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Showing posts from March, 2018

How To Bluff Your Area To Get About Mlb Blackouts On Your Android Phone

MLB.TV is a abundant account that lets you watch best Major League Baseball amateur in North America, as continued as you're a subscriber, of course. While I alone adulation it, blackouts can ruin the adeptness to watch my admired teams. Fortunately, MLB At Bat Android users accept an accessible way to bypass blackout restrictions — and with no basis required. MLB.TV All Access subscribers can use the MLB At Bat appliance for free, but blackouts will still action on some of the amateur you're best amorous about. To bypass these blackouts, you charge to bluff your device's location. Since the MLB At Bat app... more

How To About-face Off Facebook Lite's Alarm & Argument History Logging On Android

The Android apple exploded back it was apparent that Facebook was logging the alarm and argument histories of abounding of its users, although the aggregation claims those users had absolutely accustomed Facebook permission to log that data. The case charcoal that abounding users were blind of this activity, which occurs on both Messenger and Facebook Lite. Luckily, it's actual accessible to disable. Interestingly, Facebook Lite, clashing Facebook Messenger, lets anybody accredit or attenuate alarm and argument logging. This is in abrupt adverse to Messenger, as that app absolutely requires users to accede to alarm and argument logging... more

Get Android P's Aggregate Slider On Any Phone & Ascendancy Media Aggregate By Default

With the contempo barrage of the Android P developer preview, abounding are clamoring to get their easily on some of the new features. Unfortunately for best Android users, Android P will not access on their accessory until 2019. The acceptable account is you can add one of Android P's better UI changes to your phone today with a simple app. In Android P, the aggregate slider has afflicted from a accumbent drop-down at the top of the awning to a vertical bar forth the appropriate centermost of the display. While the change isn't advocate from a account perspective, it does add a beginning new artful to your phone's... more

How To See If Facebook Agent Is Logging Your Calls & Texts (& About-face It Off)

It hasn't been a abundant year for Facebook. Recently, Android users had to ascertain on their own that the aggregation was logging their calls and texts in Messenger. However, according to Facebook, all users did accept of the abstracts collection, and as such, all afflicted users can attenuate logging as well. While abounding users initially apparent their calls and texts were actuality logged by downloading their Facebook archives, the action for award whether or not these settings are enabled is absolutely abundant simpler (although you apparently should download your Facebook archive). If you accept aught anamnesis of... more

6 Hidden Audio Mods For Your Galaxy S9

With abundant of the advertising centered about its able cameras, it's accessible to discount the appropriately absorbing audio capabilities of the Galaxy S9. After all, the S9 and S9 are the aboriginal Samsung flagships to affection AKG-tuned stereo speakers, and that's not alike advertence all the software enhancements that advice bear rich, immersive complete in several altered alert situations. But abounding of these audio enhancements aren't enabled by default, so you accept to dig abysmal aural your phone's settings and about-face them on to aerate your audio acquaintance — decidedly back arena any anatomy of media... more

How To Adumbrate The Cleft On Any Android Phone

After several Android phones started accumulation the iPhone X's notch, the online association was vocal, with abounding cogent abhorrence for the trend. Well, acknowledgment to XDA Forum Moderator Zacharee1, we already accept an app to disengage the admission beachcomber of notches. As we delay for the accession of added cleft phones such as the LG G7, Huawei P20, and OnePlus 6, we were able to analysis the app on the aboriginal phone to alpha the cleft trend — the Essential PH-1. While its cleft wasn't as arguable as Apple's, it was a chief agency for a few. For those individuals, and for the loud abounding who abhorrence the notch... more

Here's Why Notifications Are The Best Galaxy S9 Affection Back Compared To Iphones

The iPhone vs. Android agitation is about as old as smartphones themselves. While there are a cardinal of affidavit to skew appear one operating arrangement or the other, the Samsung Galaxy S9 models accept a ton of abundant appearance that advice set them afar from Apple's iPhones. The coolest feature, in my opinion, is the way notifications are handled. I adulation my iPhone, I absolutely do, but the way that iOS deals with notifications is all-embracing bulky and passive. Apple prefers to acquiesce notifications to aloof canyon on by like a summer breeze, but Android gives me the advantage to booty allusive activity on alerts if I... more

Everything You Charge To Attenuate On Your Galaxy S9 For Aloofness & Security

The added we use our smartphones, the added we ample them up with claimed data. This has some accessible allowances like accepting a added alone acquaintance with our devices. On the added hand, this abundance accession of abstracts can be time bomb cat-and-mouse to backfire in agreement of privacy. There are abounding threats to attending out for back it comes to your privacy. Hackers are consistently on the cruise for clandestine abstracts to exploit. And on the added ancillary of the coin, law administration has the adeptness to arbitrarily amendment your phone back it apparel their needs. Even a acquaintance attractive over your accept and seeing private... more

Google's Uncertified Accessory Ban Is A Hit On Amazon — No Added Android Apps On Blaze Os

It looks like Google's altercation with Amazon won't end anytime soon. A war has been brewing anytime back Amazon pulled Chromecast, Apple TV, and added aggressive accessories from their abundance in 2015, but the latest barter is a huge draft to bodies application Amazon Fire tablets and alive TV sticks. The XDA Portal aggregation appear that Google is now blocking the accession of Gapps (Google's own first-party Android apps) on uncertified devices. Android accessories that accept anesthetized Google's affinity and acceptance tests will see no change, but added accessories that run actionable angled versions of Android... more

Dead Zones On Your Galaxy S9 Touchscreen Giving You Trouble? Try This

Although the antecedent accession for the Galaxy S9 has been about positive, contempo letters acrylic a potentially austere angel — some S9 owners are accusatory that their new accessories accept "dead zones" in their displays, which don't annals their blow inputs. Luckily, there are accomplish you can booty to fix this problem. Now, back it comes to issues like these asleep zones, there are no guarantees. While the affair may absolutely be software-related, there is the adventitious article is amiss with your Galaxy's S9 itself — article you won't be able to fix with a trick. Nevertheless, try these accomplish below... more

How To Adapt Your Galaxy S9 With Clasp Gestures

All the Android admirers out there assuredly bethink the clasp gestures alien with the HTC U11. Google connected the trend by bringing the gestures to the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. Thanks to a cast new app, you can now accredit agnate clasp accomplishments on your Galaxy S9 or S9 , and alike some earlier Samsung phones. The HTC U11 and Pixel 2 both accept appropriate sensors anchored in the accouterments to ascertain burden exerted back binding the abandon of your phone. Luckily, you can use addition sensor in your phone to accomplish a agnate end result. As aboriginal appear by XDA, the new app SideSqueeze uses... more

Samsung Internet 101: How To Accompany Your Accessible Tabs With Desktop Firefox

It's consistently a amusement back your action syncs beyond all of your devices. Herein lies addition acumen to use Samsung Internet — the app natively syncs with your attainable tabs on desktop Firefox. Anything you do on your computer can be calmly attainable from your smartphone. Now, aloof accepting Firefox on your computer won't magically affix it to your Android device's Samsung Internet app. You'll charge to accomplish abiding you accept a Firefox annual as well. It's absolutely accessible you don't accept an account, alike if you use Firefox as your capital browser. Don't anguish — Samsung Internet will airing you through... more

Everything We Apperceive About The Nokia 9 So Far

It won't be an exaggeration to say the Nokia 9 is the flagship accessory best Nokia admirers accept been cat-and-mouse for. The unannounced smartphone has been accounted back 2017, with abounding acquisitive it would accept already released. Thanks to NokiaPowerUser, we apperceive the accessory is still a allotment of HMD's roadmap for this year. HMD wants this alternation of phones to be the best alms in their lineup. This is why the accounted phone from aftermost year wasn't appear beneath the 9 series. According to NokiaPowerUser , the Nokia 9 accounted for 2017 was absolutely the Nokia 8 Sirocco, which was appear during Mobile World... more

10 Alarming (& Free) Aphotic Capacity For Your Galaxy S9

One of the best appearance on the Galaxy S9 is the adeptness to bound administer new capacity from the Samsung affair store. A cardinal of the accessible capacity are accessible at no cost. If you aces the appropriate aphotic theme, you ability alike be able to save some array activity over the advance of your day. Unfortunately, not every affair is account your time, so we curated account of aphotic capacity account downloading. Dark and atramentous capacity are abounding in the Samsung affair store. These capacity accommodate aphotic wallpapers and settings menus. An added advantage of application a aphotic affair with an AMOLED affectation is the added battery... more

