sales for the open-world game are now at over 85 million. Grand Theft Auto V originally released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but the […]

How Zynga plans to grow through acquisitions, new games, and live ops

Zynga CEO Frank Gibeau wants to make sure that the company’s strong performance for the third quarter that ended September 30 isn’t a fluke. The social mobile game publisher reported net income for the second quarter in a row — the first time it has done so since going public in 2011. In an interview with […]

Zynga pays $100 million for Peak Games’ casual card game studio

Zynga has acquired the mobile card game studio of Turkey’s Peak Games for $100 million in cash. The move is one of the biggest acquisitions Zynga has made under Frank Gibeau, who became CEO in March 2016. It’s also a big validation for Peak Games’ strategy of focusing on casual card games that are popular […]

Salesforce shows how to bypass a key bottleneck in AI translation

Salesforce Research unveiled a new technique today that’s supposed to speed up machine translation using AI by doing away with one of the historical limitations of those systems. Instead of translating word by word, the system will now generate whole sentences at once. The approach massively accelerates the process of machine translation compared to the […]

IO Interactive says the ‘next Hitman’ is still coming

IO Interactive is launching the GOTY Edition of its 2016 Hitman action adventure today, and the independent studio is using this as an opportunity to update fans on the state of franchise. IO left Square Enix this past summer after the publisher announced plans to sell the studio. Now out on its own, IO wants […]

Here’s the final numbers on Xbox One X titles as console launches

Microsoft launched its Xbox One X console around the world on Tuesday morning, billing the video game machine as the world’s most powerful console. The Xbox One X features 4K resolution games and high-dynamic range (HDR) lighting. Microsoft claims it has 40 percent more performance than any other console, and that the machine now has […]

Byond will help enterprises build AR, VR, and 360-degree experiences

Byond is launching a publishing platform for companies to create augmented reality, virtual reality, and 360-degree applications. It’s one more set of tools designed to get enterprises and brands to take the plunge into promising new technologies. The Los Angeles-based startup has created the Byond Immersive Suite to make it easier for companies to create, […]

Call of Duty: WWII borrows from Activision hits Destiny and Overwatch

Call of Duty: WWII may return to the “boots on the ground” origin of Activision’s military shooter franchise, but the latest entry in the series has also borrowed a handful of elements from the publisher’s other major shooters: Destiny and Overwatch. I finished the WWII single-player campaign over the weekend, and it was nothing special. […]

Amazon makes its latest high-compute instances generally available

Amazon Web Services announced today that its latest high-performance cloud virtual machines are generally available for customers. That means businesses will be able to spin up C5 instances in the cloud that are built to handle applications requiring large amounts of compute capacity. For example, the new instances will be well-suited to applications like video […]

Stripe joins $93 million investment into U.K. banking startup Monzo

Monzo, a U.K.-based startup building a mobile-first banking service, has raised £71 million ($93 million) in a round of funding from Stripe, Goodwater Capital, Sequoia’s Michael Moritz, Passion Capital, Thrive Capital, and Orange Digital Ventures. This latest tranche takes the company’s total funding to £106 million ($140 million) and values the London-based startup at £280 million ($366 […]’s startup raises $117 million and launches bot engine for enterprise market

(Reuters) – , the tech startup founded by pop star and entrepreneur, has raised $117 million in venture funding, the company told Reuters on Monday as it announced its entry into the corporate computing market with a voice assistant for customer service. The company, founded in 2012, initially focused on consumer electronics devices such […]

Embracing ’the right sort of scary’ — Tripwire’s road to success

SPONSORED: Presented by Intel Tech companies famously start in unusual places, like a basement, dorm room, or garage. Developer Tripwire Interactive takes that mythology one step further: Its first office space was on the second floor of a church in Roswell, Georgia. Fortunately, the staff didn’t mind that the dozen or so people working upstairs were […]

Google and Salesforce sign massive strategic partnership

Google and Salesforce announced a massive strategic partnership today that’s aimed at driving value across their mutual customers. As part of the deal, Salesforce plans to use Google Cloud Platform infrastructure as a preferred partner to power the tech titan’s international expansion. Google, for its part, will use Salesforce as its preferred CRM provider for […] taps into influencer marketing to highlight indie and double-A games