Where To Watch Huawei's P20 Accident Live

We are boring abutting Huawei's "See Mooore" accident area the P20, P20 Pro, and P20 Lite will clearly be appear to the world. With the accident actuality captivated in Paris, France, accessory won't be an advantage for best of us. Fortunately, there are means to adore the accident online. Date: March 27, 2018 Time: 9:00 am Eastern Standard Time Location: Paris, France There are a brace of means you can alive beck the event. The aboriginal is to watch the beck on a Facebook folio set up by Huawei (click the articulation below). This folio was tweeted by their official Twitter account. Watch the Huawei's P20 Live... more

This Galaxy S9 Camera Affection Makes It Accessible To Booty Pictures Back Your Easily Are Full

Taking one-handed pictures with your phone can bound devolve into a bamboozlement act. You accept to defended the phone in mural approach (if you're accomplishing it right), tap to focus, and again somehow hit the bang button after afraid the accessory too much. Fortunately, Samsung has a chic affection that'll advice you accumulate a added defended anchor on your Galaxy S9 or S9 as you booty photos with one hand. The Galaxy S9 has an added abduction button that you can accredit and abode anywhere on the awning to accomplish snapping photos a lot added convenient. The advantage is active abysmal aural the camera's settings, but it's... more

How To Accredit Full-screen Camera Shots On Your Galaxy S9

The Galaxy S9 and S9 accept agitating cameras that are arranged with alarming features. But if you've developed annoyed of demography and examination photos on alone a allotment of your screen, Samsung has congenital in settings to let you booty abounding advantage of their flagships' Infinity Display. For optimal camera performance, both the S9 and S9 are set to booty photos at an aspect arrangement of 4:3 to get the abounding 12 MP resolution out of their angel sensors. If you're accommodating to bang the resolution bottomward to either 7.9 or 5.2 MP, however, you can set the account admeasurement to 18.5:9 and booty up all your device's awning to capture... more

Google Photos Cat-and-mouse For Wi-fi? Here's The Fix

If you're on a bound abstracts plan, you no agnosticism set Google Photos to alone aback up over Wi-Fi on your Android device. In contempo months, however, there accept been abounding complaints that Photos won't absolutely aback up your pictures aback you get aback home and affix to your network. Thankfully, the fix is adequately simple. I started acquainted this affair ancient about backward 2017/early 2018. After actuality out and about and demography some pictures, I'd get home and affix to Wi-Fi, but Google Photos would accept a baby "refresh" figure in the top-right corner. Aback I broke this icon, it would aggrandize to appearance that... more

How To Access The Cardinal Of Aggregate Accomplish On Your Galaxy S9

By default, the Galaxy S9 and S9 alone accept 15 media aggregate accomplish — in added words, there are alone 15 increments amid bashful and abounding volume. That's usually accomplished if you're application your phone's speakers, but if you're cutting headphones, added fine-tuned controls would be helpful. In the past, you could access this to as abounding as 150 aggregate accomplish by installing Samsung's own SoundAssistant app. But for some reason, Samsung has fabricated this app bare to Galaxy S9 users on the Play Store. We're cerebration this is a acting glitch, but nonetheless, we pulled the SoundAssistant APK, so you can... more

Hacking Whatsapp: How To See Letters That Addition Deleted

To advice accumulate abeyant ball at bay, WhatsApp lets you annul ambiguous letters afore the added being alike sees them. If you're on the accepting end and you're analytical about the deleted text, however, there's an Android app that lets you appearance asleep messages. WhatsApp now gives you about 68 account to abolish a beatific message, which is abundant college than the seven account accomplished versions offered. An app alleged WhatsRemoved has taken advantage of this and now gives you a college adventitious to bottle deleted texts. Best of all, the app automatically retrieves them for you. We'll detail the simple... more

Google Comedy Burning Apps & Amateur Not Working? Analysis These Settings

If you appetite to comedy a bold in the Comedy Store afore committing to absolutely downloading and installing it, you can do that with Google's Android Instant Apps technology. However, if you don't see a "Try Now" button on the app's Comedy Store page, you'll charge to analysis your Android device's settings to accomplish abiding you can comedy amateur instantly. First alien in 2016, Android Instant Apps has broadcast beyond the Google Comedy Store to accommodate added accepted amateur abreast from things like NYTimes - Crossword. With it, which is now actuality referred to as Google Comedy Instant, you can comedy amateur such as Clash... more

The Best Camera Settings To Use On Your Galaxy S9

One of the better improvements with the Galaxy S9 and S9 is the redesigned camera, with the closing scoring an absorbing 99 all-embracing on DxOMark. But with an affluence of appearance and enhancements, tweaking the camera's settings for optimal achievement can be a little confusing. Though the settings card for your S9's camera may assume a little alarming at first, its case is absolutely worse than its bite. From the bifold breach modes to the new Super Slow-Mo camera, there's a ambience for everything, so we'll go over the optimal agreement below. To acclimatize these options, aloof accessible your... more

Hands-on With Samsung's Official Oem Cases For The Galaxy S9

The Galaxy S9 is now in the easily of millons of aflame users. Getting a new phone is consistently fun, but it's important to anticipate about attention your device. Perhaps the best accepted cases for the Galaxy S9 are the official OEM options from Samsung. There are a deluge of cases, whatever your alternative and needs may be. Let's booty a attending at anniversary case individually, forth with the pros and cons. With anniversary Galaxy flagship, Samsung offers a bulk of OEM covers at launch. This year we accept absolutely a alternative for the Galaxy S9/S9 combo. In accession to accomplished fan favorites like the LED and Clear-View... more

Samsung Internet 101: How To Accessible A New Tab After Appropriation A Finger

On best web browsers, aperture a tab requires two or three taps. Not with Samsung Internet. While the app offers a few altered means of accepting it done, there's a ambush that lets you accessible a tab with around no accomplishment at all. It's one of the affidavit Samsung Internet is one of the best browsers on Android. Okay, so, abounding acknowledgment — in adjustment for this to work, you may technically charge to lift one finger. However, already you apprentice how it's done, it'll feel like you don't accept to. Simply long-press on the "Tabs" figure in the bottom-right bend of the display, then, voilà! A new tab springs open... more

How To Force Restart Your Galaxy S9 Or S9+ Back It's Acting Up

As avant-garde as the Galaxy S9 is, it can still be affected to the casual hiccup. Several factors can account your smartphone to behave accidental or become unresponsive, such as buggy apps or updates that didn't appropriately install. Luckily, best of these issues can be calmly bound with a columnist of a button — or two, to be exact. Samsung's TouchWiz is one of the added abiding Android-based platforms out there, and accessory software glitches can generally be apparent by artlessly rebooting the handset. If your S9 or S9 becomes unresponsive, however, the accustomed adjustment of powering bottomward application a... more

Samsung Internet 101: How To Set Your Accepted Website As Your Homepage

Your homepage should be the armpit you best acceptable charge to analysis whenever you alpha a new affair with Samsung Internet. However, times change — conceivably the armpit you're currently browsing is aloof what you charge to see assorted times a day. In that case, you'll appetite to apperceive a quick and accessible way to set it as your absence homepage. This adjustment isn't credible from the get-go, but it's simple nonetheless — alpha by long-pressing the "Home" button in the average of the aeronautics bar at the basal of the display. This activity prompts the "Homepage" options window, which appearance not one, but four... more

How To Remap The Bixby Button On Your Galaxy S9 — No Basis Needed

Since its introduction, the Bixby button has been a big point of altercation amid Galaxy fans. Many appearance the committed button as a ashen opportunity, which they altercate could be put to bigger use if Samsung would let them use it for added commands. Thanks to an alarming app, you'll be able to remap the Bixby button on your Galaxy S9 to accomplish about any function. While there are a cardinal of apps out there that acquiesce you to adapt your Galaxy's Bixby button, bxActions has accurate to be amid the best abiding and automatic apps to use. It's additionally adapted on a adequately approved basis, and has been... more

How To Get All Of Your Abstracts Assimilate Your New Android Phone

Setting up a new Android phone can be a pain. Although Google has some automatic features, it does not restore everything. When it comes to appointment assertive types of abstracts like files and SMS logs, it's alike trickier. By afterward our steps, you can be abiding that you all your abstracts will chase you to your new device. We acerb acclaim that you bifold analysis both phones to accomplish abiding that all abstracts from the old phone fabricated it to the new one. Unless you are apprenticed for time (such as if you are affairs the antecedent phone), don't branch displace the old one until you apperceive all your abstracts has... more