Every day, features a single game at a discount. To get the word out about these one-day sales, the digital retailer works with YouTube creators and broadcasters on the livestreaming platform Twitch. It wants to help people find new games, with an added bonus of enabling YouTubers and Twitch streamers to get a revenue share from […]

U.S. officials are having a ‘Sputnik moment’ over AI innovation in China

GUEST: The phrase “Sputnik moment” refers to the October 4, 1957, launch of Sputnik 1, the first artificial Earth satellite, by Sergei Korolyov for the Soviet Union. It was this American fear of the technological gap between the United States and the U.S.S.R. that ignited the space race to put a man on the moon. Nowadays […]

Death Coming is reaping indie souls on Steam Early Access

Beneath Death Coming’s cheery graphics lurks a dark sense of humor. As the tiny sprites go about their business, they’re blissfully unaware that you’re plotting their deaths. You play as the Grim Reaper in the debut title from Chinese indie developer Next Studio, which is now available on Steam Early Access for PC. As the Grim […]

Fortnite reaches 20 million players with help of its battle royal mode

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds won’t launch on Xbox One until next month, but players aren’t waiting to get into some battle royal action on consoles and PC. Epic’s Fortnite, which has a free last-player-standing mode, has surpassed 20 million total players, according to the developer. This is not earning any money directly for Epic, but it is […]

Seven Bridges Leads Public-Private Partnership to Develop New Data Ecosystem for NIH

PRESS RELEASE: Seven Bridges, the leading biomedical data analysis company, today announced that it has been selected by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support the NIH Data Commons Pilot Phase. As a corporate service provider, Seven...

Southeast Asia’s PC online and mobile game revenue hits $2.2 billion in 2017

EXCLUSIVE: Southeast Asia’s PC online and mobile game revenue is projected to reach $2.2 billion by the end of 2017, and it could rise to $4.4 billion by 2021, according to a new report by market researcher Niko Partners. This year’s forecast is higher than in the past, mainly on the strength of esports and new hit […]

Chip industry turned upside down: Broadcom bids $130 billion for Qualcomm, Intel teams up with AMD

Today provided a brutal reminder of how fundamental shifts to mobile technology has caused a profound upheaval in the semiconductor market that is transforming some of the biggest names in the industry. The move away from desktop computing started long ago. But the increasingly powerful smartphones we carry, the explosion of so-called Internet of Things […]

Tinyclues Launches Operations in North America with Offices in New York City

PRESS RELEASE: Tinyclues, provider of a leading artificial intelligence (AI)-first marketing solution, today announced its launch in North America. Tinyclues, launched in 2013, has been expanding rapidly in Europe out of London and Paris,...

Thinking the unthinkable: Is it time to shut Twitter down?

As it has been for more than a decade, Twitter became the place to look for breaking news updates following the Texas Church Massacre on Sunday. And as it has been increasingly in recent years, Twitter became a hive of lies, propaganda, misinformation, and fake news. People searching for the name of the alleged shooter […]

Amazon is discounting products from third-party sellers but risks angering merchants

(Reuters) — Amazon is cutting prices of products from third-party sellers on its website, moving beyond its more typical method of discounts on items it sells directly. The “discount provided by Amazon” applies to products including board games and technological gadgets offered by other merchants as the holiday season approaches. The retailer has been trying […]

Electric car sales reflect consumers’ internal struggle between practicality and luxury

GUEST: The title of the most popular vehicle in the electric car market has created a long and highly competitive race between Tesla and Chevrolet. Though the two brands offer vastly different versions of electric vehicles, they seem to be the two makes dominating electric vehicle sales in 2017. Reports show that the top spot for […]

Sony and Facebook don’t need to invest in bloody VR shooters

OPINION: A trailer for Blood & Truth from Sony’s London Studio, like a preview Oculus showed earlier this month for an upcoming war title from Titanfall creator Respawn Entertainment, makes it clear that Sony and Facebook are financially supporting what its executives think gamers want to play in VR. The goal: drive the sale of more […]

Unified auction, not header bidding, drives more revenue for mobile in-game advertising

GUEST: Optimizing ads are a hot topic these days, and we’re constantly witnessing disruption aimed at improving advertising transaction standards. Why? At the end of the day, it’s all about one thing — helping publishers maximize their revenue, and part of that discussion has been around a topic called header bidding. What is header bidding? Header […]

How to write a cryptocurrency white paper

GUEST: So you want to create the next bitcoin. Wonderful! But before you crack code, you’ll need to revisit English 101, because the blockchain community demands a white paper with every project. What’s a white paper? It’s a document that describes your project. How do you make one? Here’s a handy guide of best practices from […]

A new layer of blockchain tech is emerging: inter-chain mediators

GUEST: In the beginning was Bitcoin, the only blockchain we thought we’d need. Then Ethereum came along and launched us into a multi-blockchain world. Since then we’ve seen many new blockchains emerge with their various different protocols, financed by their various different tokens. One of the the key doctrines of this era was Joel Monegro’s seminal […]

5 Alexa skills to try this week

Below find a carefully chosen selection of five Alexa skills worth trying from new, trending, and otherwise noteworthy voice apps available in the Alexa Skills Store on, which now has more than 20,000 skills. In case you missed it, Alexa Routines for the creation of scheduled tasks or custom commands launched for the first […]

The biggest roadblock in AI adoption is a lack of skilled workers

GUEST: While there is nearly universal agreement that artificial intelligence offers the promise of revolutionary benefits, recent survey findings from Gartner reveal almost 60 percent of organizations surveyed have yet to take advantage of the benefits of AI. Perhaps even more surprisingly, only a little more than 10 percent of surveyed businesses have deployed or implemented […]

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR will launch without mod support

Earlier this week at a private PlayStation press event in San Francisco, CA we got the chance to go hands-on with a full, updated build of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR for PlayStation VR (PSVR) and came away impressed. Previous demos were teleportation movement only and now they’ve added full, smooth locomotion features with both Dualshock […]

Blizzard reveals details of the upcoming Overwatch League season

Blizzard revealed the details of the upcoming Overwatch League season at its annual fan event BlizzCon in Anaheim, California. The first match kicks off on January 10, and 12 teams will compete throughout the season for a spot in the play-offs, which start on July 11. Season tickets will go on sale on November 6. […]

Broadcom wants to buy Qualcomm

(Reuters) — Communications chipmaker Broadcom Ltd is planning to unveil a bid for smartphone chip supplier Qualcomm Inc by Monday, three sources familiar with the matter said on Friday, an attempt to create a roughly $200-billion company through the biggest technology acquisition ever. A tie-up would combine two of the largest makers of wireless communications […]

Hearthstone’s Dungeon Runs are a more compelling solo experience

Hearthstone is mostly a multiplayer game. But its next expansion, Kobolds & Catacombs, will introduce a compelling new solo experience when it launches next December for PC and mobile. Dungeon Runs will be a free mode. It has players picking a class, starting with a weak-ish premade deck, and fighting random computer-controlled bosses. If you […]

Blockchain is bringing the sharing economy to everyone

GUEST: The sharing economy relies on a distributed workforce, shareable assets, and peer-to-peer transactions and contracts. Uber and Airbnb are probably the most famous examples, allowing people to make money by sharing their homes and their cars. Now blockchain technology is making it possible to earn money by sharing a whole new set of assets, such […]

4K gaming or data caps: Something’s gotta give

The Remedy Entertainment sci-fi adventure Quantum Break is 178.1 GB on the Xbox One X. If, like me, you have a 1TB data cap with your internet service provider, downloading that one game will consume more than one-sixth of your total for the month. With games at these sizes, consumers now have to consider both […]

The end of the cloud is coming

GUEST: We’re facing the end of the cloud. It’s a bold statement, I know, and maybe it even sounds a little mad. But bear with me. The conventional wisdom about running server applications, be it web apps or mobile app backends, is that the future is in the cloud. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are adding layers […]

VR developers pivot to location-based entertainment

Virtual reality in the home is taking off slower than expected, as evidenced by CCP Games’ decision to shut down VR game development. But there’s a good chance that VR will find a way to thrive in arcades, whether in Asia’s Internet cafes or America’s shopping malls. Should VR game makers pivot to the arcades? Greenlight […]