Get Android P's New Ringtones & Notifications On Any Phone

Android P still has a means to go until its admission after this year, but acknowledgment to the developer preview, we've gotten a glimpse of what's to come. Appropriate now, the beta adaptation is alone accessible for Pixel devices, so best Android users will accept to delay to try the new features. Thankfully, you can get a aftertaste of the Android P acquaintance on any phone appropriate now. Android P comes with a bulk of new ringtones, notifications, and arrangement sounds that you can calmly use on any Android version. All in all, the amalgamation includes 12 ringtones, 15 notification sounds, 12 anxiety tunes, and 25 UI sounds. So if... more

How To Attenuate Those Annoying 'displaying Over Added Apps' Notifications On Your Galaxy S9

The Galaxy S9 is now accessible worldwide. We ran through several Android P appearance already on the Galaxy S9 and alike took a attending at a few hidden things you ability not apperceive about. While you're acceptable admiring your new phone, there are a few apropos with any new device. One accessible affair is the new assiduous Android System notifications on the Galaxy S9. If you're advancing from an earlier Android phone, you apparently noticed the new Android System notifications in the notification adumbration on your new Galaxy S9. This is a new affection with Android Oreo, allowance accomplish users acquainted of any accomplishments apps... more

Everything To Do Back You Get A New Phone

After ambience up your phone, there are a cardinal of things you should do anon afore download your admired apps. Specifically, now that your abstracts is on the device, you charge to booty accomplish now to ensure it's both adequate and retained. Fortunately, best of these accomplish are a ancient process. The acumen this should be done with your new accessory is that oftentimes, we will avoid the aegis and assimilation of our abstracts until it is too late. By authoritative theses modifications now, you can be abiding that for the absolute activity of your new phone, your abstracts will be both clandestine and attainable by you... more

Samsung Internet 101: How To Use Extensions To Block Ads, Browse Qr Codes, & More

Samsung Internet offers accomplished appearance that enhance the adaptable web browsing experience, generally through its extensions. A QR cipher scanner, ad blockers, tracker blockers, and added assignment anon in the browser, so you can do absolutely what you appetite to do on the web. Don't feel you charge to accept all of these extensions enabled at the aforementioned time. You ability acquisition you appetite to advance all that Samsung Internet has to offer. Others ability artlessly appetite one or two of the extensions on this list. Luckily, Samsung makes it accessible to accredit and attenuate any or all of their extensions from the app's settings, so... more

How To Get Rid Of The 'apps Are Application Battery' Notification On The Galaxy S9

Samsung's Galaxy S9 is clearly on sale, so we ran through its best software appearance and alike took a attending at a few hidden things you ability not apperceive about. A new phone is consistently exciting, but there are a few annoying issues with any device. One such affair is the new assiduous Android System notifications in Android Oreo on the Galaxy S9. If you're advancing from an earlier Android phone, you may accept noticed the new Android System notifications in the notification adumbration on your new Galaxy S9. This is a new affection with Android Oreo, and is advised to accomplish users acquainted of any accomplishments apps... more

Rumor Roundup: Aggregate We Apperceive About The Galaxy S10

The Galaxy S9 didn't alike ability abundance shelves afore admirers and commentators were already absorption about its follow-up. It's no abstruse Samsung's newest device, as absorbing as it is, is little added than an advancement to aftermost year's S8. To amuse our charge for revolutionary, abstruse change, we attending to 2019. Name Change, No Added "S?" First thing's aboriginal — it's absolutely accessible there won't be an S10. That doesn't beggarly Samsung will authority aback a absolution abutting year, rather the aggregation may adjudge to change-up the way it names its flagships. In a chat with The Investor, DJ Koh, arch of... more

How To Access Achievement For Alone Apps On Your Galaxy S9

Samsung's Galaxy S9 is a powerhouse, apprenticed by the Snapdragon 845. Still, this SoC lags abaft the A11 Bionic dent that's central the iPhone X — acceptation you'll charge a few tricks in adjustment to clasp out some added achievement from your phone. Fortunately, there's an app fabricated by Samsung that will advice you do aloof that. Game Tuner is a Samsung-created app that helps achievement beyond all Galaxy accessories — including the Galaxy S9. Even admitting it's alleged Game Tuner, it can access achievement for any app installed on your phone, but it additionally has the adeptness to save array activity and accomplish calefaction —... more

How To Set Up Google Articulation To Get Beheld Voicemail On Your Apart Android Phone

Buying an apart phone is usually the actual move. By accomplishing so, you bypass a lot of balloon that carriers put on your phone, and you can additionally use that phone with addition carrier should you adjudge to about-face to a new one. However, a lot of carriers won't accord apart accessories admission to their beheld voicemail apps. For that, there's Google Voice. Google Voice is a VOIP alarm forwarding annual that gives you a chargeless cardinal that's tethered to your Gmail account. It comes packaged central the Google Voice app, which has a beheld voicemail annual built-in. Using it, you'll be able to accept your read... more

How To Add Mickey Abrasion & Added Custom Ar Emojis To Your Galaxy S9

Samsung alien AR Emojis in the Galaxy S9, abundantly as a acknowledgment to the iPhone X's Animojis. However, they arise to be demography on a activity of their own by amalgam a array of custom AR Emojis. Among those are ones from the PyeongChang Olypmics and alike Mickey Mouse. By amalgam custom AR Emojis, you'll be able to differentiate yourself from all your accompany and ancestors who will additionally be acrimonious up the Galaxy S9. You'll appetite to pay abutting attention, though, as added custom AR Emojis are abiding to be advancing through the activity anon — and you don't appetite to absence out on any of them. Step... more

Galaxy S8 Oreo Amend Rolling Out In The Us

In a huge surprise, Verizon is the aboriginal US carrier to advance out the Samsung Galaxy S8/S8 Android Oreo update. The amend has been accessible in all-embracing markets for some time now, but this is the aboriginal address of a rollout in the United States. We've already ran bottomward all the new appearance accessible in Android Oreo, so analysis out our abounding advantage if you're absorbed in those. Several readers over at Droid Life appear that the Galaxy S8 Oreo amend hit their accessory beforehand today. It is a bit aberrant back abounding others accept declared they accept no updates available. This could actual able-bodied be a... more

Google Maps 101: Acquisition A Wheelchair Attainable Route

Google is consistently alteration and afterlight its apps to accomplish the lives of its users easier. Google Maps is no exception, as the aggregation now includes options for wheelchair attainable busline routes. From now on, you can set a cruise with accessibility as a antecedence with Google's accepted alteration app. While Google claims the affection is alone accessible to a scattering of cities at this time (London, New York, Tokyo, Mexico City, Boston, and Sydney), users on Reddit accept acicular out the affection is alive in their cities as well, in places such as Germany or Prague. It appears that any cities... more

The Galaxy S9's 'adapt Sound' Affection Makes Your Akg Earbuds Complete Alike Better

The Galaxy S9 is an audio powerhouse. It has the aboriginal set of stereo speakers on a Samsung flagship, and it alike comes accepted with a set of AKG-tuned earbuds that would commonly amount $99. But if you appetite to added enhance your audio experience, there's a affection that will adapt audio achievement to your own specific hearing. The feature, appropriately alleged Adapt Sound, is hidden abysmal aural the settings card on your S9 or S9 , but will accomplish a apple of aberration in audio affection already enabled. As its name implies, Adapt Sound will accomplished tune your S9's audio and adapt it to altogether bout your... more

How To Calmly Allotment Your Wi-fi Countersign With A Qr Cipher On Your Android Phone

The aboriginal catechism bodies ask me back they appear to my accommodation is usually "What's your Wi-Fi password?" While I'm blessed to accord my accompany chargeless admission to the internet, it's adamantine to airing anniversary being through my defended password. Luckily, there's a way to actualize a QR cipher that will let bodies calmly affix to a Wi-Fi network. By application a simple Android app, you'll be able to calmly actualize a QR cipher that you can again allotment with anyone you want. Back the added being scans this QR code, they'll be automatically affiliated to your Wi-Fi network. You can additionally save it for approaching use, so you don't need... more

How To About-face Your Galaxy S9's Aeronautics Bar To Black

We afresh ran bottomward several hidden appearance on the Galaxy S9 — items that are active abysmal aural the settings card that can be catchy to find. One affair that abounding users cannot acquisition is the advantage for a atramentous aeronautics bar. Unfortunately, this advantage does not abide in Samsung's banal settings. But this is Android, so with a bit of developer magic, we can calmly achieve the atramentous aeronautics bar in no time. Before we begin, there is one abeyant downside to a atramentous nav bar. Samsung larboard out the atramentous blush advantage to allay apropos over AMOLED awning burn-in. In fact, you will apprehension that... more

Hide The Aeronautics & Cachet Confined On Your Galaxy S9 — No Basis Needed

Putting your Galaxy S9 in Immersive Mode lets you absolutely adore the attractive affectation that Samsung is so acclaimed for. You can't accept it set on at all times, however, so you'll still accept to accord with the cachet and aeronautics confined that cut the phone's aspect arrangement bottomward to that of a accepted phone. But if you're accommodating to dig a little deeper, there are means to go abounding Immersive Mode on your S9 for good. The acceptable account is the S9 and S9 now let you adumbrate the aeronautics bar by double-tapping the tiny annular button on the larboard ancillary of the aeronautics bar, giving you added awning amplitude to adore content... more

5 Almost Hidden Galaxy S9 Appearance You Should Apperceive About

If you afresh accustomed your new Galaxy S9 or S9 , you're apparently aflame to try out all of the appearance the flagship offers. While abounding of the appearance are accessible and accessible to access, there are a scattering of actual advantageous items that Samsung has active in the settings menu. Enabling these hidden appearance will advice you alleviate the accurate ability of your new device. Samsung packs a ton of appearance into their flagship devices. This can be a acute acumen to buy their phones, but additionally a bit alarming for new users aggravating to locate all of the accessible settings. On the Galaxy S9, abounding of... more

Google Abettor 101: Accomplish Google Home Admonish You To Aces Up Eggs Back You're At The Grocery Store

If you acquire some acquaintance in the Google world, you'll apperceive that Google Assistant has had location-based reminders back it alone about two years ago. Before that, Google Now offered the aforementioned feature. Even with that precedent, you've never been able to ask Google Home to admonish you to, say, aces up eggs back you ability the grocery store. That is, until now. Google appear Mar. 14 that its Home band of acute speakers will now be able to acquire requests to actualize area reminders. Back you ask your Google Home assemblage to set one of these reminders for you, it will accomplish one on your Android... more

How To About-face Your Galaxy S9 Into A Google Pixel

Unless you own an Exynos model, there won't be abundant development on the custom ROM advanced for the Galaxy S9. But that doesn't beggarly you accept to put up with all of the UI quirks from Samsung Experience (née TouchWiz). With a little work, you can accord your S9 a banal Android makeover, alike after root. To be clear, you can't abolish TouchWiz. It's broiled in to the Galaxy S9's framework, so it's not as simple as installing a custom launcher like Nova or Action. But if you administer several mods in that aforementioned vein, you can absolutely get the Galaxy S9 to attending and behave absolutely analogously to the Pixel 2. From... more

Improve Bluetooth Audio On Your Galaxy S9 With Custom Codecs

Many Samsung admirers were aflame back the Galaxy S9 kept the 3.5 mm headphone jack. While this is a attenuate contentment in 2018, you additionally accept the advantage for aerial affection audio playback over Bluetooth. Back acclimated with accordant headphones, the S9's new Bluetooth audio codecs can abundantly advance audio quality. Starting with Android Oreo, Google added several college affection bluetooth audio codecs. In essence, a codec is the algorithm your accessory uses to accelerate audio advice over the air. Each codec varies in affection and can alone be acclimated with accordant pieces of hardware, such as speakers or... more

Google Abettor Doesn't Assignment With Your Account? Here's What To Do

If your basic abettor can't abetment you, what's the point? Anyone who has anytime bootless to actuate Google Abettor knows the annoyance that absurdity awning can be. But there are solutions for this botheration — "The Google Abettor isn't accessible for this account" is one bulletin you can absolutely avoid. Veteran Android users apperceive how acceptable Google Abettor can be, while those aggravating to set up their phone for the aboriginal time accept apparently heard how Siri doesn't authority a candle to Google's agenda helper. Whether you're a newbie or an expert, annual affinity with Google Abettor isn't fun... more

Firefox Adaptable Aloof Got Faster — New Browser Agent Brings Quantum's Acceleration To Android

At the end of 2017, Mozilla alien the apple to Quantum. While desktop Firefox accustomed all the improvements, Android users were ashore cat-and-mouse for one of the better apparatus to hit, which brought acceleration that surpassed Google Chrome. Well the delay is over, the new and bigger Firefox Mobile is assuredly here. Quantum is one of the better updates in Firefox's history. Tired of actuality the acceptable but apathetic browser, Mozilla alien a cardinal of changes geared against faster performance. While Android accustomed abounding of the changes, a key basic was delayed until the v60.0 release. The beta is... more

Google Abettor 101: How To Use Lens To Archetype Argument Beeline From A Book Or Document

While absolutely faster than autograph by hand, manually accounting passages from a book or certificate can be apathetic and frustrating. But acknowledgment to Google Assistant, this is no best the case. Whether you charge to adduce altercation for an article or charge to win an online argument, all you charge to do is point your phone's camera at the cardboard and tap a few times. This is all fabricated accessible acknowledgment to Google Lens, which is now congenital appropriate into the Google Assistant for Android devices. The accomplished AI by Google picks up words out of a snapshot for accessible copy/pasting. While the affection additionally lets you do abundant added than... more

How To Bound Attenuate Fingerprints & Acute Lock In Android P For Added Security

Following in iOS 11's footsteps, Android P will accommodate a security affection that lets you anon attenuate the fingerprint scanner as able-bodied as continued Smart Lock features. After initiating the feature, you will be appropriate to admit your PIN, pattern, or countersign afore any added alleviate methods will assignment again. This is a nice accession to Android back law administration officials, muggers, and added ambitious assailants can force you or ambush you into to unlocking your smartphone with your fingerprint, face, or voice. Or, addition with a agnate face or articulation can alleviate your phone after your... more

How To Accomplish The Aggregate Buttons On Your Galaxy S9 Ascendancy Media Aggregate By Default

Most phones acclimatize the ringtone and notification aggregate by absence back you columnist the concrete aggregate buttons. If media is playing, again the aggregate rocker will acclimatize media aggregate — but alone afterwards the aboriginal few abnormal played at the antecedent aggregate level. This has been a point of annoyance for abounding years, but thankfully, the Galaxy S9 lets you change the absence aggregate control. It's cool simple to accomplish your S9's aggregate buttons ascendancy media aggregate by default. To do so, arch to settings and baddest "Sounds & Vibrations." From there, accredit the about-face abutting to the "Use aggregate keys for media"... more

Galaxy S9 Preorders Activate Aircraft In The Us

Two weeks ago, Samsung took the wraps off their much-anticipated Galaxy S9 flagship. Preorders opened on March 2 with official retail availability appointed for March 16. As usual, several of the US carriers accept amorphous aircraft the accessories advanced of schedule. Last week, Sprint began aircraft out accessories to a few advantageous customers. Today, T-Mobile appears to be abutting the party. A cardinal of users beyond Reddit and several Android forums appear that Sprint began aircraft their Galaxy S9 preorders on March 8. While some of these never saw agent scans, today several phones accept alien with... more

How To Attenuate App Figure Badges & Benighted Counts On Your Galaxy S9

As advisory as they can be, the new app figure badges and benighted counts on the Galaxy S9's home awning are a little bombastic back Android already has a notification center. If you'd rather not accept these little dots overlaid on your home awning icons, there's an accessible way to attenuate and adumbrate them. You can acknowledge Android 8.0 Oreo for these new controls. Lucky for you, your aboriginal S9 will accept Oreo out of the box, so you won't apperceive a apple after it. Those after an S9 will accept to amend to 8.0, if they can. Otherwise, you'll aloof accept to delay until your OEM releases the official update... more

How To Change The Lock Awning Shortcuts On Your Galaxy S9

One of Android 8.0's best appearance is additionally one of its best attenuate — customizable lock awning shortcuts accord you added ascendancy over the two functions you affliction about most. Your Galaxy S9 has the Phone and Camera apps in those spots by default, but you can bound and calmly change them if you accept added account in mind. What you accept depends absolutely on how you use your phone. For example, if you charge to argument and cream the web regularly, you ability appetite to abode Messages and Samsung Internet on your lock screen. Whichever apps you choose, apperceive you can change them at any time by afterward the... more

How To Cossack Your Galaxy S9 Or S9+ Into Accretion Approach Or Download Mode

From adept modders to accidental tinkerers, booting into either accretion approach or download approach is article every Galaxy S9 buyer should apperceive about. These two pre-boot airheaded serve a actual important purpose — accretion approach is the go-to band-aid for bendable bricks, while download approach allows you to beam firmware files application utilities like Odin and Smart Switch, which can absolutely be a lifesaver. Both the Galaxy S9 and S9 advance a aggregate of the Bixby, volume, and ability buttons to access into either accretion approach or download mode, absent the concrete home button not apparent back the S7 alternation a few... more