How Google and Amazon are hooking kids from an early age

ANALYSIS: Google announced a notable update to YouTube Kids this week, one that gives parents a range of tools to tailor the app for their kids. Among the new features is one that lets parents create individual profiles for each of their offspring. They can set each kid up with their own passcode to keep siblings […]

Esports startup tips from a veteran CEO

GUEST: Last year I founded Genvid Technologies, a company that builds esports broadcasting tools, along with my incredible co-founders and early employees. Having spent years working for CEOs of Square Enix Holdings, before starting this company my background was in game publishing and development. I wanted to share a few of the lessons I’ve learned since […]

Cisco’s enterprise AI assistant strategy starts with this $55,000 whiteboard

Cisco announced plans Thursday to bring voice control to its Cisco Spark Room series hardware, the first step in a larger plan to make an AI-powered meeting assistant available across all Cisco hardware. The Cisco Spark Assistant uses natural language processing and machine learning to understand what a person wants by harnessing technology from MindMeld, the […]

Logitech’s Bridge kit uses the Vive tracker to bring keyboards into VR

Logitech is working with developers on a solution that brings keyboards into VR using HTC’s Vive Tracker. The VR keyboard developer’s kit is being distributed to a small set of creators to make software and apps that use the capability. This Bridge kit, as it is called, could be a boon to apps like VR […]

Overwatch lead Jeff Kaplan on Moira, Mercy’s troubles, and fixing toxicity

Overwatch had a busy BlizzCon. Not only is the hit team-based shooter receiving a new hero, the healer Moira, but we’re also getting Blizzard World, a new map that’s like Disneyland meets Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo. Jeff Kaplan, Overwatch’s game director, made both announcements during BlizzCon’s opening ceremonies on November 3. That same day, we […]

U.S. court rejects Canadian court order requiring Google to remove search results globally

After years of litigation in two countries, a federal court in the US has weighed in on a thorny question: Does Google US have to obey a Canadian court order requiring Google to take down information around the world, ignoring contrary rules in other jurisdictions? According to the Northern District of California, the answer is […]

Overwatch’s Blizzard-themed skins are not part of a limited-time event

Overwatch is getting a big update that will bring Blizzard-themed content in the form of a new map and character skins. The publisher showed off its theme-park-like Blizzard World map and costumes that make Overwatch’s heroes look like they are from Starcraft, Diablo, or World of Warcraft. As always, the map is free and you’ll […]

Instagram is using code optimization to reach users with poor connections

EXCLUSIVE: One issue Instagram faces as it continues to try and expand its userbase is how to reach folks who are in parts of the world without great internet access. That’s why the Facebook-owned company has turned to a New York-based team of engineers to help streamline and optimize its app for better compatibility with network […]

Enterprise growth is changing in the age of AI

GUEST: Not long ago, reaching audiences through technologies like email was considered breakthrough. Fast forward to today, a hyper-accelerated existence in which the average human checks their smartphone over 150 times daily. This phone-fiddling translates into the average enterprise dealing with somewhere between 200 and 300 million digital signals per day, yet most can barely handle […]

How the Out of the Park Baseball team plans to expand with live services

Baseball is math. It’s all about counting hits, slugging percentage, on-base percentage, and everything else a team needs to score more runs than their opponents. The numbers-based nature of the MLB has made it an ideal fit for the Out of the Park management sim, which debuted almost two decades ago. The OOTP Developments has grown its […]

AI is changing how investors develop successful strategies

GUEST: Technology has changed our lives in countless ways — there are more smartphones and other mobile devices in use in the United States and its territories than the entire population of the country, and we are just on the cusp of seeing driverless cars on our roads and highways. As the field of artificial intelligence […]

Aquantia closes at $9.54 after first day of trading, 6% above IPO price

Networking chip design company Aquantia went public on Friday and raised $61 million in its initial public offering. The stock is trading up for the San Jose, California-based maker of network interface cards (NICs) that can transfer data on home and enterprise networks at multiple gigabits per second. The company looks to remove bottlenecks for hyperscale data […]