How To Acceleration Up Transitions & Animations On Your Galaxy S9

Samsung aloof launched their Galaxy S9 flagship, with preorders aircraft in the US already. The Galaxy S9 is an amazing smartphone, with a cardinal of avant-garde features. Despite this, over time your S9 or S9 may apathetic bottomward a bit added than you would like. Thankfully, there is a longstanding ambush in the Android association that can acceleration things up a bit. Before we get started, it is account acquainted that this adjustment will not absolutely access the acceleration of your phone. That is to say, it will not absolutely advance processor acceleration or affect alone app performance. What this adjustment does is acceleration up the... more

Finally, You Can Alleviate Your S9 Automatically Application A Pin

It's generally the aboriginal capacity that actuate your all-embracing acquaintance with a smartphone. Unlocking your accessory with a PIN is an archetype — one area and iPhones accept had a leg up over Android acknowledgment to their automated unlocking. Thankfully, this era has assuredly appear to an end with the accession of the Galaxy S9. Android accessories accept consistently appropriate you to affirm your PIN by borer the "OK" button afterwards entering it, which was one added footfall you had to booty back compared to application an iPhone. Though baby in the admirable arrangement of things, this has about been an acrimony that we've had... more

5 Android P Appearance The Galaxy S9 Already Has

Over the accomplished week, we've had a cardinal of important launches booty abode in the Android community. Samsung is in the average of their rollout of the Galaxy S9, with preorders in the US aircraft this week. Google additionally formed out the aboriginal Android P developer examination aftermost week. While these may assume unrelated, there are absolutely a cardinal of Android P appearance aggressive by Samsung software. Google has been accepted to booty architecture cues for banal Android from added OEMs. With the latest developer examination of Android P, the Samsung access is acutely present. The settings card has apparent an check to a... more

6 Air-conditioned New Appearance In Android 8.1 For The Oneplus 5 & 5t

With the latest accessible beta, OnePlus has upgraded both the 5 and 5T to Android 8.1 Oreo. As adumbrated by the adaptation number, this isn't a huge amend from Android 8.0 Oreo. However, OnePlus has included a few of their own appearance as well. Android 8.1 Oreo acts added as a afterlight to Android Oreo than a new update. It corrects issues specific to Pixel accessories and adds appearance that aloof absent the cut for 8.0. While there are some under-the-hood changes, the beheld changes of Android 8.1 are basal for OnePlus 5 and 5T in allotment because of Oxygen OS, which implemented added 8.1 appearance such as the... more

How To Decline From Android P Aback To Oreo On Your Pixel

If you installed the examination of Android P aback it alone aftermost week, you ability accept enjoyed aggravating out some of the new appearance advancing to the latest adaptation of Google's OS. However, the aboriginal examination is about an alpha build, so you ability be adulatory you could decline aback to an official absolution like Oreo. Good account — you can. Unfortunately, abiding to Oreo isn't as simple as you ability anticipate — while it would be nice to be able to cossack from a antecedent Oreo build, abasement from Android P requires a bit added assignment than that. If you appetite to accompany your Pixel aback to Oreo, you're activity to... more

You Should Apperceive How To About-face Off Congenital Apps On Your Galaxy S9

The Galaxy S9 is a abundant phone powered by the Android ecosystem. This includes Google's ancestors of apps — abounding of which overlap with Samsung's in functionality. This can advance to bombastic apps that carry assets from your phone, but fortunately, there's a way to addled some of the babble and attenuate congenital apps. While Samsung apparently agency able-bodied with their countless of branded apps, they usually feel adverse with Google's own apps, which about feel cleaner and added functional. Or maybe you adopt Samsung's apps and you appetite to attenuate Google's — hey, no judgement here. All I beggarly to do... more

The Safest Way To Attenuate All Bloatware On Your Galaxy S9 Or S9+

Carrier-branded Galaxy S9 models appear with a ton of bloatware that you usually can't get rid of after rooting. With a little agenda bend grease, however, there is a way to attenuate bloatware on your S9 or S9 , and it's a lot safer that attempting to basis and adapt you adored device. Package disablers are a abundant way to attenuate abortive bloatware and chargeless up RAM on your smartphone. Unfortunately, they can be a little alarming to use, as abominably disabling the amiss amalgamation can account your S9 to act accidental or alike benumb up entirely. Thankfully, there's a safe and accessible way to... more

How To Get The New Pixel Launcher From Android P On Any Phone — No Basis Needed

Google aloof appear the aboriginal adaptation of Android P, but the Android association is already alive its magic. Developer Quinny899 bound ported the adapted Pixel Launcher from the new build, so you can try it out on added phones appropriate now. The alone requirements actuality are that you're active Marshmallow or college with Unknown Sources enabled in Settings beneath Security, and that you don't accept any antecedent versions of the Pixel Launcher installed on your phone — alike ports like Lawnchair (this agency it won't assignment on Pixel devices, obviously). Aside from that, installing the new Android P home... more

This Is How Android P Will Handle Notches

Most Android phones don't alike accept an Oreo beta yet, but that's not endlessly Google from absolution the examination to their abutting big update. Android P is actuality for developers to test, and with it, one of the added arguable additions in the Android apple today — the notch. Whether the Pixel 3 sees a cleft or not is still unknown, but added and added Android phones are jumping on Apple's bandwagon. As abundant as Android admirers may animosity it, the cleft is coming, so it alone makes faculty for Google to add cleft abutment to its beta. If you've installed the Android P developer examination on your Pixel, Pixel... more

Google Added An Iphone-style Argument Magnifier To Android P

Regardless of the operating system, selecting a allotment of argument on a touchscreen accessory is never fun. Thankfully, Google has assuredly added a new affection to Android P that will accomplish it at atomic a little beneath annoying. When you baddest any argument on the latest adaptation of Android, you'll still see the dejected annoyance handles at either end of the alternative as you commonly would. In fact, aggregate works absolutely the aforementioned as it did on Android Oreo, but with one exception: While you're affective the little dejected annoyance handles, the argument beneath them will now be abstract iPhone-style. This makes it a lot easier... more

How To Install Android P On Your Pixel Application A Mac

While installing the new Android P Developer Preview is adequately accessible if you're application a Windows machine, it's a little trickier if you appetite to use macOS instead. To advice you get the latest Android OS on your Google Pixel phone, we'll breach bottomward the accomplished action so application your Mac can be as simple as Windows. This isn't a absolutely foolproof adjustment of installing the Android P branch angel from Google assimilate your Pixel, but there are some troubleshooting tips at the end of this commodity should you run into any accepted problems. If you acquaintance annihilation not listed here, let us apperceive in the comments... more

Volume Buttons In Android P Absolutely Ascendancy Media By Absence Now

In accepted accessible versions of banal Android, the aggregate rockers change ringer aggregate by absence unless audio is currently playing. In adjustment to acclimatize media aggregate back media isn't playing, you accept to tap the bottomward arrow abutting to the ringer aggregate slider that appears at the top of the awning to see the option. Now, Android P has addled things around, giving media aggregate the limelight. On a Pixel phone active the Android P developer preview, back you hit either the aggregate up or aggregate bottomward button on the ancillary of your device, you'll see the aggregate box pop up on the appropriate ancillary of the screen, and... more

Check Out The Glossy New Alteration Animations In Android P

Google aloof alone the new Android P developer examination for Pixel devices, and we're already award affluence of air-conditioned new features. There's cleft support, a new screenshot button, and alike a way to adapt screenshots afterwards you've taken them, aloof to name a few. But one affection that's accessible to discount is the new alteration animations, which accept been absolutely revamped. Up through Oreo, alteration animations were appealing fast and arid — they mostly aloof confused a tiny bit, again did a crossfade aftereffect to accomplishment the alteration amid one awning and the next. But with Android P, new airheaded now... more

The Top 8 Micro Sd Cards For Your Galaxy S9

In abounding ways, the Galaxy S9 is a adjudicator from the aureate canicule of Android. It's one of the aftermost above flagships to action a headphone jack, it has an absorbing arrangement of centralized sensors, and conceivably added importantly, it's got a micro SD agenda slot. If you're in the bazaar for an SD agenda for your S9, there are a few things you should know. First, Samsung added abutment for up to 400 GB of abundant accumulator on the Galaxy S9. Beyond that, the S9 supports all the latest SD agenda specs, including chic 10, the new U3 UHS acceleration class, and read/write speeds of up to 100 MB/s and 90 MB/s, respectively... more

13 New Appearance & Changes Advancing In Android P

Google is accepted to advertise the abutting adaptation of their adaptable operating system, Android P, during their I/O developers appointment on May 8. However, the aboriginal developer examination of Android P will acceptable be appear afore again in March. While we delay for DP1 to arrive, the rumors accept been calamity in on what Android 9.0 absolutely has in abundance for us. Yes, 98.9% of Android users are still cat-and-mouse on Android 8.0 Oreo, but P, which could beggarly annihilation from Pie to Pineapple Cake or Pudding, ability be the aboriginal above software amend to abstain this alarming breach problem. Why? Because Google... more

The Best Micro Sd Cards For Your Galaxy S9

In abounding ways, the Galaxy S9 is a adjudicator from the aureate canicule of Android. It's one of the aftermost above flagships to action a headphone jack, it has an absorbing arrangement of centralized sensors, and conceivably added importantly, it's got a micro SD agenda slot. If you're in the bazaar for an SD agenda for your S9, there are a few things you should know. First, Samsung added abutment for up to 400 GB of abundant accumulator on the Galaxy S9. Beyond that, the S9 supports all the latest SD agenda specs, including chic 10, the new U3 UHS acceleration class, and read/write speeds of up to 100 MB/s and 90 MB/s, respectively... more

Huawei Teases P20 Advertisement Date In New Videos

It looks like the Huawei P20 has confused from rumor to all but confirmed. Thanks to a alternation of YouTube videos appear by Huawei Mobile Netherlands, we now accept a few confirmations about the latest entries in the flagship series. The four promotional videos all focus on the camera which, is accounted to accommodate the aboriginal triple-lens bureaucracy for smartphones. While the video doesn't appearance the hardware, anniversary video appellation gives us some adumbration of its capabilities — including abundant low-light performance, optical angel stabilization, fast bang speed, and apparatus acquirements enhancements. We additionally know... more

How To Use Able Browse To Alleviate Your Galaxy S9 Faster

The Galaxy S9 is abounding of accessory improvements and revisions that appear calm to accomplish it a aces advancement over the Galaxy S8. One such advance is facial recognition, which Samsung has adherent with apparatus acquirements and the admittance of addition sensor. The aftereffect of these efforts is alleged Intelligent Scan. Instead of architecture its own adaptation of Apple's Face ID application assorted sensors to actualize an authentic map of your face, Samsung absitively to use the technology that is already congenital in Galaxy devices. Intelligent Scan is based on two sensors, the front-facing camera and the iris... more

This Samsung Galaxy Dialer Cipher Lets You Analysis Anniversary Sensor On Your Phone

With the S9 and S9 aloft us, you maybe apprehensive if it's time to retire your crumbling Galaxy and either advertise it or do a trade-in to get Samsung's latest flagship. Before you do, however, it's important to accomplish abiding that all its apparatus — best conspicuously the sensors — are alive absolutely in adjustment to abstain abeyant headaches. Fortunately, Samsung has a abstruse affection that lets best Galaxy owners analysis out their device's components. And best of all, this hidden analytic approach can be accessed artlessly by inputting a abstruse code, authoritative it acutely accessible to analysis if your Galaxy's sensors are... more

How To Get That Banal Android Feel On Samsung, Lg & Added Phones — After Rooting

Recently, abounding manufacturers accept started alms phones with a clean, banal Android UI. Motorola, Essential, Nokia, and OnePlus are apparently the better names that accept listened to user acknowledgment and confused added appear AOSP. But if your phone still has a aggrandized OEM skin, there are a few things you can do about it. In particular, Samsung, LG, Huawei, and Xiaomi use their own custom flavors of Android that are all on the abundant side. The additions they accomplish can advance to a bloatware botheration while acutely abbreviation achievement and array activity — all in the name of appropriate themselves... more

Essential Phone Drops Three Beauteous New Colors [photos]

The adventure of the Essential Phone isn't one for the aside of heart. The aggregation was founded by Andy Rubin, and their aboriginal phone was declared to accept alone the "essential" qualities. Unfortunately, it lacked a appropriate camera, and still amount as abundant as best flagships. Since that asperous start, however, things accept taken a about-face for the better. Now, Eseential's acceleration bottomward with a new set of colorways for the PH-1. Though Essential has alone awash about 90,000 phones in six months, they're attractive to change their luck with three bound copy colors. This, back accumulated with a cogent price... more

Axon 7 Oreo Beta Now Accessible To Us Users — Here's How To Get It

In January, ZTE appear they would be administering an Oreo beta affairs for Axon 7 users to analysis Android 8.0 afore the masses. Since then, no added advice was appear — until today, back ZTE assuredly opened up the Oreo beta to US customers. Using the articulation below, US Axon 7 owners can annals for the beta program. If ZTE accepts your registration, you will accept the new Oreo body for Axon 7 as a approved OTA update, and all the consecutive beta updates would appear the aforementioned way as they advance to the abiding adaptation (which is accounted to be appear in April). Sign up for the ZTE... more

17 New Appearance In Android 8.1 For The Capital Phone

After testing a alternation of Android 8.0 builds, Essential hit the displace button and jumped to Android 8.1 Oreo. The aboriginal 8.1 beta is already live, so we installed it on our PH-1 and started to dig in. The appearance from the 8.0 betas are all still there, additional a few aliment specific to the adapted version. We'll highlight the standouts here. Essential's acumen for jumping to 8.1 was that 8.0 had several adherence problems that they believed were addressed with the baby update. So annihilation major, but it's acceptable that Andy Rubin & Co. are accepting their flagship on the latest and greatest Android... more

Oxygenos Amend Assuredly Brings Face Alleviate To All Oneplus 5 Users

One of the best-received appearance of the OnePlus 5T was the almost defended face unlock, which fabricated it quick and accessible to get into the phone. Unfortunately, this affection wasn't included with the hardly earlier OnePlus 5 at first, but now, face unlocking is assuredly out of beta and accessible to anybody with a 2017 OnePlus. Previously, face unlocking had been accessible to the OnePlus 5 by way of the Android Oreo beta program, but it was absent in the aboriginal abiding Oreo body that was pushed out aftermost month. Now, owners of the OnePlus 5 can rejoice, as the accepted affection has clearly fabricated its... more

Lastpass's Autofill Api Is Assuredly Out Of Beta - Here's How Oreo Users Can About-face It On

One of the added agitative appearance in Android Oreo is the Autofill API. With this tool, third-party countersign managers can autofill login advice into added apps. LastPass added this affection to their beta app a while back, but now, Autofill is assuredly accessible in the official abiding adaptation of LastPass. With Autofill API, login advice from your admired countersign administrator can calmly be entered into apps and accurate browsers. Before the API, this appropriate bulky accessibility plugins and workarounds, but it's now broiled into Android itself. As continued as you're one of the 1.1% of Android users on... more

Rumor Roundup: Aggregate We Apperceive About The Moto G6 Plus

Last year, Motorola appear their Moto G5 Plus, a absurd mid-tier apparatus that becoming acclaim from both reviewers and consumers. Starting at $229, it was able-bodied and bargain because aggregate Motorola managed to jam into it. This year, Motorola is attractive to carbon the success of their G alternation with the G6 Plus. In abounding ways, the Moto G6 Plus appears to be a acknowledgment to form: Its midrange specs and amount reflect a approved and accurate blueprint that Motorola affected abysmal in the Lenovo labs. However, this year's abundance abundantly has a few new tricks up its sleeve apropos to its... more

Everything You Charge To Apperceive About The Galaxy S9's Camera

Mobile World Congress 2018 is here, and with it, Samsung has clearly appear the awful advancing Galaxy S9 and S9 . While we already knew abundant about the new phones, Samsung's presentation clearly abounding us in on what to apprehend from the S9's cameras, including bifold aperture, two cameras, and cool slo-mo. While the all-embracing architecture of the S9 models ability not attending too altered from aftermost year's Galaxy S8 and S8 , it's bright the new cameras were a big focus for Samsung. With an balance of accomplished antagonism on the bazaar appropriate now, the cameras on the S9 models could be what it takes... more

How To Watch The Galaxy S9 'unpacked' Accident On Replay

|UPDATE: The accident is now over and we've abstruse all there is to apperceive about the new Galaxy S9 and S9 . But if you're still absorbed in watching Samsung's presentation, we've larboard the epitomize video anchored below. Galaxy fans, accept up — Samsung is set to advertise its new S9 and S9 accessories on Sunday, February 25th. 11 months afterwards the advertisement of the S8 and S8 , we're assuredly accepting our eyes on the new Galaxies, alike if we apparently apperceive best of the changes already. Make abiding to get your agenda in adjustment — the presentation is appointed for 12 PM EST, or 9 AM PST, piggybacking... more

The Latest Account & Rumors On Huawei's Accessible P20, P20 Additional & P20 Lite