World of Warcraft’s new expansion is Battle for Azeroth

Blizzard debuted World of Warcraft‘s next expansion during BlizzCon’s opening ceremonies today in Anaheim, California today. It is Battle for Azeroth. The battle between the Horde and the Alliance is once again front and center. World of Warcraft launched for PC in 2004 and quickly became a sensation. Subscriptions, which cost $15 per month, peaked […]

AI Weekly: Smart systems sometimes fail in unexpected ways

One of the most important things I have learned while reporting on AI is that systems built on machine learning may be able to beat humans, or approximate their results, but they can often fail in ways that humans never would, and with unintended consequences. Consider the tale of a Redditor who asked earlier this week whether […]

IDC: Tablet shipments decline for 12th straight quarter

Last quarter was typical: smartphones up, tablets down. The tablet market has now declined every quarter over the past three years. Q3 2017 saw a 5.4 percent year-over-year decline: 40.0 million units shipped worldwide, compared to 42.3 million units in the same quarter last year. The only silver lining is that the 2017 drops aren’t […]

The DeanBeat: This week’s tale of the game juggernauts

Gamers have many ways to keep score. This column is about how I like to look at the game companies during the busy fall season. This past week saw the launches of blockbuster games including Call of Duty: WWII, Assassin’s Creed Origins, Super Mario Odyssey, and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. We also saw earnings […]

Funderbeam raises $5.8 million for early-stage startups through its blockchain platform

EXCLUSIVE: Startup stock exchange Funderbeam today announced that early-stage startups have raised over €5 million ($5.8 million) from investors in nearly 100 countries through its blockchain-powered platform. Funderbeam allows companies to fundraise and trade using blockchain technology. Founded in 2013 and launched in 2016, the Estonia-based company has already secured seed funding of more than $7 million from noteworthy […]

Megaton Rainfall: Making a Superman game without Superman?

SPONSORED: Presented by Intel  “People are saying that this is the first good Superman game. The only problem is that Superman isn’t present.” Despite being the most iconic, archetypal superhero, Superman hasn’t had much fortune when it comes to games. Aside from outliers such as Injustice and the LEGO games, most of his video game outings […]

Xbox One X review — wait and see

REVIEW: Microsoft has a new Xbox coming out this month, and it’s exactly like the old Xbox and also its mirror opposite. The Xbox One X is not a next-gen console. It is an Xbox One in terms of the games it can play, its operating system, and its controllers and peripherals. At the same time, […]

Call of Duty: WWII — Here’s what happens when you hit Prestige rank

When you hit Prestige, or the top level in Call of Duty multiplayer, it’s usually a solitary affair. But in Call of Duty: WWII, you can share your achievement for all of your friends to see. I went to a review event for the game, which debuts on November 3, and I was able to […]

Bitcoin passes $7,000 for the first time

(Reuters) — Digital currency bitcoin took another leap higher on Thursday, rocketing above $7,000 for the first time after a more than tenfold increase in its value over the past year. Bitcoin has seen eye-watering gains in recent months, having more than doubled in value in the past seven weeks alone. It is on track […]

Call of Duty: WWII review — a welcome reminder of heroes and sacrifice

REVIEW: Call of Duty: WWII takes us back the beginning. It reminds us why we liked the series and why it became a $15 billion juggernaut. The military shooter puts you in the shoes of individual infantry soldiers, the ordinary people who learn what it means to become a hero, without celebrating war or forgetting about […]

PC Gaming Weekly: Microsoft’s inclusive efforts

Developers work on a laundry list of details when they’re making games. And while some do take disabilities into account, it falls upon organizations such as the Special Effect charity to help those with physical challenges play games. Microsoft is helping, too, with its Inclusive Technologies Lab. The Xbox company gave our Dean Takahashi an exclusive tour of […]

Way of Redemption channels Windjammers with its ‘multiplayer online sports arena’

Way of Redemption is a literal interpretation of the term “esports.” It’s a fantasy-themed arcade sports battler that pitches players against each other in a Windjammers-esque duel. It’s the latest game from developer Pixel Cream, and it will be out for PC and PlayStation 4 on November 7. Pixel Cream describes Way of Redemption as […]

Aquantia Announces Pricing of Initial Public Offering

PRESS RELEASE: Aquantia Corp today announced the pricing of its initial public offering of 6,818,000 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $9.00 per share. The shares are expected to begin trading on The New York Stock Exchange on...