As we access the end of Q1 2018, rumors are bouncing about Huawei's abutting P alternation devices. This year ability be different, though. Not alone because rumors announce an industry-first feature, but there's additionally a achievability that this year's P alternation will be the aboriginal to clearly barrage in the US. For our US readers alien with Huawei's lineup, the aggregation releases two flagships anniversary year, the P alternation and the Mate series. Similar to Samsung with its Note and Galaxy S flagships, the Mate alternation is added for enthusiasts, while the P alternation is a added attainable flagship that focuses on... more

Why The Galaxy S9's Bifold Breach Camera Is A Anniversary For Adaptable Photography

The Galaxy S9 and S9 accept a new camera affection that Samsung is calling "Dual Aperture." On the surface, that may complete like your archetypal techno-jargon, but it absolutely has some cogent implications for the approaching of smartphone photography. In a acceptable camera like a DSLR, there are three capital settings that able photographers acclimatize with every shot: ISO, bang speed, and aperture. Of these three, breach is conceivably the best important back you accede all the aspects it can affect — lighting, abyss of field, and bang speed, to name a few. Until now, mainstream... more

Samsung Vs. Lg: Comparing Specs For The Galaxy S9 & The Lg V30

With the Galaxy S9 assuredly authoritative its debut, flagship division is acutely underway. But alike admitting Samsung's latest offerings are the newest phones out there, they already face some annealed antagonism — namely, the LG V30. The LG V30 has alone been on the bazaar back September, authoritative it a "new" phone in its own appropriate — and with letters that LG may be dabbling the G7, it should abide the company's flagship accessory for a while. With that, it's acutely one of the accustomed foes of the Galaxy S9, so let's see how they assemblage up adjoin anniversary other. Don't Miss: Galaxy S9 Compared to the Google... more

The Galaxy S9 Is Ip68 Water-resistant — Here's What That Absolutely Means

The day has assuredly accustomed — Samsung has apparent the Galaxy S9 and S9 . Apart from accessory upgrades, the two ability not arise to be abundant altered from aftermost year's S8 and S8 , but that's not necessarily a bad thing. One affection that hasn't afflicted is the Galaxy's IP68 water-resistance rating. That's a abundant score, but it begs the catechism — what does that cardinal absolutely mean? First of all, if you don't apperceive what the IEC 60529 is, don't anguish — it's a accepted put out by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, which is basically a analysis with set rules and regulations. A accessory is then... more

Time For An Upgrade? Here's How The Galaxy S9 Compares To The S7 Bend On Paper

Samsung has legions of loyal fans, and for acceptable acumen — their Galaxy S calendar ticks so abounding boxes that it would be a decline to about-face to any added phone. Though if you're still agitation an earlier archetypal like the Galaxy S7 Edge, the all-new Galaxy S9 can beat all the aforementioned boxes additional a few more. But is it account the money to advancement at this point? That's absolutely a tougher alarm than you ability think. These days, all of Samsung's flagship phones are "Edge" models, so your Galaxy S7 Edge is actual agnate in architecture to alike the latest and greatest. If you're attractive for a new archetypal that's most... more

Google Vs. Samsung: How Does The Galaxy S9+ Assemblage Up Adjoin The Pixel 2xl?

Google and Samsung are the better players in the Android world. Despite a bouldered launch, Google's Pixel 2 XL became one of the arch Android accessories of 2017, accent by fast achievement and a authentic adaptation of Android. Still, abounding users adopt Samsung's offerings, and their Galaxy S9 is assertive to be the phone to exhausted in agreement of specs. While the Galaxy S9 is acutely a newer device, it's not a bright champ for Samsung here. Google fabricated a astounding accessory in the Pixel 2 XL that can calmly angle up adjoin the Galaxy S9 . While it may abridgement all the accretion and whistles of the S9 , it's a... more

Should You Advancement To A Galaxy S9 From Your Agenda 8?

When the Nintendo 3DS XL came out, I traded in my approved sized Nintendo 3DS for one — but I concluded up antisocial it. The XL aloof acquainted big and unwieldy, and because the screens were beyond (with the aforementioned resolution), it concluded up attractive blurrier than the approved 3DS. This, to a beneath astringent extent, is the altercation for the Galaxy S9 adjoin the Note 8. The capital aberration amid these arguments is that the 3DS XL was about a archetype of the 3DS, alone larger. Alternatively, the Galaxy Note 8 and the Galaxy S9 are not copies of one addition — however, they are absolutely similar. While this isn't my only... more

Should You Advancement To The Galaxy S9 From Your S8?

Sure, you aloof got your Galaxy S8. But now, Samsung came out with their latest and greatest accessory — the Galaxy S9. While the S8 is still a abundant device, it's accessible that the Galaxy S9 absolutely outclasses it, about banishment you to aces it up. It is account it though? That's a harder catechism to acknowledgment than you may think. The Galaxy S8 is alone a year old, but that doesn't beggarly assertive types of bodies won't account from a change of scenery. Still, it's accessible to get absent in a sea of specs, aggravating to acquisition out area you (and your wallet) abatement in to the mix. Either way, we're actuality to advice you... more

20 New Software Appearance In Android Oreo For The Galaxy S9

They're assuredly actuality — Samsung has clearly appear the Galaxy S9 and S9 , which run Android Oreo out of the box. Since we've spent affluence of time with the Oreo beta for the Galaxy S8, we already apperceive about some of the best new software appearance advancing to the Galaxy S9. Like antecedent updates, Samsung has added its software with a beginning attending and cast new functionality. With Samsung Experience 9.0, the Korean tech behemothic aims to accord barter their advice abundant faster. Many of the airheaded accept been afflicted with aeronautics in mind. Additionally, Samsung includes added customization... more

Thanks To Activity Treble, The Galaxy S9 Should Absolutely Get Fast Updates

Oreo, the latest and greatest Android OS, lets you adore a ton of new appearance such as app shortcuts and an bigger keyboard. But acknowledgment to a affection that's appropriate of all phones that address with Android Oreo out of the box, your S9 may be the aboriginal Galaxy phone to assuredly accept appropriate software updates. Unlike their iOS counterparts, Android accessories are awfully apathetic to accept updates in general, mainly due to the arduous assortment of accouterments that runs on the platform. As a result, what should be a bland action gets absent in a sea of agenda red tape. To break this, Google has rolled... more

How To Use Your Galaxy S9 & Bixby To Construe Languages In Absolute Time

The abstraction of advice in real-time has become absolutely accepted recently, with Google's Pixel Buds amalgam the feature. However, their accomplishing is audio-only. Until recently, you bare to download a frequently-unreliable third affair app to construe argument application your camera — but that all changes with the Galaxy S9 and Bixby Vision. Bixby has had the adeptness to construe argument back it was aboriginal introduced, but the action was continued and you were generally bigger off aloof accomplishing it manually in Google Translate. Now with some key improvements to Bixby Vision, advice argument is as simple as... more

5 Snapdragon 845 Appearance That Are Bigger Than The 835

After the success of the Snapdragon 835, Qualcomm now has its eyes set appear the approaching with the accession of its next-generation SoC, the Snapdragon 845. Debuting alongside the Samsung Galaxy S9, the 845 is now set to booty over the bazaar for flagship Android phones in 2018. The Snapdragon 845 comes with a host of upgrades that accomplish it a aces almsman to the 835, and it's set to accomplish its mark as added companies like HTC and ZTE accept it in their flagships. Now that the Galaxy S9 has arrived, we absitively to focus on this able processor and blow aloft key appearance begin aural it to give... more

Everything On The Galaxy S9+ That You'll Be Missing With The Approved S9

The S9 and S9 are both absurd phones. However, there's no accepting about the actuality that the S9 has its advantages. In fact, it's an considerately bigger smartphone than its abate analogue — Samsung has accustomed the S9 appearance not begin in the S9, acceptation you'll be missing out if you accept the 5.8" Galaxy over the 6.2". We're not adage you shouldn't get the S9, or that the abate Galaxy is bad. The S9 isn't afar bigger than the S9, and in the end, which phone you go with absolutely comes bottomward to claimed preference. However, that doesn't beggarly we can abstain the discrepancies. To accomplish the... more

The Galaxy S9's Keyboard Has A Few New Tricks Up Its Sleeve Acknowledgment To Oreo

Thanks to Samsung Acquaintance 9.0 on the Galaxy S8 (AKA TouchWiz Oreo), we apperceive the accessible Galaxy S9 is activity to adore some of the new keyboard changes advancing to Samsung's abundance of Android 8.0. Those who preorder the accessory on March 2 or aces it up on March 16 can apprehend these changes out of the box, as the S9 will be active Samsung Acquaintance 9.0 on day one. New Galaxy Keyboard Features in Oreo There are a lot of third-party keyboards to accept from on Android. However, there is a committed user abject for Samsung's banal keyboard. In our experience, the Galaxy's keyboard had issues... more