For Assassin’s Creed: Origins, you’re holding the Xbox One gamepad the wrong way

After taking a year off, Ubisoft is back with another Assassin’s Creed, and this time the default combat controls are wack. I only just started the Egyptian open-world adventure on Xbox One, so maybe it just takes some time to see the wisdom in putting block and attack on the left and right bumpers, respectively. […]

Trump’s Twitter account shut down temporarily by departing employee (update)

A Twitter employee temporarily shut down the account of President Donald J. Trump Thursday. For several minutes this afternoon, President Donald J. Trump’s personal Twitter account vanished for several minutes and then re-appeared. The outage lasted 11 minutes. “Through our investigation we have learned that this was done by a Twitter customer support employee who did this […]

AI can transform HR from a cost center to a core strategic asset

GUEST: No matter the field, it’s the people that make or break companies. Yet historically, HR has been treated as an administrative cost center rather than a strategic department that drives productivity and value. That sentiment is changing. Today’s technology-driven world is constantly changing, and there is a continuous scarcity of high-value talent in ever-changing fields. This, together with […]

Apple’s iPhones sales up 3% in Q4 2017, services revenue jumps 34%

(Reuters) — Apple Inc forecast revenue for the holiday shopping-quarter largely above market expectations, helping allay investor concerns about production delays and supply constraints for the iPhone X, which it will start shipping on Friday. Apple opened pre-orders for the iPhone X on Oct. 27 and has said demand has been “off the charts,” although […]

AI and human intuition go hand in hand

GUEST: Give any respectable machine learning algorithm a concrete scenario to optimize and it will blow human-based heuristics out of the water. But we as humans should continue to focus on what we do best — thinking creatively, building empathy for other humans — in order to guide machines in the right directions. A friend asks […]

Sorry, GameStop: More than 50% of Destiny 2 sales were digital

Activision is starting to make a dent in the industry’s war on used games, and its biggest weapon in that fight is the always-online live-service shooter Destiny 2. The publisher revealed today that digital accounted for more than 50 percent of the copies of Destiny 2 sold through to console customers. That’s a huge jump […]

Activision Blizzard’s Q3 results show a rare earnings miss

Activision Blizzard reported third-quarter earnings that fell short of Wall Street’s expectations, but the company touted the performances of its Destiny 2 launch and its King mobile games division. Activision Blizzard reported adjusted earnings per share of 47 cents, down from 49 cents a share a year earlier. Revenues were $1.61 billion, up from $1.57 […]

Turning data into real ROI with customer data platforms (VB Live)

VB LIVE: Increasingly, companies have turned to customer data platforms (CDPs) to help them run more relevant marketing campaigns using the large volume of customer data at their fingertips. Learn why software company Atlassian made the leap and how that decision transformed their marketing in this VB Live event! Don’t miss out! Access on demand for free. “Customer […]

Why I moved my company from New York City to St. Louis

GUEST: Boundless recently moved its headquarters from New York to St. Louis, and we couldn’t be more excited. Some of the reasons for moving our five-year-old company are unique to our business, but others reflect St. Louis’ surprising uptick in entrepreneurial activity and its attractiveness as a place to live, especially when compared to outrageously expensive […]

Call of Duty: WWII — A first look at Nazi Zombies prologue and gameplay

Nazi Zombies is the co-op game mode for Call of Duty: WWII. It is the first zombies mode made by Slegehammer Games, which made the WWII game and previously created Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. So naturally, Sledgehammer tried to put its own more serious, story-based twist on the zombies franchise. The prologue starts out with […]

Alumni of Disney, Dreamworks, Pixar figuring out how to monetize VR

SPONSORED: The Rogue Initiative—founded in 2015 and led by alumni from the likes of Disney, Dreamworks, Pixar, Sony Pictures, Epic Games, and Microsoft—eschews traditional boxes. It’s a mashup, combining a variety of mediums and perspectives to tell new kinds of stories with real-time, interactive experiences. “Setting out on this new company, it was always our passion […]

Global IoT Platform Provider Ayla Networks Announces $60 Million in Series D Financing

PRESS RELEASE: Ayla Networks, the global leader in Internet of Things (IoT) platform-as-a-service (PaaS), today announced that it has raised $60 million in Series D financing led by Run Liang Tai Fund (RLT) and Sunsea Telecommunications Co. Ltd.... raises $5.6 million for its autonomous software testing system builds software that helps businesses automatically test their websites to ensure they remain functional, and today the startup announced that it has raised a $6.5 million round of series A funding to propel its growth. Lightspeed Venture Partners led the round, which brought Testim’s total sum of money raised to $8 million. The company’s other […]

TransferWise raises $280 million to grow its international money transfer service in APAC

International money transfer service TransferWise has raised  $280 million in a round of funding led by asset management firm Old Mutual Global Investors (OMGI) and Silicon Valley’s IVP, with participation from Sapphire Ventures, Mitsui & Co, World Innovation Lab, Richard Branson, Andreessen Horowitz, and Baillie Gifford. Founded out of London in 2010, TransferWise offers a peer-to-peer (P2P) international […]

The esports memorabilia scene is big — and blockchain may make it huge

GUEST: They line the rails along the exits at sporting events – eager fans and autograph collectors, straining to nab that sweaty wristband or scrawled signature from their favorite athletes. For some, it’s pure fan worship. For others, it’s part of a worldwide sports collectible market that totaled more than $370 billion in 2016. Now, there’s […]

Tesla stock falls over Model 3 delays and biggest-ever quarterly loss

(Reuters) — Tesla Inc on Wednesday pushed back its target for volume production on its new Model 3 sedan by about three months, saying it was difficult to predict how long it would take to fix all production bottlenecks. The company also reported its biggest quarterly loss ever, sending shares down nearly 5 percent after […]

Zuckerberg: Facebook’s security investments will ‘significantly impact’ profitability

Facebook today revealed that, for the first time in the company’s history, it surpassed $10 billion in quarterly revenue. But on a nearly hour-long earnings call between company executives and financial analysts, the focus was primarily on security to prevent Russian meddling like the kind seen during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. 500 million daily […]

Heartland Tech Weekly: Recruiting beyond the typical tech entrepreneur

Last week, we republished a story on the Heartland Tech section about American Underground, a hub for tech programming in Durham, North Carolina and a partner organization of Google for Entrepreneurs. Phillipe Charles, the director of communications and member experience for American Underground, spoke with author Muriel Vega about the steps American Underground takes to […]

Brianna Wu’s Congressional run appears to be the first to campaign on Twitch

Video game developer Brianna Wu is running for Congress, and she’s using a new way to get her message out: killing Nazis in Wolfenstein II. Yesterday, the CEO and cofounder of the Giant Spacekat game studio used a livestream of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus to help raise money and awareness for her political campaign […]

Stop losing game revenue and players to cyber attacks (VB Live)

VB LIVE: Cyberattacks cost companies over $1 million per day and the video game industry is being targeted more than ever. Join this VB Live event, where digital security experts will offer insight on how to proactively secure your environment, and protect against the increasing number of hacks, DDoS attacks, and more. Don’t miss out! Register here for […]

The rise of predictive maintenance is upon us

GUEST: In McKinsey & Company’s June 2017 report, “Artificial Intelligence: The Next Digital Frontier,” the institute writes about how artificial intelligence will induce a shift from preventative to predictive maintenance “in the future.” This is absolutely true. But it’s also true that this capability already exists. We don’t have to wait for it to arrive. Rather, we […]

5 characteristics of AI technologies worth investing in

GUEST: Machine learning and artificial intelligence are timely subjects that spark the public imagination. In 2016, between $26 billion and $39 billion was invested in AI, according to recent estimates from the McKinsey Global Institute, a leading private-sector think tank. That number is three times the amount spent just three years prior, an increase driven by […]

Razer unveils its smartphone for gamers with a 120-hertz display

In a bid to follow gamers wherever they play, Razer has unveiled its smartphone for gamers. It features a super-fast display that refreshes quickly and runs games smoothly. The smartphone debuts this month for $699, available on November 17 at the Razer stores in the U.S. and some European countries. In Europe, it will be […]