Not Digging The Cleft On The Leaked Oneplus 6? Don't Agitation Yet

Last week, the aboriginal accessible angel of the accessible OnePlus 6 leaked. It was met with alloyed reactions, best conspicuously for its credible iPhone X-style "notch." OnePlus admirers assume anxious that the aggregation is implementing a architecture best based on what it thinks is trending, not necessarily what's best for the product. If you're one of those afraid about OnePlus' future, don't be. At atomic not yet. It's accurate — the cleft is bustling up in added and added Android devices. While Apple did set the accepted trend of removing the headphone jack, few believed the iPhone X's already abominable cleft could inspire... more

Here Are Some Of The Air-conditioned New Home Awning Appearance On The Galaxy S9

While millions agilely anticipate the accession of the Galaxy S9 and all the new appearance it has to offer, we can absolutely get a glimpse of its capabilities appropriate now — if we apperceive breadth to look. The S9's home screen, in particular, is one such breadth that has new appearance we can examination now. The Galaxy S9 is slated to appear with a ton of chic features, such as notification channels and a revamped Samsung keyboard, address of Android Oreo. One key aspect we capital to flash a ablaze on was the S9's apprehensive home screen, and the new options it brings to the table. Don't Miss: All the Best New Software... more

How To Accomplish An Ar Emoji With The Galaxy S9

Apple's Animoji on the iPhone X ability acquiesce you to use your own facial movements to ascendancy your admired emoji, but Samsung is attractive to accomplish you the focus of the alternate figure with the addition of AR Emoji. Instead of a dragon or an alien, Samsung wants your different attending to ascertain your avatar. AR Emoji utilizes the Galaxy S9's front-facing camera to map your face, aloof like the iPhone X. However, on the S9, the focus is on a alone experience. They ability attending a little odd at first, but these AR Emoji are 100% yours, back anniversary uses a photo of your own face in adjustment to accomplish one... more

Why Activity Acute Is A Huge Win For Exynos Galaxy S9 Owners

Because of quirks with corpuscle radios and how Android was ahead set up, custom ROM abutment for Galaxy S phones has been dispersed these accomplished few years. It's been about absent for US customers, while all-embracing users would see some ROMs. Thanks to Android Oreo's Project Treble, this will all be alteration soon. One of the better complaints with Samsung accessories has been TouchWiz or Samsung Experience and how far off it is from AOSP. While some barter like Samsung's customization, a dream of abounding has been to amalgamate the abstemiousness of banal Android with the abundant accouterments of Galaxy S... more

Samsung Makes Multitasking Easier On The Galaxy S9

Multitasking on a smartphone has never been better, but it still has some means to go to attempt with a desktop experience. Samsung hopes to change that with a new multitasking appearance on the Galaxy S9, which allows the user to accessible notifications in a new, abate window on top of the app they are currently using. This action, according to Samsung, was advised to abate interruptions that notifications and multitasking can account users, abnormally back watching movies or TV. In the past, users either had a bound appearance of the app they were responding to, or would charge to accumulate a persistent... more

Here's Aggregate Samsung Upgraded From The Galaxy S8 To The S9

If you're not attractive closely, it's accessible to aberration aftermost year's Galaxy S8 for the cast new Galaxy S9. Design, body materials, awning size, software — it's all around identical, save for a few exceptions. But those accessory differences can add up. We fabricated a blueprint highlighting all of the key differences amid the two models, so analysis it out beneath to see the differences for yourself. After the jump, I'll go over anniversary of those upgrades to explain how they'll appulse real-world acceptance in case you're on the fence about acrimonious up a new S9 or snagging a discounted S8. Android Oreo Okay, sure... more

How Android Go Is Bringing Flagship Achievement To Low-end Phones

Ever back Google CEO Sundar Pichai took the helms of the world's best admired brand, he has fabricated it his mission to accompany smartphones to lower-income communities. Born in India, Mr. Pichai has created several programs to abode the needs of the Indian market, decidedly the lower assets families. Mr. Pichai has created several programs aimed at blurred the amount of entry-level smartphones by abbreviation the amount of the genitalia aural them while still accouterment a bland experience. One of Mr. Pichai's aboriginal attempts at this was the Android One program. Now, both Android One and a newer program... more

How To Get The Galaxy S9's New Ringtones & Notification Sounds On Any Android Phone

The Galaxy S9 was appear February 25, and it's accommodation with appearance like AR Emojis and and a Dual Aperture camera. You absolutely adulation the cut of its jib, but maybe you don't accept the agency to get your easily on one. Well now, you can get the Galaxy S9's notification sounds and ringtones, to advice you feel like you own one. XDA user mkc1130 leaked a arrangement dump of the S9's firmware, again jubei79 extracted the ringtone files, so we now accept all we need. While this action is simple abundant if you apperceive what you're doing, it can be alarming for a novice. Luckily, by afterward us step-by-step... more

Galaxy S9+ Camera Beats Pixel 2 & Iphone X With Accomplished Dxomark Account Ever

DxOMark, an absolute camera reviewer, has become the go-to abode area consumers and OEMs akin achievement for acceptable camera array on above new smartphones. The Google Pixel 2 has topped the archive back Oct. 2017, back the account no agnosticism helped cull the phone out from its afflicted launch, but it has aloof been dethroned by the Samsung Galaxy S9 , which accustomed the accomplished DxOMark account yet. The Galaxy S9 accustomed an all-embracing account of 99 points, one point bigger than the Pixel 2, and two bigger than Apple's iPhone X. The accumulative account is fabricated up by a array of subscores awarded from various... more

What's The Aberration Amid Android Go & Android One?

Ever back Google CEO Sundar Pichai took the helms of the world's best admired brand, he has fabricated it his mission to accompany smartphones to lower-income communities. Born in India, Mr. Pichai has created several programs to abode the needs of the Indian market, decidedly the lower assets families. Mr. Pichai has created several programs aimed at blurred the amount of entry-level smartphones by abbreviation the amount of the genitalia aural them while still accouterment a bland experience. One of Mr. Pichai's aboriginal attempts at this was the Android One program. Now, both Android One and a newer program... more

All The Latest Oneplus 6 News, Leaks & Rumors

Aftermost year, OnePlus appear not one but two accomplished flagship accessories with the OnePlus 5 and 5T. While the 5T appear eventually than expected, it brought some advantageous upgrades, such as a abreast bezel-less affectation and a much-needed camera enhancement. With 2018 able-bodied underway, the OnePlus 6 is now on deck. While the belief of absolution a aftereffect to your aftermost above smartphone afterwards aloof four months is debatable, we still appetite to acquisition all the rumors we can about the latest from OnePlus. From photos leaks to upgraded Snapdragon chips, you'll acquisition aggregate you charge to apperceive about the OnePlus 6... more

Report: Oneplus & Htc Are The Affliction Us Phones For Security Updates In 2018

As far as all-embracing security updates are concerned, we all apperceive that iOS reigns absolute over Android. But aloof how bad do Android accessories book adjoin Apple in general? A contempo address will accept you additional academic some companies the abutting time you're in the bazaar for a handset. A address by SecurityLab has aloof surfaced, highlighting the all-embracing alterity amid Apple and above Android OEMs back it comes to absolution security patches in a appropriate manner. Impressively, Windows accessories are issued updates at a acceleration that's on par with Apple. Android, unsurprisingly, lags abaft its major... more

Sony Xperia Xz2 & Xz2 Bunched Specs, Appearance & Highlights

The Sony Xperia XZ Premium brought 4K HDR to a Sony flagship forth with some aggressive internals, while the Xz1 brought some able specs in a added midrange, acceptable anatomy factor. Now, Sony has apparent the XZ2, which sees not alone an advancement in performance, but a complete architecture check as well. While Sony has absolutely lagged abaft in the US market, the XZ2 and XZ2 Compact are authentic 2018. From the ample 4K affectation and abate bezels to the new Snapdragon 845 chip, Sony is dispatch it up this year. It's not bright whether the XZ2 is what it'll booty for Sony to breach through the... more

How To Get The Galaxy S9's Mural Home Awning On Any Android Phone

Samsung's Galaxy S9 was afresh appear with appearance like AR Emoji and Dual Aperture, but abundant functionality lives beneath them — such as the adeptness to accept your home awning auto-rotate to mural mode. It's a nice feature, but with a little work, you can already do this on any Android phone. For best phones, you'll charge to accept a custom launcher to accredit home awning rotation. We'll be discussing the methods for accomplishing so application three of the best accepted apps in this category: Action Launcher, Nova Launcher, and the Pixel Launcher. You can accept a mural home awning with any of... more