Facebook stock sets record as profit trounces estimates

(Reuters) — Facebook Inc reported better-than-expected quarterly profit and revenue on Wednesday as it pushed further into video advertising in a quarter dominated by reports that Russia allegedly used the social network to meddle in the 2016 U.S. elections. The company’s shares were up under 1 percent at $184 in after-hours trading, set to add […]

AI and human understanding will win the war for talent

GUEST: One of the most well known tropes in startup and tech culture is that your business is only as good as the team behind it. You can’t do anything without having a strong team, and the most important job for every manager is to hire quality talent that fits into the preexisting team dynamics. The […]

Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay turns you into a VR mechanic for BB-8

Lucasfilm is bringing another tiny piece of the Star Wars universe into virtual reality with the latest experience from its experimental ILMxLab technology group. Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay puts you in the role of a mechanic for the Resistance against the New Order from The Force Awakens. Droid Repair Bay works with HTC Vive and Samsung Gear […]

Silentmode mask with built-in audio enables your power naps

Power naps can be good for you, and Silentmode wants to make them easier with its nap mask with built-in audio. The Hong Kong company is launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign today to raise money to build the mask that allows people to tune out their environment and go to sleep more easily. The product […]

How Funcom reinvented a five-year-old MMO with Secret World Legends

SPONSORED: Presented by Intel  The Secret World launched in the summer of 2012, quickly gaining praise for its elaborate, conspiracy-filled story, fully voiced NPCs, and unconventional quests. It was Funcom’s third MMO, but completely unlike Age of Conan or Anarchy Online. Unfortunately, player numbers dwindled, and despite dropping the subscription, it never quite made the splash […]

AppZen Secures $13M in Series A Funding from Redpoint Ventures to Transform Back Office Automation with Artificial Intelligence

PRESS RELEASE: AppZen, the world's first Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution for back office automation, today announced it has raised $13 million in its Series A financing led by Redpoint Ventures with participation from original seed investor Resolute...

Toothbrush subscription service Quip raises $10 million

Quip, a subscription-based electric toothbrush startup, has raised a $10 million series A round of funding from early Airbnb and Uber investor Sherpa Capital, Kal Vepuri’s Brainchild fund, Blue Scorpion VC, Demi Lovato, and Eric Grosgogeat, among other investors from the “fashion, entertainment, and oral care industries.” Founded out of New York in 2012 by […]

Samsung launches $994 Galaxy Note8 Enterprise Edition in the U.S.

Samsung has announced a new enterprise-grade version of its Galaxy Note8 phablet for the U.S. market. Priced at $994, the aptly named Galaxy Note8 Enterprise Edition is available to order from today through “authorized Samsung channel partners.” The device comes unlocked and ships with a number of enhancements compared to the consumer incarnation that launched a […]

Kano raises $28 million to push its DIY computing kits into thousands of North American retailers

Kano, the company behind the popular DIY computing and coding kits, has raised $28 million in a series B round of funding led by the Thames Trust and Breyer Capital, with participation from Index Ventures, Salesforce founder Marc Benioff, the Stanford Engineering Venture Fund, LocalGlobe, John Makinson, Collaborative Fund, Triple Point Capital, and Barclays. Founded out […]

IBM unveils software that brings public cloud to private datacenters

IBM unveiled a product today that’s designed to help enterprises use open source technologies to bring a cloud deployment model to their private datacenters. Appropriately called Cloud Private, the system is designed to help businesses orchestrate modern applications on their existing infrastructure using Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry, a pair of popular open source tools. It’s […]

Overwatch’s new test patch buffs Ana, nerfs Mercy

Mercy’s reign of terror might be coming to an end. Blizzard has pushed a new update to Overwatch’s PTR (public test realm) server, which it uses to try out upcoming changes to its hit team-based shooter. It includes a damage increase for Ana, the healer/sniper, and a nerf to Mercy, the only character who has […]

Microsoft 365 Business launches out of preview

Microsoft today announced that the confusingly-named Microsoft 365 Business has hit general availability worldwide. Aimed at small and medium-sized businesses with up to 300 employees, the offering is priced at $20 per user, per month. In July, Microsoft introduced Microsoft 365, a new set of commercial offerings to package, and for its partners to sell, […]